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Top Industrial PowerHouse of Islam Geography ?

What muslim country, you? You call yourself muslim when you never help sunnis palestinians since1948?

You're good at barking against Syria as your JEW NATO master tells you

But i stop speaking with you, as always you're a zionist disguised as all people for zionist Al Qaeda

I'am again satisfied to seev a fake muslim account hating Assad

Why do you stop talking to me, I just bring the fact for discussion....

We were at war with Dutch and British during1945-1949, and then at Soekarno era we were fighting British and Aussie, isnt it British who gave Palestinian land to the Israel ??? So....? Did you fight British Iranian ?????

We helped Pakistan also during his independence war by sending our submarine....

Soeharto was dare to go to Bosnia Herzegovina at war....risking his life. Do you know that we actually sent ammunition there by using Soeharto trip there ??? Please ask to the Bosnian war veteran to understand what I said.....

We guarded Hisbullah territory now with 1000 soldiers..and Hisbullah is paying us by killing our Sunni brother in Syria...
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Some here choose to omit/want to omit Indonesia as Muslim, and overlook large Muslim population in SW China, also.

It is unusual for some here to try to exclude Asiatic Muslims, while touting Iran, which is a non-Arab Muslim national population.

AS in my Christianity...Islam, too, has different varieties of peoples who are as much Muslims as are Arab Muslims.

Turkey, for instance is less Arabic in population make than say Saudi Arabia.
We guarded Hisbullah territory now with 1000 soldiers..and Hisbullah is paying us by killing our Sunni brother in Syria...
Again Hezbollah BS, sunni VS shia. I was right, you're a zionist disguised.
I'am satisfied to see that all Hezbollah haters are JEWS, at least for me.
Again Hezbollah BS, sunni VS shia. I was right, you're a zionist disguised.
I'am satisfied to see that all Hezbollah haters are JEWS, at least for me.
@Fukuoka What is wrong with you?

Indonesia and why can India not be considered for this? We have second largest Muslim population.
@Fukuoka What is wrong with you?

Indonesia and why can India not be considered for this? We have second largest Muslim population.
it is pointless to talk with him, to him, Indonesia is a friend of JEW USA, wonder what he will say about India
India indeed has almost as large a Muslim population as does all of modern day Pakistan. Good point, AjmalPathan.
Top Ten Countries with Largest Muslim Population
RankCountryCapitalEstimated 2010 Muslim Population% of World Muslim Population
2IndiaNew Delhi176,190,00011

(Population estimates are rounded to the ten thousands. Percentages are calculated from unrounded numbers. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding).

SOURCE: Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life •Global Religious Landscape, December 2012.
@Fukuoka What is wrong with you?

Indonesia and why can India not be considered for this? We have second largest Muslim population.
Because Indonesia is conquered by US bases and look like a little US army

You can't pretend yourself muslim when you collaborate with the people oppressing the holy land of Islam: Palestina

Americans who install dictators, Al Qaeda, invade, make fun on Islam to destroy it

You either are with the enemies or with Islam not the 2 at the same time
Nationalist Country based on Pancasila, not Al-Qur'an as long as i know

Yup, true, Madokafc...but Pancasila is in line with Islam principle...and not against it. Even the order of the contain is also like Islam teaching. By the way, the name of this principle is pointless...the contain that is really important.
Because Indonesia is conquered by US bases and look like a little US army

You can't pretend yourself muslim when you collaborate with the people oppressing the holy land of Islam: Palestina

Americans who install dictators, Al Qaeda, invade, make fun on Islam to destroy it

You either are with the enemies or with Islam not the 2 at the same time

Tell me and name me one of these bases, if there is really an U.S base inside Indonesian territory. You can't because there's no U.S base in Indonesia and you are still trapped in your dreamworld. :lol:

Yeah, tell that to Pahlavi :lol:

Anyway, Ahmadinejad said he will erase Israel from the face of the earth and save Palestine. Now, years years later Israel still stands and Palestine still looks the same. Iran is not even like Iraq that really sent SCUD missiles to Israel so don't lecture us about saving Palestine and being a true Muslim. :lol:

Anyway, Instead of bitching without direction like you, we assist Palestine economically, we even build and donate to Palestine, an entire Hospital, so quit talking about saving Palestine because you did almost nothing beside talking.

Indonesia Hospital in Gaza city:





Are you plain stupid or your mom gave you wrong nutritions when you were a kid?
Tell me and name me one of these bases, if there is really an U.S base inside Indonesian territory. You can't because there's no U.S base in Indonesia and you are still trapped in your dreamworld. :lol:

Yeah, tell that to Pahlavi :lol:

Anyway, Ahmadinejad said he will erase Israel from the face of the earth and save Palestine. Now, years years later Israel still stands and Palestine still looks the same. Iran is not even like Iraq that really sent SCUD missiles to Israel so don't lecture us about saving Palestine and being a true Muslim. :lol:

Anyway, Instead of bitching without direction like you, we assist Palestine economically, we even build and donate to Palestine, an entire Hospital, so quit talking about saving Palestine because you did almost nothing beside talking.

Indonesia Hospital in Gaza city:





Are you plain stupid or your mom gave you wrong nutritions when you were a kid?
Teman, just ignore this fukuoka kid. He's very pro Iran, because he thinks Iran is the savior and true protector of Islam, but Shia Iran is supporting Orthodox Armenia vs... Shia Azerbaijan (because of political and/or ethnic reasons). The irony. Fukuoka blames Sunnis, Zionist, Christians, but never his beloved Iranian regime that also creates division among sunni and shia muslims. No offense to Iranian members, just fukuoka. Don't take this guy serious
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Tell me and name me one of these bases, if there is really an U.S base inside Indonesian territory. You can't because there's no U.S base in Indonesia and you are still trapped in your dreamworld. :lol:

Yeah, tell that to Pahlavi :lol:
Little US army

Anyway, Ahmadinejad said he will erase Israel from the face of the earth and save Palestine.
Thanks to say zionist Al Qaeda protect very well Israel
Indonesia Hospital in Gaza city:




You just allow the JEWS beating palestinians and pretend you do something.

JEWS are very satisfied with the people giving hospitals, they never put them under embargo

What will you say when Allah TMM ask you what risks have you taken, what did you do when palestinians are oppressed

Are you telling that you were drinking coca cola and watching, and be conquered by JEW USA bases?
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