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Too Many Secrets....

I must say I have never heard such a negative description of Sengupta from anyone before, nor can I comment on your accusation of 'lying' without any more information.

I do know that he has been a largely credible writer on defence related issues for many years now, and his information matches up with other sources.
That is what i am trying to say mate. He is NOT credible.

For his information here to be wrong you would have to claim that an obvious nationalist decided to make up conversations with Indian generals and make it conform to what Musharraf said, even though it paints his country in a negative light.

That's really stretching it.

But, we can agree to disagree. I find his article very credible given the reasons I have already mentioned.
You might find his article credible. And i will not contest that, whether the article is credible or not, i donot claim to know any better. But i have myself seen some factual errors and have also seen him being pulled up by others who have also found factual errors in his articles.

Like Bull says, its not about opinions he is pulled for, its about what he portrays as facts. He has been known to print inaccuracies and speculation as FACTS. What is so hard to understand there mate? I reiterate that i am not talking about his opinions, opinions over which i too have seen character assassinations of many people,i am talking about facts.

He is NOT one of the credible defence analysts or writers in India. There is only one publication where he is featured regularly-a magazine called 'Force'-of which he is the Chief Editor.
PEace btw PAKISTAN AND INDIA is something which globel powers dosent want. Its vital to go forward.
I mean if India wnats to be a good economicpower and a globel influential player it cannot become unless it solves its deputes with Pakistan and has friendly and confidance building ties with its neighbours specifically China. A peacfull south Asia with a strong alliance btw China Pakistan Bangladesh Sirilanka India Russia Iran Turkey Malaysia Indonesia Yemen could be mutually benificial. just like EU we can form a strong Asian commenwealth Block like AsianUnion .It would be a dream scenario but could be possible and the pathlies in the solution of key disputes.

Unless you can show me an instance where he has deliberately lied, I fail to see why someone who has written as a defence analyst for so many years, and has consistently referenced contacts within the Indian military and government in his works during that time, should be taken as 'not credible'.

A lot of the criticism directed against him that I have seen has typically been from fan boys who cannot stomach his critique of Indian products such as the LCA, Arjun, ALH, and the organizations that have developed them - more jingoistic mud slinging for tarnishing 'Indigenous Indian achievements' than any factual rebuttals.

However, I am open to seeing if you can offer credible evidence indicating he is a pathological liar as you suggest. Beyond that, as I said, his article matches up with other sources.

Someone else expressed disbelief, and he clarified in his comments - perhaps you should approach him with your concerns. he seems pretty accessible and responds relatively quickly.
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Unless you can show me an instance where he has deliberately lied, I fail to see why someone who has written as a defence analyst for so many years, and has consistently referenced contacts within the Indian military and government in his works during that time, should be taken as 'not credible'.
Mate, I dont keep track of his errors. Over the years i have seen his mistakes many a times. I dont keep records nor do i keep them in active memory for his articles for i am usually able to double check on what he writes through other sources.

A lot of the criticism directed against him that I have seen has typically been from fan boys who cannot stomach his critique of Indian products such as the LCA, Arjun, ALH, and the organizations that have developed them - more jingoistic mud slinging for tarnishing 'Indigenous Indian achievements' than any factual rebuttals.
Oh yes, that is directed towards him quite a bit. More so at Siv Aroor. While such comments are unwarranted, Prasun and Aroor have ALSO deliberately supressed facts and figures to paint many products in bad light. These facts and figures have also been posted at forums like BR.

And while you may consider BR to a fanboy forum, you would be literally quite shocked to find the qualifications of a good number of people there and where they are employed. Which includes other defence analysts of a greater caliber than either of these two gentlement. Suffice to say, that if you actually disregard their constant mud slinging at Pakistan, its more than a gold mine of information.

However, I am open to seeing if you can offer credible evidence indicating he is a pathological liar as you suggest. Beyond that, as I said, his article matches up with other sources.
I have constantly told you, i am not saying that this article is false. What i am saying is that you cannot just assume it to be true. This article may or maynot be correct. I ask you, if you express doubt at the fact that he mentions the 324(?) Military Intelligence Battalion responsible for bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul, would you not doubt his other facts? For the laymen, it appears to be a detailed article which "MUST" be true, they cannot corroborate his articles from other sources. But for those who are more experienced and know their stuff in this business it amounts of plain lying.
You cannot be selective, that one part of his article is correct, and the other false, especially when he has a flair for putting in details.

Someone else expressed disbelief, and he clarified in his comments - perhaps you should approach him with your concerns. he seems pretty accessible and responds relatively quickly.
I have better things to do. I read for my knowledge, not to educate everyone else.
I am sure keeping in mind Musharraf's comments and previously by the current government, that Pakistan has proves of Indian involvement however the only point of concern is that are we doing about it? I haven't seen much voice raising by Pakistan even in the Musharraf era, even when chinese got killed and one senate member i don't remember his name, actually made his comment that both CIA/RAW are involved in the killing of the Chinese citizens, and US embassy we quick to comment on the same and decline, however we did not hear anything more, probally because Musharraf may have got a phone call to back down. But coming back, how exactly does backing down will help Pakistan? infact it is going to further put us on the path of destruction.
A county like Afghanistan with the help of their Indian masters right under the nose of the world liberators and peace protectors is spreading terrorism and here we are inviting their shitty president over oath taking ceremony and what not. Why can't for once we get straight with the Americans, either stop this nonsense or we will re consider our stance on WOT. What is that keeps every GOP and not just the current one to keep quiet while these parties are busy bashing Pakistan and its institutions. This is just pathetic and no one and i mean no one from the current democratic setup and opposition has dared to oppose it, for them the restoration of judiciary is far more important then the existence of Pakistan itself.
For the laymen, it appears to be a detailed article which "MUST" be true, they cannot corroborate his articles from other sources.

Thats my point - you can corroborate what he said with what Musharraf said, what appeared in the Foreign Affairs blog article, the ISSA analysis and in general what Pakistan has said all along.
Thats my point - you can corroborate what he said with what Musharraf said, what appeared in the Foreign Affairs blog article, the ISSA analysis and in general what Pakistan has said all along.

It's a no brainer that India has indeed been aiding the Baloch insurgency. That much is obvious. But the other claims made by him-whether its DIA or RAW or any other such agency is suspect.

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