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To whom does the term 'Aryan' belong?

Since we are talking about vedic aryan, the Indians claim that they are all just one they are aryans and there is nothing different between dravidians and aryans (may be after centuries you guys want to narrow the divisions by stating so, its a good thing for local unity), however saying that it has anything to do with ONLY language and NOT race and religion and culture well its indeed a wrong claim.

Vedic Aryans were different people with different religion and practices, some of them migrated southward and lost their origional faith and culture , indeed they cursed those tribes of theirs who stayed back (Sapta Sindhu).

the rituals which are followed now by hindus in India as many of you have said were adopted over time hence it can be implied that these are changing things and should not be made basis for taking offense at ?

Your views are too narrow minded,these claims of Aryan Dravidian divide are subjected to various scientific scrutiny and never found any conclusive evidence. Y-Chromosome model study conducted by geneticist Stephen Oppenheimer ave yielded dramatically conflicting inferences on the genetic origins of tribes and castes of South Asia.A recent scientific theory postulates origins of the hypothetical proto–Elamo-Dravidian language, which is thought to be the precursor of Tamil. The extinct Elamite language of ancient Elam (present-day southwestern Iran). Linguist David McAlpin has been a chief proponent of the Elamo-Dravidian hypothesis. The extinct Harappan language (the language or languages of the Indus Valley Civilization) may also be part of this family.Apart from the linguistic similarities, the Elamo-Dravidian Hypothesis rests on the claim that agriculture spread from the Near East to the Indus Valley region via Elam. This would suggest that agriculturalists brought a new language as well as farming from Elam(Note that orgin of agriculture lies in South west Asia). Supporting ethno-botanical data include the Near Eastern origin and name of wheat (D. Fuller). Later evidence of extensive trade between Elam and the Indus Valley Civilization suggests ongoing links between the two regions.

It has been proposed that the proto–Elamo-Dravidian language spread eastward from southwest Persia into South Asia with agriculture, and the argument is bolstered by the existence of a solitary Dravidian-speaking group, the Brahui, in Pakistan.There is also a hypothesis that the Dravidian languages display similarities with the Uralic language group, suggesting a prolonged period of contact in the past.What ever the case the truth is The mosaic of people that is today's India is a long history of successive migrations, sometimes making peace with other groups, sometimes making war, sometimes settling in domination of others, sometimes simply moving further away to live in peace. The human adventure is truly a complex one.I am not saying there were no migration from Central Asia during Vedic Period,but they were not the only migrations, and they were many such even before.So notions of Aryan and Dravidians purely based on a flawed 19th century IVT must be carefully interpreted based modern day evidence.

funny celeberating holi also does not make you hindu but following hindu gods does pollute the faith of non hindus simple logic.

the Rigveda clearly stated who were Aryans and what was their faith. the reality is they were NOT Hindus .

Hindus were dravidians. some of aryans (few from their tribe/s) went southward India and adopted dravidian faith. So you may have some desi aryans in your folds in India but the reality is India is majority dravidian

Aryans were also NOT part of dharma.

Above all awhile back you Indians were saying that hinduism is ever changing and their is NO strict rule of following dharma so why you have to have this rule for Christians or for that matter any other faith to become part of hinduism?

Bunch of BS not worth any reply.You clearly don't understand the complex nature of Human migration and none of your blabbering has any scientific basis.It has more to do with your preconceived prejudices than any thing scinetific.
NO Indra was vedic Aryan god which later adopted by hindus and termed it another form of shiva which by the way was NOT again it implies that those vedic aryan tribe who migrated to south were consumbed by dravidian faith.

may be it has more to do with minimising the influence of migrators :) which by the way dravidians did.

"In Rig Veda, the gods of Dyaus is the same as the Greek Zeus (Roman Jupiter), Mitra is the same as the Graeco-Roman Mithras, Ushas is the same as the Greek Eos (Roman Aurora), and

Agni is the same as the Graeco-Roman Ignis. "

Vedic Indra corresponds to Verethragna of the Zoroastrian Avesta as the noun verethragna- corresponds to Vedic vrtrahan-, which is predominantly an epithet of Indra.The origin of Shiva to the pre-Aryan period, and believes that he played an important role in the Indus Valley Civilization.A seal discovered during the excavation of Mohenjo-daro has drawn attention as a possible representation of a "proto-Shiva" figure.How the persona of Shiva converged as a composite deity is not well documented.But obviously there is no evidence that nay body claimed they are both the same.
Aryans were the Sakas who resided in pre-Turkic central asia, and not southern Russia , that's why Scythia سکائیه has been known separately from Sarmatia سرمتیه , which is a biblical name for Caucasus.
full bollocks,the aryan culture is dead with the guys who share the chromosomes and the mixed ones still keep it,

there you go.
When we look at Hindus, the modern day Hinduism is a clear descendant of Aryan civilization and beliefes, We still have 4 vedas, Rig, Sam, Yadur and Atharva veda. Each veda was written at a different part of time.

These writtings evolved at various stages with new ideas and lights were thrown to the evlution. The biggest problem was the lack of patronage( and its inevitable for such an old civilization) that we see a watered down version of Aryan thoughts to modern day Hindu idiology.

People who consider Rig veda as a part of their religion are the decendants of Aryan civilization from Aryavarta. Anyone one else who doesnt follow Rig veda is not Aryan. simple....
the Rigveda clearly stated who were Aryans and what was their faith. the reality is they were NOT Hindus .

Hindus were dravidians. some of aryans (few from their tribe/s) went southward India and adopted dravidian faith. So you may have some desi aryans in your folds in India but the reality is India is majority dravidian

Aryans were also NOT part of dharma.

More of your usual spiel, the Rg veda says what exactly? Prove that Hindus were Dravidians if you can? Dravidians can be Hindus but what kind of a ridiculous argument is that? We are talking language families, unless you can prove that those who speak Dravidian languages form a separate race, you are just indulging in rubbish talk.

Do you consider Muslims, Christians & Jews as part of Hinduism ? :undecided:

Depends actually. Hinduism does not necessarily bar Muslims, Christians, Jews or anyone else from claiming that they are Hindus. Hindus don't consider them a part not because of what their religion says but because these religions(Christianity, Islam,Judaism) emphasis separateness. Most Hindus have no real problem considering Jains a part of Hinduism even if the original Jain philosophy was very anti many ancient Hindu practices.
@ExtraOdinary i already given my comment.... i think u missed my post here.... Aryan race is indian race. Germans are children of aryan indian race.... Hitler knew everything. Aryan is a Sanskrit word.... Hitler adore india and loved india. He stole swastika of india and made a symbol of nazi because he knew india is mother of majority of race.... Do u know majority of Nazi had bhagvadgita in pocket? They knew hindus are supreme race.... aryan is a sanskrit word that indian gods gave to india. Indian gods said majority of people in world are hindus by birth. Hindunism is not religion. Its a spiritual science.... i can tell u alot more. Just keep an eye on my facebook wall at Galacticfederation33@gmail.com i will add there info later.... Btw nazi copied india wrong way. They knew indians very first pure aryan race with powerful brain. They turned holy swastika into evil nazi swastika. i have 18 feet long swastika at my home.... Nazi aliens are pro indians and against americans.... but we ashtar galactic federation of light is neutral to nazi alien race.... i have seen few nazi alien humanoids near osho pyramid ashram.... Later in fb i will explain. Meanwhile read here bit info....
Nazi Germany
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It has been proposed that the proto–Elamo-Dravidian language spread eastward from southwest Persia into South Asia with agriculture, and the argument is bolstered by the existence of a solitary Dravidian-speaking group, the Brahui, in Pakistan.

Unlikely. The Brahui are more accepted as a late entrants into that area.

There is also a hypothesis that the Dravidian languages display similarities with the Uralic language group, suggesting a prolonged period of contact in the past.

That is odd. I would have thought the commonly held position is that there is an Indo-Aryan/Indo-Iranian connection to the Uralic languages. Even that seems a very odd part of linguistic history because the Ualic languages seem to have absorbed a number of Indo-Aryan/Indo-Iranian words but the transfer hasn't happened in the reverse direction. That bit certainly confuses those who see that connection as proof that "Aryans" passed through the area before moving towards S.Asia.

Bunch of BS not worth any reply.You clearly don't understand the complex nature of Human migration and none of your blabbering has any scientific basis.It has more to do with your preconceived prejudices than any thing scinetific.

Yup !
In Rg veda river Ganga does not even come close to the importance given to River Saraswati. Rgveda was written in a long period of time and in the earlier parts of it there is no mention of Ganga. I am not sure but in the earlier parts of Rg I did not find Kashi and Varanasi to be mentioned.May be in the later parts it is there.Let me brush up it once again.

It is true that the Saraswati is more important in the Rig Veda, that is because the Puru clan were settled on its banks. And there are indeed references to ancestors from Kashi.
@ExtraOdinary i already given my comment.... i think u missed my post here.... Aryan race is indian race. Germans are children of aryan indian race.... Hitler knew everything. Aryan is a Sanskrit word.... Hitler adore india and loved india. He stole swastika of india and made a symbol of nazi because he knew india is mother of majority of race.... Do u know majority of Nazi had bhagvadgita in pocket? They knew hindus are supreme race.... aryan is a sanskrit word that indian gods gave to india. Indian gods said majority of people in world are hindus by birth. Hindunism is not religion. Its a spiritual science.... i can tell u alot more. Just keep an eye on my facebook wall at Galacticfederation33@gmail.com i will add there info later.... Btw nazi copied india wrong way. They knew indians very first pure aryan race with powerful brain. They turned holy swastika into evil nazi swastika. i have 18 feet long swastika at my home.... Nazi aliens are pro indians and against americans.... but we ashtar galactic federation of light is neutral to nazi alien race.... i have seen few nazi alien humanoids near osho pyramid ashram.... Later in fb i will explain. Meanwhile read here bit info....
Nazi Germany

Thank you sir. So Nazi aliens are on our side, what about communist and capitalist aliens, is there inter alien war going on right now.
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It is true that the Saraswati is more important in the Rig Veda, that is because the Puru clan were settled on its banks. And there are indeed references to ancestors from Kashi.

Or it might be their unfamiliarity with gangetic plain.For example the absence of vyaghra(tiger) which comes into picture much later in Atharva veda when the population shifts more towards south east.
Aryan have never been part of India's national identity, unlike in Iran (Land of the Aryans) were people always referred to themselves as 'Aryans' (Iranians).
:tup:. My bad. Thnx for clarifying. Can you tell how beef became a taboo.

No one really knows. It is probably to do with the fact the cow became way too important to eat as people settled from cow herders to agricultural life. It was in any case not very common at any time to eat beef, very rare occurrences & not eaten by the common people. From there to move onto a taboo wouldn't have taken much doing.

Aryan have never been part of India's national identity, unlike in Iran (Land of the Aryans) were people always referred to themselves as 'Aryans' (Iranians).

The land was called Aryavarta, you don't get much more of an identity than that.

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