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Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

I always said he killed more Muslims, go to any old thread made about him before. Most of his conquests were in Muslim lands as well. Nothing wrong with the name Timur though it just means iron in turkic languages.

People have admiration for him, so they name their kid as Taimur. Do you think, any of you will ever name your kid as Mir Jafar because its a Persian or Arabic name.
LOL, yes Pakistanis were always muslims and hence were spared rape and murder by Islamic imperialists :)

Thanks for proving my point, many Pakistanis are blinded by religion and all those weird complexes that go with it and hence worship their conquerors and bask in the glory of their tormentors. Hence many Pakistanis love the Taliban too, if not Pakistani, then afghani. A1kaid, enjoy your imperial state of mind!
The condition is called Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy andsympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them.
It suggests that the bonding is the individual's response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat.[5]
Explains it all
The condition is called Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy andsympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them.
It suggests that the bonding is the individual's response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat.[5]
Explains it all

Make conqueror as one of your own. :lol: Mahmud Ghaznavi mostly massacred the people across the Indus river, but Pakistanis will brag before Indian how he massacred the Hindus although we all know who are genetically closest to people who were massacred by him. ;)

Only in Sikhs you find gurdawaras on basis of caste like Chamar dalit & Jatts while being same religión and sect. No such a thing in Pakistan, lets not even talk about rest of India when it comes to caste discrimination because of Hindusism.

You may not say it but thats what RSS mandir educated hindus on PDF always remind us of.

Not only its a lie to feel better about themselves but also show how much they think of low castes dalits. Lets face it Indians on PDF are 99% higher caste Hindus and member of RSS.
lol i am a shudra and you cant get any pro-hindutva than me.Your theory falls flat on your face. You seem to know about RSS sitting in spain without ever having visited India.
Good good...
Make conqueror as one of your own. :lol: Mahmud Ghaznavi mostly massacred the people across the Indus river, but Pakistanis will brag before Indian how he massacred the Hindus although we all know who are genetically closest to people who were massacred by him. ;)
Every invader came through sindh which is now pakistan and only after conquering that area did they come into mainland India.
So everytime a invader came it was Sindh(Pakistan now) took the brunt of the massacres.Shows how easily these people capitulated.
Somehow, these people still think they are descendants of arabs or turks,which is laughing matter. :lol:
Both Beyazit and Timur are great figures in Turkic history. Too bad they fought each other. They should worked together instead.
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Military genius,brutal savage .
The age of nomads has ended and for good.
Alexander and caesar are often called heroes,and commited plenty genocidal acts in their lifetime so in one point of view some may hold timur as same.But the greeks and romans gave something back to the world -timur and his ilk never did.
These central asian savages-they terrorized populaces while they had their natural advantages in horse and bow,once they lost it they became sheep overnight pushed around by everyone.They just looted and pillaged the toil of others since they were incapable of creation themselves. mostly and tried to adopt persian culture as their own-they never gave back anything lasting to the world.
Every invader came through sindh which is now pakistan and only after conquering that area did they come into mainland India.
So everytime a invader came it was Sindh(Pakistan now) took the brunt of the massacres.Shows how easily these people capitulated.
Somehow, these people still think they are descendants of arabs or turks,which is laughing matter. :lol:

lol not only sindh but from khaibar pass too it was like gangbang, after every few years somebody comes from khaibar to current pakistani punjab or from sindh and loot, murder, rape and finally convert with sword :D, the major burnt of these invasions from islamic barbarians were mainly on current pakistani people and area. Its just too ironic the same pakistani people worship these rapist as their heros, gajnavi missle, taimur missle, ghauri missle :rofl:
lol not only sindh but from khaibar pass too it was like gangbang, after every few years somebody comes from khaibar to current pakistani punjab or from sindh and loot, murder, rape and finally convert with sword :D, the major burnt of these invasions from islamic barbarians were mainly on current pakistani people and area. Its just too ironic the same pakistani people worship these rapist as their heros, gajnavi missle, taimur missle, ghauri missle :rofl:
There is a reason why Iranians, Afghans and Pakistanis use the Arab writing system while the Indians use their own
writing systems.
lol not only sindh but from khaibar pass too it was like gangbang, after every few years somebody comes from khaibar to current pakistani punjab or from sindh and loot, murder, rape and finally convert with sword :D, the major burnt of these invasions from islamic barbarians were mainly on current pakistani people and area. Its just too ironic the same pakistani people worship these rapist as their heros, gajnavi missle, taimur missle, ghauri missle :rofl:
As i explained above its all due to "Stockholm Syndrome". :D
lol not only sindh but from khaibar pass too it was like gangbang, after every few years somebody comes from khaibar to current pakistani punjab or from sindh and loot, murder, rape and finally convert with sword :D, the major burnt of these invasions from islamic barbarians were mainly on current pakistani people and area. Its just too ironic the same pakistani people worship these rapist as their heros, gajnavi missle, taimur missle, ghauri missle :rofl:

Pakistanis used to provide safe passage to Delhi from where they will rule over hindus.
There is a reason why Iranians, Afghans and Pakistanis use the Arab writing system while the Indians use their own
writing systems.

Lol, your writing system was developed outside India. Learn your history low life.
Military genius,brutal savage .
The age of nomads has ended and for good.
Alexander and caesar are often called heroes,and commited plenty genocidal acts in their lifetime so in one point of view some may hold timur as same.But the greeks and romans gave something back to the world -timur and his ilk never did.
These central asian savages-they terrorized populaces while they had their natural advantages in horse and bow,once they lost it they became sheep overnight pushed around by everyone.They just looted and pillaged the toil of others since they were incapable of creation themselves. mostly and tried to adopt persian culture as their own-they never gave back anything lasting to the world.

Isn't that a bit too harsh? The two world wars were carried out by sedentary "civilized" peoples and not by "savage" nomads. Timur was actually really a savage but his descendants like Ulugh Beg were astronomers, poets and promoters of culture and arts. The Timurids were only barbaric during the reign of Timur. They rebuilt major cities in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan which were destroyed by Mongols.
Isn't that a bit too harsh? The two world wars were carried out by sedentary "civilized" peoples and not by "savage" nomads. Timur was actually really a savage but his descendants like Ulugh Beg were astronomers, poets and promoters of culture and arts. The Timurids were only barbaric during the reign of Timur. They rebuilt major cities in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan which were destroyed by Mongols.
Thats how things used to happen back in those days. Kings/rulers he campaigned against were just as brutal and savage. Showing mercy was like telling people you are weak and a weak had no right to rule (it is true until today). Ameer Temur was a great military general, conquered vast lands and died undefeated. His enemies hate him and justifiably so because nobody wants to get conquered.
Isn't that a bit too harsh? The two world wars were carried out by sedentary "civilized" peoples and not by "savage" nomads. Timur was actually really a savage but his descendants like Ulugh Beg were astronomers, poets and promoters of culture and arts. The Timurids were only barbaric during the reign of Timur. They rebuilt major cities in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan which were destroyed by Mongols.

Which cities of Afghanistan you are talking about?.....As a muslim , i see timur destroying muslim world, the millions of people he killed were muslims, his wars were not even for establishing rule on conquering territories but just defeating armies for fun and glory...........he destroyed muslims of golden horde in modern day Russia, burning down their cities which led to rise of Russians......he destroyed ottomans, halting their conquests for a century......Even mongols before him were better, they exactly knew what they are doing and established a firm rule on conqured territories.
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