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Top 10 Most Significant Battles in the History of the Subcontinent

Nope, not exactly. There are in many occasions where lot of people from other regions in the world reached Other part of Indian subcontinent through Sea and brought in new ideas. And, India also has influenced other part of the world through their connection through seas. For ex, Vietnam, Loas, Combodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Maldives and there are many more in the list. Lot of new people came through sea and reached other part of India including Europians.

Of course the sea was very important in Indian history, but is it more important than the Northwest?

Very debtable.
Pretty much agree with the order you have placed the battles in. Perhaps the second battle of Panipat should have been 3rd in place of the 2nd battle of Tarain since if Akbar or rather Bairam Khan had lost this battle, the Mughals would have probably never recovered. Either this way these are minor changes and i agree with the list generally speaking.
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