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Too many Indians on this Pakistani Forum

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Dear All,

I see Mods like Neo, MuradK, Keyser, Adux doing a commendable job of particpating as well as editing offensive posts without discriminating about the nationality of the poster. We should welcome all nationalities including Indians and even if some one is radical or full of biased views by banning him we are not achieving anything. In some ways Indians here add some spice to the chicken tikkas / Biryanis (discussions) we all cook(post) here. Let us not stoop to the level of the biased forums Lahori mentions.

Dear All,

In some ways Indians here add some spice to the chicken tikkas / Biryanis (discussions) we all cook(post) here. Let us not stoop to the level of the biased forums Lahori mentions.


Dear AN

How about all the Pakistani who add spice on Indians chicken tikkas / Biryanis (discussions) y'know in a positive way
no mention of that.

Dear AN

How about all the Pakistani who add spice on Indians chicken tikkas / Biryanis (discussions) y'know in a positive way
no mention of that.


Hey man leave the chicken tikka and biryani out of it what have they done to you.:crazy:
IMO there is no point in any discussion unless there is someone out there who can argue the opposite. Remember Socrates; who used to go around the streets of Athens and challange people to debate and willing to argue opposite to any thing you care to debate.

All my compatriots who are against Indians in this august forum. It doesnt matter if a Pakistani is excluded from Indian forum. It is the business of Indian forums and not Pak def. If an Indian member ridicules Pakistan or Islam, it is his business, he wouldnt do it if he was a Pakistani, would he?

If you truly want to to know what the other party thinks of you, your country and your religion. You must be prepared to read posts/points of view of your potential adversaries.

There is no other way. It not only gives you the insight of what others think of you; it also gives you an opportunity of introspection. It allows you to analyse if there is any truth in what other are saying.

As far as I am concerned, I dont care if you are a Hindu or a Muslim, a Pakistani or a Bangla Deshi. As long as you willing to discuss/dispute any thing with me in a civil manner; you are welcome. What I would prefer however, is to discuss all subjects with reference to Pakistan or its impact on Pakistan.
I have no idea why this thread is here at 1st place.........the purpose of the forum is to listen and have views of each and every member.

Yes if some one is doing something wrong..why should we follow im talking about about other forums.....and indeed its quite a different forum and i appreciate all the mods for doing....this difficult job to keep everything in place. Things do get heat up some times......and i wont just blame one party all the time.

Frankly speaking i always enjoy being here.........and have made some good friends both indians and pakistanis. and there's no better place to share each other's views face to face except this very website.

It is indeed frustrating if some one talk about some one else's religion, and i condemn that and will keep on doing it!!!.....but again their are ways to discuss things and deal with the issues.......and i m sure most of our old members are well aware of them.

So plzzz STOP spoiling the atmosphere of the forum by creating these kind of useless threads. If there are any issues direct them to the mods.
Dear AN

How about all the Pakistani who add spice on Indians chicken tikkas / Biryanis (discussions) y'know in a positive way
no mention of that.Regards

Dear Arsenal6,

The post was a reply to " Re: Too many Indians on this Pakistani Forum" and the original poster did not wan't any Indian here, so I said the above. If in any other Indian forum someone wanted to ban Pakistanis , I assure you my defence would be as robust for my Pakistani Friends. On this forum you are any way the dominant factor and thats reality so let the Indians also have their say.

Best regards
Hey man leave the chicken tikka and biryani out of it what have they done to you.:crazy:

Dear Cheetah,

What have they done to me ? WELL

1. They are so delicious that they have added a few inches of girth to my beer belly.
2. They are so delicious that I order them every weekend for dinner and lunch next day.
3. They are so tasty that I go for shamelessly to my muslim friends on eid.


Ps : We claim that we invented Chicken Tikka Masala not Chicken Tikka
There are lots of things over here that have changed my view on Pakistan, some have been good and refreshing, some bad and disappointing. Whats life without the two.

Spread Love and Have sex
You know i never got that. Where the fcuk in India do you EVER get CTM? I mean there is Chicken Tikka, never CTM !

Same as curry. Now only Britain has made curry famous as the staple meal of Indians. What the fcuk is curry in itself? Either its Chicken curry or mutton curry or hell even vegetable curry, curry is simply gravy. So what the hell is ordered in British restraunts when you order 'curry'.

And they say CTM and curry are Indian dishes!
They have always made mockery of Islam on this forum, .

I have mocked the followers, a few of them like you. Not the relegion itself.

that the world out side India is different, where rights are not discriminated based on cast or religon. .

Well its you who was crying out loud that Muslims are discriminated everywhere!!!

I can pul out many posts where these Indians keep stressing that Islam is terrorist religon. .

There are lot of terrorists who claim they believe in your relegion, i did say that.

Frustrating is that this clearly shows there knowledge about the teaching of Islam but yet you will find them talking most about Islam and irony is they know least.

What i know is that no relegion asks anybody to be killed, or to be harmed. But when i see dickheads saying "I wont blame another muslimm even if he killed somebody" and "obeying british law is obeying the queen and going against Allah'.... i do wonder!!!

They also associate all the evils of society with religon without knowing that enemy forces are funding those evils in Pakistan..

Like lal Masjid. The masjid had OBL sometime back.

They always equate the human right situation in Pakistan same as India but Pakistan is exaclty opposite its people are over free and are not subjected to un-lawful killing, as in case of India, we also don't have cast divide..

Yeah yeah!!!

They are spreading hate not peace. They have spoiled my manners..

You didnt have any.

Now Its beyond limits, these uncivilised creatures have learn few abusive words and think they keep adding one in every post they write.They better stop it or accept similar treatment.

oh oh u scared the **** out of me!!!:coffee:
The point has been noticed. Thank you for posting.

I have sent you a PM regarding this.

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