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Top Ten Special Operations Forces in the World

So, anyone wants to post pics of special forces instead of arguing?
Since the one who started the thread is a Pakistani, it is justified that SSG is in top ten not NSG/MARCOS/COBRA

The list is published by U.S armed forces museum.


Ironically, SSGs saved couple of indian planes as well...lol

30th September 1981 | SSG rescues 117 hijacked Air India passengers and crew.

Infact, SSGs were so professional that they pinned down and arrested all five terrorists in the plane without harming anyone.

Anyways, it is a well-known fact that SSGs have way more combat experience than any indian SFs...and hence they are rated amongst best of the best SF forces in the world.
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The list is published by U.S armed forces museum.


Ironically, SSGs saved couple of indian planes as well...lol

30th September 1981 | SSG rescues 117 hijacked Air India passengers and crew.

Infact, SSGs were so professional that they pinned down and arrested all five terrorists in the plane without harming anyone.

Anyways, it is a well-known fact that SSGs have way more combat experience than any indian SFs...and hence they are rated amongst best of the best SF forces in the world.

Hey are you the one who said Pakistan has developed the most advanced nuclear weapon mankind has ever created:D
The list is published by U.S armed forces museum.


Ironically, SSGs saved couple of indian planes as well...lol

30th September 1981 | SSG rescues 117 hijacked Air India passengers and crew.

Infact, SSGs were so professional that they pinned down and arrested all five terrorists in the plane without harming anyone.

Anyways, it is a well-known fact that SSGs have way more combat experience than any indian SFs...and hence they are rated amongst best of the best SF forces in the world.
MARCOS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey are you the one who said Pakistan has developed the most advanced nuclear weapon mankind has ever created:D

No, I am not.

Are you the one who said indian soldiers are superior to U.S super computers because indian soldiers drink cow p!ss because of their hindu religion?

Just confirming.


lol, your post only proves my point :)

MARCOS of India does not even come close to level of extreme combat experience SSGs have seen over the years.

- Have marcos ever faced another special force? No.

SSGs have fought against one of THE toughest SFs (Russian Spetnaz) in one of THE toughest terrain (Afghanistan mountains and valleys) and came out victorious (and had loses too). This gives SSG unprecedented hardcore combat experience that even Israelis lack. Forget about indians.

When it comes to asymmetrical warfare, SSGs have faced THE most lethal, well-armed, well-trained, and organized insurgency of 21st century for years now..and that too, in the toughest of terrains (Insurgents that were trained by professional armies, and that were battle-hardened by decades of fighting--and that too, fighting with the superpowers of Soviet Union and United States).

Again, SSGs beat down even Israelis in skill and combat experience, forget about Marcos.

There is a reason why U.S armed forces museum regards SSGs as one of the best of the best special forces of the world. U.S armed forces museum isn't dumb. They know more about fan boys here.

Comparing MARCOS to SSGs is like comparing a B-grade cricket team to South Africa.

SSGs are elite of elite Special Forces with unimaginable combat experience and scope.

Marcos are not even in the same league. Look at their combat experience. They fought some Burmese rebels? :lol:

Even our "Elite Force" of Punjab Police will k!ck *** of those "rebels"...

While SSGs have faced Talibans in AF-Pak mountainous border region (which is the toughest terrain for an army to operate in), and have fought numerous battles Spetnaz forces in valleys and caves of Afghanistan.

what a Liar see the below link . But you know what i can understand your problem when you have numerous idiotic post you cant remember everything :D[
AUz said:
Pakistan is a military behemoth armed with most powerful weapons mankind has ever created.

What can Modi do?

Status-Quo standstill between India and Pakistan isn't going anywhere.

No country can defeat the other country. Both countries can destroy each other. Effective MAD factor exists.

Source: Where's The Pakistan Tough Talk Now, Modiji? | Page 2

DUMBO, I was talking about nuclear weapons as "the most powerful weapons mankind has ever created" ....

And I even clarified that "MAD" factor exists between india and Pak.

What's wrong about it? :lol:
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No, I am not.

Are you the one who said indian soldiers are superior to U.S super computers because indian soldiers drink cow p!ss because of their hindu religion?

Just confirming.


what a Liar see the below link . But you know what i can understand your problem when you have numerous idiotic post you cant remember everything :D
AUz said:
Pakistan is a military behemoth armed with most powerful weapons mankind has ever created.
What can Modi do?
Status-Quo standstill between India and Pakistan isn't going anywhere.
No country can defeat the other country. Both countries can destroy each other. Effective MAD factor exists.
Source: Where's The Pakistan Tough Talk Now, Modiji? | Page 2
lol, your post only proves my point :)

MARCOS of India does not even come close to level of extreme combat experience SSGs have seen over the years.

- Have marcos ever faced another special force? No.

SSGs have fought against one of THE toughest SFs (Russian Spetnaz) in one of THE toughest terrain (Afghanistan mountains and valleys) and came out victorious (and had loses too). This gives SSG unprecedented hardcore combat experience that even Israelis lack. Forget about indians.

When it comes to asymmetrical warfare, SSGs have faced THE most lethal, well-armed, well-trained, and organized insurgency of 21st century for years now..and that too, in the toughest of terrains (Insurgents that were trained by professional armies, and that were battle-hardened by decades of fighting--and that too, fighting with the superpowers of Soviet Union and United States).

Again, SSGs beat down even Israelis in skill and combat experience, forget about Marcos.

There is a reason why U.S armed forces museum regards SSGs as one of the best of the best special forces of the world. U.S armed forces museum isn't dumb. They know more about fan boys here.

Comparing MARCOS to SSGs is like comparing a B-grade cricket team to South Africa.

SSGs are elite of elite Special Forces with unimaginable combat experience and scope.

Marcos are not even in the same league. Look at their combat experience. They fought some Burmese rebels? :lol:

Even our "Elite Force" of Punjab Police will k!ck *** of those "rebels"...

While SSGs have faced Talibans in AF-Pak mountainous border region (which is the toughest terrain for an army to operate in), and have fought numerous battles Spetnaz forces in valleys and caves of Afghanistan.

click on the link i gave einstein, your delusions and dreams about what you think the SSG did vs what the MARCOS actually did

Known Activities and operations
The Marcos are capable of undertaking operations in all types of terrain, but are specialised in maritime operations. The force has undertaken numerous joint exercises with special forces from around the world. The MARCOS presently has approximately two thousand personnel, though its actual strength remains classified. Operations undertaken by MARCOS usually remains classified though some of the known operations are:[4][5]

Operation Pawan, in 1987, where the IMSF (Indian marine special force, as the MARCOS was then known) helped in capturing the harbours of Jaffna and Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, as part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force.[2][3][6]

Operation Cactus, in 1988, where the MARCOS defended the democratic government of president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom of the Maldives from a coup as part of the Indian Navy contingent. The force played a supporting role in India's successful military aid in helping foil the attempted coup by Sri Lankan militants from the PLOTE and ENDLF. A group of 47 mercenaries attempted to escape by sea with 23 hostages, on a hijacked vessel, MV Progress Light. The MCF was pressed into service along with INS Godavari, a multi role frigate carrying Seaking helicopters, Alize aircraft operating from the Navy's base at Kochi. INS Godavari trailed the hijacked vessel for a couple of days, firing intermittently with her guns on the vessel's superstructure. An Alize anti-submarine aircraft dropped two depth charges near the vessel, causing the motley collection of militants to come up on the upper decks and surrender. A contingent of the Marcos operating from Ratmalana Airfield on the outskirts of Colombo, with some help from the Sri Lankan Army in terms of specialised equipment, thereafter boarded the ship and accepted the surrender of the militants and took them into custody.[6]

Operation Rakshak: Counter-insurgency (COIN) operations in Jammu and Kashmir, in the Jhelum River, and Wular Lake, a 65 square kilometre freshwater lake. Some MARCOS personnel are also attached with the Army special forces units conducting counter-terrorism operations in the area.[6] MARCOS use tactics similar to the Israeli undercover special warfare units called Mista'arvim, sporting beards and wearing the 'pheren' (Kashmiri suit), thus making them indistinguishable from the locals.[7]

Operation Muffet: in Somalia[4][8]

Operation Leech, which resulted in the slaying of a number of Burmese rebels at Narcondum Island in the North Andaman group of Islands. A small contingent of MARCOS was reputed to have been involved in the murky operation, which has found intermittent mention in various media.

Operation Tasha, which was instituted after Operation Pawan wound up, and was more a coastal security operation on the Tamil Nadu coast to thwart operations of the LTTE there, than something belonging to the realm of special operations.[2]

Operation Swan, which was a similar exercise on the Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts, after the December 92 blasts in Mumbai, wherein the MARCOS were used for patrolling.

Kargil War: Covert operations behind enemy lines which remain classified.

Protecting offshore oil rigs and platforms: The MARCOS maintain a quick reaction team at Mumbai, to deal with threats to the offshore oil assets at Bombay High.

Operation Black Tornado: MARCOS stormed the Trident and Taj Hotels at Mumbai during the recent terrorist attacks on 26 November 2008 during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks,[9] terrorist were killed in action at the Taj.
In its first ever action in the Gulf of Aden, MARCOS thwarted an attempt by pirates to capture the Indian merchant vessel MV Jag Arnav on 11 November 2008.[10]

In 2003, MARCOS participated in joint training exercises called Exercise Balance Iroquois 03-1/Vajra Prahar with US Special Operations Forces in Mizoram.[11]

September 2005 again witnessed joint Indo-US naval exercises called Malabar 05, which had significant special operations content.

On 13 December 2008 MARCOS units operating from the Indian Naval warship INS Mysore foiled a pirate hijack attempt of Ethiopian vessel MV Gibe off the Somali coast. In the process twenty three pirates were arrested.[12]
On 12 August 2013, the Indian Navy spotted an Iranian Cargo Ship Nafis-1 off course in the Arabian Sea. Surveillance continued on the ship until 14 August, when a MARCOS unit of 9 servicemen was deployed to intercept the ship via helicopter along with support from the INS Mysore. The commandos dropped onto the ship and detained the hijackers, which had reportedly sailed from Chah Bahar in Iran to an undisclosed location. Navy Intelligence reports revealed that the ship was being used to smuggle weapons and contraband. A store of automatic assault weapons was confiscated on board as well.[13]
MARCOS are known to be very secretive, not revealing their actual identity as specialised, elite soldiers. In their operations, they are sometimes assisted by Westland WS-61 Sea King transport helicopters,Chetak helicopters and two-man submarines. MARCOS can be launched from ships, aircraft and submarines in full battle gear.

vs our experience with the SSG

Indo-Pakistan War of 1965
The SSG guerrillas were initially deployed along the Afghan border to repel Afghan incursions into Pakistan, but their first major deployment came during the war of 1965. Around 120 officers and men were dropped on the night of 6/7 September near the Indian airbases of Adampur, Pathankot and Halwara. Due to the poor intelligence, inadequate preparations, difficult terrain, and poor visibility, none of the teams were able to regroup after the drops. Most of the men were either killed or captured by civilians and Indian armed forces, and only a few made it back to Pakistan. Captain Hazur Hasnain and a few jawans captured an Indian Army jeep and made it back via Fazilka.[2] The operation was a disaster. By 1971, the SSG had grown to 3 battalions with 1 permanently stationed in East Pakistan.

you are one of those deluded pakistanis who believe in military superiority of their men vis a vis indian soldiers while the past conflicts prove the exact opposite
click on the link i gave einstein, your delusions and dreams about what you think the SSG did vs what the MARCOS actually did

vs our experience with the SSG

you are one of those deluded pakistanis who believe in military superiority of their men vis a vis indian soldiers while the past conflicts prove the exact opposite

here comes wiki boy...

SSG in SL:


SSG trained the SL SF...
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click on the link i gave einstein, your delusions and dreams about what you think the SSG did vs what the MARCOS actually did

vs our experience with the SSG

you are one of those deluded pakistanis who believe in military superiority of their men vis a vis indian soldiers while the past conflicts prove the exact opposite

Dumb ****, I did open your link. And that is why I said that Marcos are vastly inferior to SSGs when it comes to combat experience.

Why don't you go ahead and tell me bharti, what hardcore special Ops forces have Marcos fought against in actual battle-field? :azn:

What insurgents have Marcos fought against? Were those insurgencies more battle-hardened, better trained, and more resourceful than Talibans/Al Qaeda fighters in AF-Pak border regions? :lol:

You can delude yourself all you want, but the fact remains that U.S armed forces museum puts SSGs as best of the best elite special OPs forces, while Marcos isn't even mentioned anywhere!!!! :rofl:

U.S armed forces museum is as professional/credible as it gets. They aren't bunch of idiotic bharti fanboys you know.

here comes wiki boy...

SSG in SL:

View attachment 42528 View attachment 42530

SSG trained the SL army SF...

Leave that poor guy..

He uses "wikipedia" to prove "combat experience" of marcos

Dumb ****, I did open your link. And that is why I said that Marcos are vastly inferior to SSGs when it comes to combat experience.

Why don't you go ahead and tell me bharti, what hardcore special Ops forces have Marcos fought against in actual battle-field? :azn:

What insurgents have Marcos fought against? Were those insurgencies more battle-hardened, better trained, and more resourceful than Talibans/Al Qaeda fighters in AF-Pak border regions? :lol:

You can delude yourself all you want, but the fact remains that U.S armed forces museum puts SSGs as best of the best elite special OPs forces, while Marcos isn't even mentioned anywhere!!!! :rofl:

U.S armed forces museum is as professional/credible as it gets. They aren't bunch of idiotic bharti fanboys you know.
i was just giving an example
MARCOS is a naval sp force, which you do not have. if you want to talk about land based counter insurgency, competing against india is stupid, because india has the most experience in that field. are you aware that indian institutions (like CIJWS,IMA,NDA) train candidates from United States, Singapore, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, United Kingdom, Israel, France, Bangladesh and many other nations? no you dont and you probably wont since you like to live in you delusion castle. and like i said, when these same SSGs where used against us in 65, we dispatched them to their paradise effortlessly which is why you find most indians here are not particularly impressed by them

Leave that poor guy..

He uses "wikipedia" to prove "combat experience" of marcos

i believe wiki to be more reliable than a deluded pakistani fanboy who uses excess emoticons to overcome his insecurity
i was just giving an example
MARCOS is a naval sp force, which you do not have.

Who told you we do not have Naval OPs SF? :rofl:

Again, you didn't tell me.

What experience B-grade special forces of india have when it comes to fighting HARDCORE special OPs forces in actual battle-field?

Pakistani SSGs fought Russian Spetnaz in real battles on Afghan terrain...

Come again, what does B-grade special forces of india has here?

You clearly don't have an answer. And I don't expect you to have an answer.

Since your special Ops are unknown B-grade forces while SSG is ranked as best of the best by U.S Armed Forces Museum

i believe wiki to be more reliable than a deluded pakistani fanboy who uses excess emoticons to overcome his insecurity

Deluded are you..and insecurity? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is your unknown B-grade special forces that does not even get a mention by Professional institutes while Pakistani Special Op Forces get ranked as best of the best by the likes of U.S armed forces museum.

Offcourse, non-professional, non-experienced, random internet fanboys like you know more than professional, internationally renown military organization ( U.S armed forces museum) run by people with vast knowledge of military and its history, combat-experience, and vast experience in military organization.

Sure. :lol:

Again, you did not tell me. What insurgents have Marcos or other B-grade special Op forces of india have fought against that were more battle-hardened, better trained, and more resourceful than Talibans/Al Qaeda fighters in AF-Pak border regions?


The answer is: none.

Because there is no insurgency more lethal and battle-hardened than the one Pakistani SSGs (and U.S Special Forces for that matter) have been fighting in Afghanistan-Pakistan (border regions).
The list is published by U.S armed forces museum.


Ironically, SSGs saved couple of indian planes as well...lol

30th September 1981 | SSG rescues 117 hijacked Air India passengers and crew.

Infact, SSGs were so professional that they pinned down and arrested all five terrorists in the plane without harming anyone.

Anyways, it is a well-known fact that SSGs have way more combat experience than any indian SFs...and hence they are rated amongst best of the best SF forces in the world.
well you forgot black tornado, blue star, akshardham terrorist attack and for more of it you need to open it's wiki page. Talking about MARCOS, they are everyday killing pirates of the Lakshwadeep Island whom your Navy guys don't even know about. So, just chill and be unbiased ! ok ?

Who told you we do not have Naval OPs SF? :rofl:

Again, you didn't tell me.

What experience B-grade special forces of india have when it comes to fighting HARDCORE special OPs forces in actual battle-field?

Pakistani SSGs fought Russian Spetnaz in real battles on Afghan terrain...

Come again, what does B-grade special forces of india has here?

You clearly don't have an answer. And I don't expect you to have an answer.

Since your special Ops are unknown B-grade forces while SSG is ranked as best of the best by U.S Armed Forces Museum

Deluded are you..and insecurity? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is your unknown B-grade special forces that does not even get a mention by Professional institutes while Pakistani Special Op Forces get ranked as best of the best by the likes of U.S armed forces museum.

Offcourse, non-professional, non-experienced, random internet fanboys like you know more than professional, internationally renown military organization ( U.S armed forces museum) run by people with vast knowledge of military and its history, combat-experience, and vast experience in military organization.

Sure. :lol:

Again, you did not tell me. What insurgents have Marcos or other B-grade special Op forces of india have fought against that were more battle-hardened, better trained, and more resourceful than Talibans/Al Qaeda fighters in AF-Pak border regions?


The answer is: none.

Because there is no insurgency more lethal and battle-hardened than the one Pakistani SSGs (and U.S Special Forces for that matter) have been fighting in Afghanistan-Pakistan (border regions).
Just stop telling bs. PARA commandos have better experience than your SSG ones as they have flushed out your Jehadis and your army guys from Kashmir. THE MANIPURI POLICE COMMANDOS AND THE FORCE ONE ARE BETTER TRAINED AND EQUIPPED THAN YOUR INFERIOR SSG.
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