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Top Ten Muslim Militaries

Sir, i think, there is a few errors here.

Pakistan's GDP is approximately $427.3 billion (2008)...Military budge is $7.8 billion...

Turkey's GDP is approximately $902.7 billion(2008) ... Military expenditure is $40 billion...

I Guess you are confused by GDP (PPP) and GDP(Nominal). I think the previous poster was talking about the GDP(Nominal). If you see the same source that you present, it states

GDP(PPP) - $ 427.3 Billion
GDP - $167.6 Billion

So for most references people talking about GDP are talking about GDP (Nominal).
How come they generate so much cash ??

What exactly do turkey imports beside , F16 or upgrades , their GDP is quite healthy
Sir, i think, there is a few errors here.

Pakistan's GDP is approximately $427.3 billion (2008)...Military budge is $7.8 billion...Source

Turkey's GDP is approximately $902.7 billion(2008) ... Military expenditure is $40 billion...

Hon. Insane has already explained the difference between GDP (Nominal) which is calculated at official exchange rate and GDP (PPP) which takes into account cost of living.

Please note that different estimates are quoted in different publications and the way these are calculated is also different. Official budget from the Pak Finance Ministry’s website (www. finance.gov.pk) gives allocation of defense as under;

20008- 2009 Rs 296,077 million
2009-2010 Rs 311,303 million

I remember the budget allocation under Mush’s last year when dollar was at 60 rupees amounted to $4.8-billion; however with US dollar at 80 rupees current figure comes to $ 3.9-billion only. The figure of $7.8 billion for defense appears to be very high for Pakistan; it is possible that it includes amounts used in defense equipment purchase.

I did mention that figures used by me were estimates only and I could easily be in error.
The point I was trying to make was that in conventional forces terms (excluding the use of nuclear weapons) Turkey stands far ahead of Pakistan. Figures quoted by you reinforce the same.
I think another problem is that Pakistan Generals sucked in 71 and 65 wars.While lower ranks officers and soldier's performed well..the generals well the less said the better.I don't know how our generals will perform today but after reading Hamoodur-Rehman commission i was surprised.We had some very very bad generals.
How come they generate so much cash ??

What exactly do turkey imports beside , F16 or upgrades , their GDP is quite healthy


GDP - 17th Largest , 15th largest GDP(PPP)
Member - G20, NATO
Human development Index ( High)
Received FDI - $145.5 billion ( for comparision India only $76 billion)

Main industries

food processing
Mining (coal, chromite, copper, boron)

Imports -

semi-finished goods
transport equipment


Textile and clothing
Home Appliances
Iron and steel

* Turkey's Vestel Electronics is the largest TV producer in Europe, accounting for a quarter of all TV sets manufactured and sold on the continent - source wiki

* Turkish companies made clothing exports worth $13.98 billion in 2006

* Turkey has a large and growing automotive industry, which produced 1,024,987 motor vehicles in 2006, ranking as the 7th largest automotive producer in Europe; behind Germany (5,819,614), France (3,174,260), Spain (2,770,435), the United Kingdom (1,648,388), Russia (1,508,358) and Italy (1,211,594), respectively

* Turkey is also one of the leading shipbuilding nations; in 2007 the country ranked 4th in the world (behind China, South Korea and Japan) in terms of the number of ordered ships, and also 4th in the world (behind Italy, USA and Canada) in terms of the number of ordered mega yachts

* The Turkish construction and contracting industry is one of the leading, most competitive and dynamic construction/contracting industries in the world. In 2007 a total of 22 Turkish construction/contracting companies were selected for the Top International Contractors List prepared by the Engineering News-Record, which made the Turkish construction/contracting industry the world's 3rd largest, ranking behind those of the USA and China

* Tourism is one of the most dynamic and fastest developing sectors in Turkey. According to travel agencies TUI AG and Thomas Cook, 11 of the 100 best hotels of the world are located in Turkey

* In 2008, the number of visitors rose to 30,929,192, who contributed $21.9 billion to Turkey's revenues

* Turkey ranks tenth in the world in terms of the diversity of minerals produced in the country. Around 60 different minerals are currently produced in Turkey. The richest mineral deposits in the country are boron salts and Turkey’s reserves amount to 72% of the world’s total. According to the CIA World Factbook, other natural resources include coal, iron ore, copper, chromium, uranium, antimony, mercury, gold, barite, borate, celestine (strontium), emery, feldspar, limestone, magnesite, marble, perlite, pumice, pyrites (sulfur), clay, arable land, hydropower, and geothermal power.

* Istanbul, Turkey's financial capital, had a total of 35 billionaires as of March 2008, ranking 4th in the world behind Moscow (74 billionaires), New York City (71 billionaires) and London (36 billionaires)

* Turkey's Vestel Electronics is the largest TV producer in Europe, accounting for a quarter of all TV sets manufactured and sold on the continent - source wiki

Addition to that;

*Beko is also a leading electronic producer company of the World...
*Turkish Automotive industries exporting their models for international markets...

That advertisement implies the export number of Beko products at every second in World...

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That is my favorite Beko advertisement... :)

and Temsa Egypt institue...

World biggest sailing yacht produced in Turkey-Maltese Falcon...

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Whatever Happen in Gujarat was even publish by Rediff and same source was taken by your Media and Ziad.

It should be published aur isko koi indian chupa bhi nahi sakta thaa...BBC was the first one who published that extremism of Hinsuism and hindu terrorists then indians published that.

Indian media is not like your media who hide the truth. It was tahelka and Aajtak who took challenge to do the Sting Operation. Ya, it's Aajtak whom you say "not to quote" many times. Anyway its about top 10 millitary, continue it. Please move on with real topic and don't discuss the crape.

indian media is based on Fake , Bogus , Shame , nonsence etc......They have only one rule that is : "CREATE PROPAGANDAS AGAINST PAKISTAN AND CHINA" these are the aim of their lives ...

If you talking about Pakistani media so let me clear ..
Pakistan doesn't need to hide anything because we never ever do these kind of guilty crime which india done especially the officials of india also involved on that matter..Also indian police doesn't support muslim of india when those hindu terrorist do that...
None taken brother.....But dont you think that numbers matter?

Yes the Muslims only number 14%-15% in India, but their sheer numbers exceed those of muslim majority countries......
So much so that if there was a 2nd partition in India, the Muslims of India could form a state larger than the population of Pakistan and probably rival Indonesia!!!

I feel India should be a part of this list as the army belongs to those 150 Million muslims as much as it does to the Hindus, and it protects the muslims and their lands/possessions as much as it does for the Hindus.....

Back in the ancient times, when Mughals ruled India, the majority population was still Hindu, the soldiers and Generals who fought under the Mughal banner were Hindu as well.....But yet the country was Mughals, ruled by Muslims and called a Muslim army......

Nothing has changed since then except for the map of India, but the cocept remains the same.....

Thats why my inclusion of India......But I see what everyone here is talking about and if the topic at hand is about the Muslim countries with a state religion or a majority muslim population, then I agree India should not be part of the list


Its common sense that here we compare those countries which have true faith and majority of Muslim population ..... If we include the states which have large number of muslim minorities so we must create a new threat and its called "Top ten world militaries" Because Muslims are the 2nd largest religion (possibaly first in 15-20 years) and they are every where in this global...every Country , every State/Province , every City even every area.. :yahoo: :yahoo:

Only Muslims who got this rank because Christianity is largest religion but they are not every where, accept some particular places....
Going back to discussion

Wow very impressive , exports for Turkey definitly a top notch nations and proud nation that is

Now about the why india should be in list or not
Well it makes not sense, even if the Muslims in india make a huge population , they say muslims are like 15% but we all know those stats are false just to keep the Muslim share in their polics low level

Also , I think there are no major number of Muslims in Airforce nor in Army , I think there is a very low low quantity of Muslims in Indian force.

Muslims in India currently face economic , sanctions on educational fronts and also when it comes to attaining very high posts in companies

Perhaps if some Indian can post some follow up on Muslims in Indian army it would be great way to learn about that aspect of Indian army

But realistically - India has problems in Assam/and with Muslim population they may not realize it but its a ticking time bomb , as these people are kinda very neglected.
Just having 2-3 movie starts , is not enough to say all 16% of indian population have reached their earning potentials or economic status

But I think , ppl say India is secular this and that but just I watch their TV channels and there are always a big issue when Muslims demand educational seats in universities or jobs .. they are in very bad shape very backward

But I may be wrong , please correct me. I have never discussed the issue with indian muslim etc
Indeed it was fairly forcibly converted. I don't argue that it could have willingly but force conversion was far enough to hide that small willing percentage. Yes, off course you could be one of those families son who were forcefully converted into Islam but latter you developed yourself as Muslim and story gets finished.

Wait Wait Wait did you mean Rise of Islam in India by force?
Islam is spread by word, not sword …
I think you read this on any Indian newspaper who add the “S” letter at starting point of “word”…lol

I am the witness that Islam is not spread by the sword.. if u tell us that islam spread by sword.. so which muslim army invaded in Malaysia, Indonesia, South Thailand, South Philippine, Brunei and Singapore (once was ruled by malay hindu king).. None of any Malays been forced to convert.. Even Islam does not spread by sword in middle east..
India was under the leg of Muslim rulers (or sword as you likes to say) for over 800 years but still larger population is Hindu. Spain was under Muslim 800 hundred years. Still it has 99% Christian population.
Many Europeans and US citizens still accept Islam nowadays do you feel these powerful countries are under the pressure of Sword?
Ok now check your own country India where thousand of hindus accept Islam annually, are they under any sword?
What can I say about Muslim countries they all have about 99% Muslim populations did you ever heard that any muslim country took action against non-muslim minorities?
(I accept only in Pakistan where some blast over Christian church, but terrorists done that)
This is only incident which we see in Islamic history but this is because of terrorist and Pakistan removing that element from Pakistani soil.
But we saw regular on world's newspapers that hindu extremists slaughtred minorities in India however they are Muslims , Christians , Sikhs or others and this force of Guns :sniper: not sword doesn't make anyone to accept hinduism even people of world hinduism and india just because of that.
If we really want to converted people by sword believe me :
All of subcontinent
Half part of Europe
Minor, Pacific and other Asians
Almost more than 75% of world population must be Muslim now…..

But Islam Spread by word, peace, truth, nobleness and forgiven nature of Islam and Its still spreading now.

So try to think like broad minded unlike Indian narrow minded people .I also suggest you don’t follow Indian historian or media which are totally jealous :flame: from Muslim rulers, Cultural and faith .

So just use common sense.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest standing armed force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces, with a combined strength of 1,043,550 uniformed personnel serving in its five branches
F-35A Lightning II (order for 116)
F-16C/D Block 52 (30 new F-16 aircraft will be built by TAI)
(210 in numbers) F 16 C/D block 30/40/50
52 F-4E 2020 Terminato
104 F-4E Phantom II
39 RF-4E Phantom II
43 F-5 2000
24 F-5A/B Freedom Fighter
12 NF-5A/B Freedom Fighters

13 C-130B/E Hercules (with ELINT/SIGINT equipment)
17 C-160T Transall
50 CN 235-100M
At present, the primary main battle tanks of the Turkish Army are the Leopard 2A4 and the M60T. There are also around 400 Leopard 1 and 750 M60 Patton variants in service (excluding the M60T which were upgraded with the 120 mm MG253 guns), but the Turkish Army retains a large number of older vehicles. More than 2,800 M48 Pattons are still in service (upgraded with the 105 mm M68 guns) though only around 1,300 of these are stored as reserve MBTs, while the rest are mostly transformed into other types of military vehicles (such as cranes, MBT recovery vehicles and logistical support vehicles) or used as spare parts hulks.
Today, the Turkish Army officially claims it can deploy an Army Corps of 50,000 men to conduct joint operations at short notice, and also conduct air assault operations with a lift capability of up to 6 battalions at a time, day and night
4 Gür class Type 209T2/1400 Submarines
4 Preveze class Type 209T1/1400 Submarines
6 Atılay class Type 209/1200 Submarines
Type 214 AIP Submarines
2 SalihReis class (MEKO 200 TN II-B) Frigates
2 Barbaros class (MEKO 200 TN II-A) Frigates
4 Yavuz class (MEKO 200 TN I) Frigates
8 G class (Oliver Hazard Perry class) Frigates
3 Tepe class (Knox class) Frigates
TF-2000 class Frigates
10 ATR 72-500 ASW/ASuW MPA
7 TB-20 Training Aircraft
24 Sikorsky S-70B2 Seahawk ASW/ASuW Helicopters
3 AB-204 Naval Warfare ASW/ASuW/EW/SAR Helicopters
14 AB-212 Naval Warfare ASW/ASuW/EW/SAR Helicopters
8 AB-412 EP SAR Helicopters
Well Top 10 military seems a high number a Top5 kinda brings in more thought as to who is to be eliminated. That is because from the discussion till now there are just 15 candidates -

*Turkey, Pakistan, Iran,Soudi Arabia, Egypt
*Algeria, kuwait, UAE, Libya, Morocco
*Indonesia, Malaysia, Syria, Jordan, bangladesh

The following stats dont relate directly related to the topic but may be essential in the context. So, here it is-

Land Area - In Square kilometers
population- In Millions
GDP(Nominal)- $ Billions
GDP Per Capita- US dollar
Military Expenditure- $Million
Forex Reserves- $ Billion
Gold Reserve - Tonnes
Exports- $ Billion
Imports- $Billion
External Debt- $ Billion
Oil Production- Thousand Barrels Per Day
Oil Consumption- Thousand Barrels Per Fay
Oil Reserves- Million Barrels
Water Resources- Cubic Km= 1,000,000,000 m3 = 1 TL

* Data may not be current and exact
* I have rounded up data to fit excel and for readability.


* After some study i am surprised how military power with respect to war may look different than what i thought. Countries like Algeria, Egypt, Libya could throw a bigger punch than expected.
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I think Turkey Supporters are getting sentimental.. Basically, Army don't stand on the spenditure but armed force, and now a days Missile Technology is most important thing. Since in the time of war you aren't always defending.. you need to go offensive.. and Pakistan has capiablity to go offensive through its missile, through its cruse missile, through it nuclear submire, with Al-Khalid Tank which is tanked among best tanks in the world. Also to be noted, pakistani expenditure on military is only counted what Civilian government spend on Military, while there are military earnings, which never get into real figures.. Not the least, pakistan manufactor their own tanks, sub marines, ICBMs, cruse missiles, and many of light weapons.. so it means their expenditure must be much less then other countries since they save cost.. similarly the number of armed force in pakistan is much higher then turkey.. so you can't say turkey goes better then pakistan.. lastly, pakistan is always in war from many years, so this also shows that their troops are always ready.. while in case of turkey only those troops are in the state of war which are been used by NATO..
Considering Nuclear Power in Military might is very essential. I think we can not make practical calculations without taking nuclear power into consideration.

Also delivery systems for Nuclear weapons is increasingly important under current scenario.

I am also wondering doesn't Turkey have 40 Thermonuclear Bombs ready for use by its air force if it needed ( Under NATO Nuclear Sharing) ? So wouldn't that mean it doesn't need to be a nuclear state with own arsenal. It implicitly has nuclear weapons for use.
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