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Top industrialists bat for Modi as the next Indian PM

The Whole World is taking Muslims for a Ride guzzling their Oil, I cant Blame The Congress! Can you?

I dont think so . Oil is natrul resource and just becuse most of the proven oil resorces are in muslim countries doesn't make it muslim oil . It belongs to those countires and they trade it in international market and in return get money for it . I don't see how it is a case of world taking muslims for ride . Btw you haven't answered my orginal question .
I dont think so . Oil is natrul resource and just becuse most of the proven oil resorces are in muslim countries doesn't make it muslim oil . It belongs to those countires and they trade it in international market and in return get money for it . I don't see how it is a case of world taking muslims for ride . Btw you haven't answered my orginal question .
Look if I bring In Politics, all us will be shamed because the Subcontinent is home to the worst Politics ever Played, Be is Indian or Pakistani of BD! Pakistan is a Muslim Country, reprresented by Muslims, why arent u guys up there with the USA? or atleast Israel? Why??? Politicians My friends and Power Hungry assholes.

Oil In Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people, who happen to be Muslims, and whats happening to their Oil?? Are the people getting richer?? you wish!
IMHO, Modi is too much of a polarizing figure to be a viable choice for any national level role. People have vanished from public life for far lesser allegations whether proven or not. Its his good fortune and if as you all claim him being a great task master, and Gujarat's too that he is in a position to still influence public policy in that state. I may be a sympatizer of Bjp over Congress, but I hope they never make the mistake of bringing him to the national level. This is not an example you want younger leaders to look up to.
he is following the China priciple in Gujrat,

Modi is not following China principles in gujarat. Gujarat was already a well develop industrial state and he just exploited to foriegn investments.

And as Modi being PM, I would not suggest that all because he is two far to the right (conservative), but would definetly like to see him as a home minister position.
Well well look what we have here Narendra Modi is a proven mass murderer and a butcher of Gujarat to make him a prime minister of Hindustan will be suicidal.

Again this shows double standards by Hindustanis on one hand they are trying to smack a hammer on Pakistanis to clamp down on terrorism on the other hand you have Hindu terrorists that are allowed to come into power.
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