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Top 10 Most Powerful Countries In 2011

I think the most powerful countries here r the ones who has the most number of trollers on this forum........:hitwall:
We need a lot more work to make it to the top 10 but I believe we are more than capable of achieving it. First step to get there is to make your own weapons and the fruits of the massive ToT to Saudi Arabia from the west Russia and China will bear it's fruits in time. But I say it is still 10 more years till we are competing in the top 10.
In every forum i c these countries bashing each other on issues which r they themselves guilty of.......dont u people c who r the guys that stand in the most profitable position by the fightings in our region..........who can sell more and more weapons if the hostilities continue among the neighbours of this region........whose people will be benefitted by the countless jobs provided by arms purchase of countries like us and live in utter luxury whereas our people even cannot earn for their 2 meals a day......who stand the most affected by the development of these regions...and so promote hatred between the people of this region..........................we r not in a position to go on bragging abt the powers.......the western countries once controlled our region....they looted us of every assets.... and when they left they divided us to fight against each other so that they can benefit the most........and now they have been successful in their ploy....as i think India and Pakistan can never again come to peace with each other as the hatred for each other has become too much deep rooted..............all i can say to everyone here to think of the situation if we did not have the kind of hatred between us that we now have.......(cont...)
we could have developed our economy so well.......we could have had all literate people by now.......and then go for militarization of our countries..............take Uncle Sam for example........it's military is fighting war in every corner of the world but have they shown even a little aggressiveness in their own region.....NOOOO........US and Canada have a long boundary, but do they have the kind of problems that we have here.....NOOOO......bcoz they r very clever and know that to have a developed economy, apowerful posture world over....the first thing u need is peace in ur region..........but we fools never c this aspect and go on fighting amongst ourselves.......................also take a look to the europe.....a classic example of what can happen when powerful neighbors fight is the World War 2.......after the war, the europeans understood that very well......so they went for peace among themselves and chose the path of development........what was their condition after WW2.....they were simply ruined......what was the condition of germany after the war....there was hardly any building standing intact in berlin......surely india or china or even pakistan was in a better condition than that.......but they chose the path of peace from then on....developed their economy....and we fought against each other......................After the WW2 how many wars did the europeans fight in their region, and how many wars we have fought in our region since then, who profited from all the destruction that we suffered during wars..........guys we r such a FOOL!!!!!!.......(cont....)
to have a strong posture world over u must have a developed economy, which not only provides work to ur own people but also to people of other countries...........better living standards for ur people......and then can u go for militarization........................to be powerful, one has to have peace inside his home and in his neighborhood.......the western countries understood that earlier and so r now reaping the fruits of it.....ppl may say that the economies of western countries r now in a slump, but still their people live in much much better condition than we do.............the situation in our neighborhood is getting grim day by day.......

Pakistan: The hatred for india has become so deep rooted that they can do anything to harm india, even if that harms them selves.....trying to seperate kashmir from india will not benefit pakistan in any way for which they r giving their all for......

India: People frustrated and angered by the incessant cross border terrorism and so bears hatred towards pakistan........also hate china mostly due to the defeat of 1962 and and recently the aggressive posture taken by the chinese govt.

China: Thinks they will be world no.1 by taking an aggressive stance over it's neighbors......they forgets that the US became a superpower not by the aggressiveness but by the virtue of their tremendous development and maintaining peace in their region....

I think people here will not understand this right now until we have a huge war against each other like the europeans had.....the hatred has run deep..............look at the germans, they r in EU now, does that mean that they had forgotten their WW2 memories.....NOOO.....does that mean they now love britons and french......HELL NOOOO........but they r clever enuff or mature enuff to figure out that fighting with each other will lead them nowhere......we also need to think the same.............

but, i think ppl here will not understand this ryt now, time will only show us everything........a huge war, when enuff lives will be lost, enuff damage will be done to each other that we will finally understand that this hatred is not going to lead us anywhere.....

For now it can only be said think of a situation where India China & Pakistan r on the same side.........after all why r we fighting???? we have been ruled and tortured by the same country for so many years, i thought we shud have had a common enemy....but instead we r fighting among ourselves...........!!!!!!
to have a strong posture world over u must have a developed economy, which not only provides work to ur own people but also to people of other countries...........better living standards for ur people......and then can u go for militarization........................to be powerful, one has to have peace inside his home and in his neighborhood.......the western countries understood that earlier and so r now reaping the fruits of it.....ppl may say that the economies of western countries r now in a slump, but still their people live in much much better condition than we do.............the situation in our neighborhood is getting grim day by day.......

Pakistan: The hatred for india has become so deep rooted that they can do anything to harm india, even if that harms them selves.....trying to seperate kashmir from india will not benefit pakistan in any way for which they r giving their all for......

India: People frustrated and angered by the incessant cross border terrorism and so bears hatred towards pakistan........also hate china mostly due to the defeat of 1962 and and recently the aggressive posture taken by the chinese govt.

China: Thinks they will be world no.1 by taking an aggressive stance over it's neighbors......they forgets that the US became a superpower not by the aggressiveness but by the virtue of their tremendous development and maintaining peace in their region....

I think people here will not understand this right now until we have a huge war against each other like the europeans had.....the hatred has run deep..............look at the germans, they r in EU now, does that mean that they had forgotten their WW2 memories.....NOOO.....does that mean they now love britons and french......HELL NOOOO........but they r clever enuff or mature enuff to figure out that fighting with each other will lead them nowhere......we also need to think the same.............

but, i think ppl here will not understand this ryt now, time will only show us everything........a huge war, when enuff lives will be lost, enuff damage will be done to each other that we will finally understand that this hatred is not going to lead us anywhere.....

For now it can only be said think of a situation where India China & Pakistan r on the same side.........after all why r we fighting???? we have been ruled and tortured by the same country for so many years, i thought we shud have had a common enemy....but instead we r fighting among ourselves...........!!!!!!
very well said mate .There is a saying no one is friend or no one is enemy in politics ,underworld gangstership & Geopolitics ,only friend is interest.:enjoy:
So India ,pakistan & china should understand if we fight with each other ,noone would be the real winner ,the real winner would be US & WESTERN european countries ,which are doing monkey business:agree:
very well said mate .There is a saying no one is friend or no one is enemy in politics ,underworld gangstership & Geopolitics ,only friend is interest.:enjoy:
So India ,pakistan & china should understand if we fight with each other ,noone would be the real winner ,the real winner would be US & WESTERN european countries ,which are doing monkey business:agree:

That is true.
Lol all positives about China and all negatives about India, hmmm who wrote this article again ????
Anatoly Karlin

he wrote this
why do always these westerners compare india and china........these r two different countries having much in common.....similar comparisons r not made between UK and US or France and US, then why china and india.....?????
think a different moto is working behind it....????

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