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TLP worker pulling down Ranjit Singh's statue at the Lahore Fort


Mar 8, 2019
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TLP worker pulling down Ranjit Singh's statue at the Lahore Fort. The statue had previously been vandalized by TLP workers on at least two different occasions in the past.




Ali Usman Qasmi on Twitter: "TLP worker pulling down Ranjit Singh's statue at the Lahore Fort. The statue had previously been vandalized by TLP workers on at least two different occasions in the past. https://t.co/IMhcZmPj7e" / Twitter
I have no love for ranjit singh but these morons of TLP are no less of a scourge than TTP. If you go to their madaris they are a hub of londay bazi. My cousin who got education in TLP affiliated madrisa told me horror stories about how they used to rape little kids by taking turn and then issued death threats to keep their families quiet. These Khawarijis need to be put in place before they destroy entire fabric of our society. Our authorities should have gotten the hint when their Twitter and Facebook trends were being launched from india and afghanistan.
WTF where is security forces and why these TLP jerks are still roaming freely among humans?

Security forces can't control TLP. TLP will come out in millions like they did last time and the CIA will take advantage of it and start a civil war.
Security forces can't control TLP. TLP will come out in millions like they did last time and the CIA will take advantage of it and start a civil war.
there are other ways to control these animals.
Good on him, this was a BS move by Fawad Chaudry to have this statue installed in the first place, this animal ranjit singh is responsible for terrorising muslims of that era and using mosque’s as stables…..
so? that means indian hindus are right when they destroy mosques and Muslims monuments cz as per them muslims terrorized hindus and loot them.
So let me guess he watched Taliban on the news the night before to give him confidence. What next the confidence to blow himself up in a market?

How many times do I have to tell you this mindset is not Pakistani, it USES Pakistan for its gain.

When Rizvi threated to nuke Holland, he wanted to USE Pakistani nukes. Do you understand? He doesn't care about the implications it would have on Pakistan, it just wants to use us, very parasitic. They will use you but never have your back. This is a disease and a foreign psyops running centuries.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

1. We should never have built this stupid statue - it's unislamic to build statues. If he wanted to remember him he could have built a monument that or put up a plaque.

2. Vandalism is not acceptable in any circumstances. The person responsbile should be charged.
Good on him, this was a BS move by Fawad Chaudry to have this statue installed in the first place, this animal ranjit singh is responsible for terrorising muslims of that era and using mosque’s as stables…..
These are also the people who have been crying over demolition of Babri masjid 30 years ago.
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