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Toddler Chained To Fence By Syrian Rebel And Forced to Watch Parents killed


Dec 5, 2012
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Take a good hard look at the photo. Looking away from it will not change the fact that it happened. This girl’s family had different religious views from the Syrian Rebel Army. When the “Free Syrian Army” marched into her town, they chained her to a fence and forced her to watch as her parents were tortured and killed for their religion. These are the same “Free Syrian Army” soldiers that Obama just violated international law to provide weapons to.

I will not gross people out with the graphic video or the violence that happens over there daily under the guise of a “peaceful” army taking on the “evil” leader of Syria. The look on this child’s face says enough. Think about what she has to endure. This event would scar you for life as an adult, I can only imagine the hardship that this little girl will have to endure. An orphan of an insane Islamic Radical Army that through Pictures have made no qualms about where there next target is.

While President Obama shouts “It’s for the Children”, we have to ask ourselves is it really? This is a child. This is now an Orphan. Her parents were not butchered in front of her by Assad but by the very group he broke international law to fund. She didn’t ask for Al Queda to free her. Her parents didn’t ask to be butchered by Al Queda. Assad hasn’t talked about butchering every last Christian, Jew, Hindu, or Buddhist left in the country. No that would be the “Free Syrian Army” of Al Queda and death row inmates from Iraq and Iran shipped to the country to fight Assad, that WE are funding.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us not forget what they desire. Posted directly on the Free Syrian Army’s Facebook Page was only a picture with a caption that tells us everything we need to know as Americans. Take a hard look at the picture above and below. This is who we are funding.
and then they took a pic and posted on net that this is what we do. serious dude? stop spreading lies without proof, who knows whao that child is and who took the pic and even if that happened in Syria.
Terrorists of the worst kind. The terrorists inside Syria should be killed and the countries sending these terrorists (Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey) should be nuked back to the Stone Age. Russia needs to bomb these 3 countries all the way to hell.
Lol @ desperate Asshead propagandists, a pic of a child chained to a fance, where's the FSA in this ? And most importantly where's the proof ? And is this even in Syria in the first place ? Plus the ones famous for murdering children are Assheads not the other way around.

"IF" this can be proved to be directly from FSA quoted news will you stop supporting alqaeda and FSA?

If not then I would not waste my time trying to make you see sense where there can never be any.
Please don't post such disturbing pictures or in title mention "GRAPHIC" .

Plus the news is unsubstantiated . Such kind of posts are meant to incite emotions in people . Oldest trick in the book of propaganda . Now i am not saying FSA/assad doesn't do such things . Videos are out .

Both parties are out of touch of humanity .

Take a good hard look at the photo. Looking away from it will not change the fact that it happened. This girl’s family had different religious views from the Syrian Rebel Army. When the “Free Syrian Army” marched into her town, they chained her to a fence and forced her to watch as her parents were tortured and killed for their religion. These are the same “Free Syrian Army” soldiers that Obama just violated international law to provide weapons to.

I will not gross people out with the graphic video or the violence that happens over there daily under the guise of a “peaceful” army taking on the “evil” leader of Syria. The look on this child’s face says enough. Think about what she has to endure. This event would scar you for life as an adult, I can only imagine the hardship that this little girl will have to endure. An orphan of an insane Islamic Radical Army that through Pictures have made no qualms about where there next target is.

While President Obama shouts “It’s for the Children”, we have to ask ourselves is it really? This is a child. This is now an Orphan. Her parents were not butchered in front of her by Assad but by the very group he broke international law to fund. She didn’t ask for Al Queda to free her. Her parents didn’t ask to be butchered by Al Queda. Assad hasn’t talked about butchering every last Christian, Jew, Hindu, or Buddhist left in the country. No that would be the “Free Syrian Army” of Al Queda and death row inmates from Iraq and Iran shipped to the country to fight Assad, that WE are funding.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us not forget what they desire. Posted directly on the Free Syrian Army’s Facebook Page was only a picture with a caption that tells us everything we need to know as Americans. Take a hard look at the picture above and below. This is who we are funding.

whats the source?

i hope god gives these terrorist scums the hottest place in hell if this true.
If this video is true then I pray that FSA and all their backers are held accountable on this world and the next. And the fact is I really won't put it past FSA/Alqaeda to do this, after watching the video of that savage eating the soldiers hearts.

These people have become like the jahil of the time of ignorance. Poor child.

I personally feel the "FSA" had no right to revolt against a government, they could have worked within the system to implement change. What good did this civil war do for any Syrian? Correct me if I'm wrong but the only limitations that Assad put on Syrians was more politics based. So all this destruction just because you want to be free politically? while forgetting the cost of human lives and materials? What kind of logic is this?
This is horrible and makes my blood boil. I hope the Syrian government kills every last one of these monsters and I hope those responsible for arming these terrorists are killed or put in prison for the rest of their lives. Barbaric animals, nothing more.
Never compared Russia to KSA or vice vera. I said If Russia does such thing, things will get ugly. Last time an explosion took place in their airport and people were terrified, do you think the Ruskies would risk the safety of their people to attack thousands of miles away state?

I never use such mechanism to compare apples to oranges. Speaking of being a client state, does being a clinet state means that KSA could invade Bahrain? :lol: arm the Syrian rebels? :lol:

Nah, we can trun Russia upside down, we easily can trigger another Ruskie civil war if needed :lol:
what do any of your threats to kill Russians through a manufactured civil war have anything to do with this thread? Why are you trolling other people all the time? If you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion just move on.

What these terrorists are doing in Syria is horrible. If you cannot admit to that because of your nationality or political leanings you have serious problems. Social and otherwise.

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