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To keep China at arm’s length, Japan to export arms to India

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We must first concentrate on strengthening economic relations....defence partnerships will
come as it is.
It would be more beneficial if Japan would renounce its pacifist military doctrine.

It is stepping stone in that direction.

I think ..there is nothing impossible for Japanese ..if they want to do that.

I like Japanese sprit ..when they are at war..Only god can save their enemy.:D
how about this baby? Type 99 155 mm self-propelled howitzer
Japan acting smartly to give fitting response to China and its misguided violent people....As I always believed, Japan is any day better than China in almost every area…they had upper hand in the past and they have the same leverage today…This one is enough to intensify the chronic heart burning of China….

I am happy to see that almost every country in this world is looking at India to neutralize Chinese threat…what India need is, one good leadership at centre and then whole world will see the power of democratic giant!
India able to clinched Pakistan's allies namely USA,Saudi Arabia,Indonesia to it's side.

In return, Pakistan is still struggling to get access in Indian's friends list Israel,Russia,Vietnam.

Now, Pakistanis can do nothing except cursing their Leadership failure.:D
Remember in the geostrategic arena, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. And in this age it's all about money!

Unfortunately for Pakistan, it cannot cough up the greenbacks required for those huge lucrative defence purchases that India can afford and splurge on. So countries are bending over backwards to mollycoddle India for those $$$$!

All this talk of 'keeping China at arms length' is hogwash. Except for a token joint naval presence in the South China sea, I don't see how India and Japan can keep China at bay! This is all about selling some high tech electronics to India and a few coast guard ships to try and bolster japan's tottering economy.
Remember in the geostrategic arena, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. And in this age it's all about money!

Unfortunately for Pakistan, it cannot cough up the greenbacks required for those huge lucrative defence purchases that India can afford and splurge on. So countries are bending over backwards to mollycoddle India for those $$$$!

All this talk of 'keeping China at arms length' is hogwash. Except for a token joint naval presence in the South China sea, I don't see how India and Japan can keep China at bay! This is all about selling some high tech electronics to India and a few coast guard ships to try and bolster japan's tottering economy.

Dude, Yes money play very important part in Geostrategic relations but it is not 'all about money'.It also depends on other factors.

for eg. China has the mountain of money but still can't get Europian defence Technology.
consider about Iran also has money but UK would not sell it's Typhoon ,No matter how deep recession is.

You are making over-simplistic argument.
Remember in the geostrategic arena, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. And in this age it's all about money!

Unfortunately for Pakistan, it cannot cough up the greenbacks required for those huge lucrative defence purchases that India can afford and splurge on. So countries are bending over backwards to mollycoddle India for those $$$$!

All this talk of 'keeping China at arms length' is hogwash. Except for a token joint naval presence in the South China sea, I don't see how India and Japan can keep China at bay! This is all about selling some high tech electronics to India and a few coast guard ships to try and bolster japan's tottering economy.

exactly my words.
the situation in world arena changes very fast. todays friends & allies become conpetitors tomorrow.

its purly business & $$$$$$$ change a lot of things.
to be a real ally Japan must lift the embargo on export of nuclear tech to India.

Japan & India with the SCS Nations must form a block (minus US) out of ASEAN, increase cooperation in Economics & defence. this will definately keep China awake.

Dude, Yes money play very important part in Geostrategic relations but it is not 'all about money'.It also depends on other factors.

for eg. China has the mountain of money but still can't get Europian defence Technology.
consider about Iran also has money but UK would not sell it's Typhoon ,No matter how deep recession is.

You are making over-simplistic argument.

yes but nation interese comes first. what do you think if Chinese thret hadnt been there & current economic situation of Japan been of 2000's level, would they have offered the same to India?????????????????
yes but nation interest comes first. what do you think if Chinese thret hadnt been there & current economic situation of Japan been of 2000's level, would they have offered the same to India?????????????????

When did I say Japan has improving relation with India due to some philanthropy or out of their love for India?

It is out their national interest to keep check over China. So it is converging of interests between India and Japan.

More and More 'so called' Pakistan's allies have now 'converging interests' with India for eg. Suadi Arabia,USA,Japan and Indonesia.
So my take is what ever opportunities comes to your door , grab it with both hands.

Now it's just more and more opportunities are coming at door of India

Opportunities come obviously due to some reason,otherwise nobody gives even poison for free :D
japanese shipbuilding is highly advanced india can learn a lot from it................
japan can offer Hyūga class helicopter destroyer for IN LHD RFI

Soryu class submarine for submarine RFI
so i was right.

US is interested in selling weapons to India and want India to get critical tech, but indirectly.

US weapons are entering Indian market through Israel and critical tech is going to India through Japan.

and US is giving false impression to world that they are not interested in selling weapons to India beyond a limit.(for obvious reasons)

that's why we see news like this

India must get type-10 tank from japan.....


some equipment from Type 10 may go into FMBT.

i am sure IA will interested in hiring Japanese consultants for weight reduction technique for MBTs, which will be very useful for FMBT and Arjun MK 3

P.S> i have also heard that Japan used to sell us some type of dual use equipment to India before 2000s and that equipment was used in Agni missiles.

is this true?
India needs Japanese industry much more than expensive weapons with high upkeep costs.

Maybe in 20 years it will change.

Perhaps it's the beginning of the end of American dominance of Japan in the defense industry? A revigored Japan will cease importing American weapon systems and start producing their own. The F-35 disaster could perhaps be the wake-up call.
Ok, looks like our navy is going to be benefitted with this.. There electronic warfare sys in ships are way better than Indian and chinese one so we can expect some new sys for our future frigates and destroyers..

Indian navy should go for japanese help for frigates instead of going for 3 advanced krivak from russia, it will help us to learn new tech..
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