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Feb 16, 2010
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By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Watching the news on the arrest of the Time Square bomber, or as we will call him, “the Time Square Fizzler,” and the flood of political attacks on the president and news reports condemning Pakistan and Islam make it all clear as a bell. The ‘highly trained’ terrorist, supposedly schooled in explosives and ’secret agent stuff’ is another patsy.

Think “Mumbai” and the recent trial. All our suspect could say, over and over, knowing he is doomed is that he was ’set up.’

With the Pakistan Taliban the biggest security risk for the only Islamic nuclear power, they became extremely attractive to India and Israel some time ago. Noting that India has been given free rein to run intelligence operations on the Pakistani border, they and their good friends in Israel, have flooded the region with “helpers” busy recruiting, training and supporting attacks, primarily on Pakistan.

Some time ago, it was warned that these Indian and Israeli trained groups that the US had knowingly allowed, and admitted to, would be used against the United States. Welcome to that world.

Last month, while in Pakistan with Jeff Gates and Raja Mujtaba, a number of supposed Germany “contractors” working for, well, we don’t know, were seen in Islamabad.

They were not hard to identify for some of us and Jeff confronted them about their real nationality. Later, in private discussions with officials, whose identities we were asked to withhold, we confirmed that even Pakistan has a significant presence of Israeli “visitors” who can use their endless alternative identities and contracting relationships to move wherever they want.

Pakistan’s dependence on American fund to fight terrorism has left them helpless to oppose this openly. With America under the thumb of Israel and Pakistan their biggest target, America’s mixed loyalties has led to a very disturbing situation. Imagine having to invite a dangerous criminal into your home because your rich uncle loves him?

You now have an idea of the dynamic involved.

Watching the arrests and news stories is a wonder, seeing a “no fly list” person move in and out of America freely is amazing.

With a Pakistani visa in my passport, signed by their Defense Attache to Washington, I was held up last week from an Air France flight. I need more Israeli friends if I want to get thru airports quicker. Only after Homeland Security was notified, did I get on a plane.

This was good. It was efficient. I appreciated the security and everyone was highly effective and doing their jobs.

However, were I a “no fly list” terrorist, I could have gotten right thru.

However, were I the “crotch bomber” with no passport at all, I would have gotten right thru, right thru security in Israeli run airports.

As the news stories drone on, this will become clear. The ‘trained terrorist’ will be tied to a huge network of idiots and dupes, all working in the region along the Afghani/Pakistan border, an area where India, and their Israeli friends, really do train terrorists who kill hundreds with real bombs in Pakistan.

Nobody will ever learn how our friend got thru airports or who helped him. More and more videos from the Pakistan Taliban will come forward, all serving to bring a rain of ruin on them but damning Pakistan and raising sympathy for India and Israel.

Israeli controlled Fox News, yes, that is who runs it, will continue to drone on.

Everyone will be happy except for the worlds Muslims, who will continue to be damned as, not only terrorists but idiots as well.

We have a clever enemy who has no shortage of Muslim stooges to drag out of his bag of tricks. Playing one group of Muslims against another is a profitable game. We have just seen a move in it.

Watch and learn.


Who are these contractors in Pakistan, this writer is talking about. And how come they are walking freely in the capital city. This writer did indicate that something like this might happen.
^^^^^ Oh good, I thought that its only me who is searching over the article scrolling with my mouse looking for a link :)

@ T-Faz : In any case, which version do you believe??
Care to mention the source please?


And just to let you know, this guy is a US war veteran. He has been a defence contractor and currently works for UN. He is in Pakistan to work on economic projects for the poor in war torn areas. What he is saying has been oft repeated by some people before.

He said that an attack would happen on US soil soon and this just happened.

Well, lets wait and see now.
BS article from frustrated person

provide reliable source....... at least rupeenews article :rofl::rofl:
BS article from frustrated person

provide reliable source....... at least rupeenews article :rofl::rofl:

Well, idiot this guy is in Pakistan, having meetings with defence attaches and other important people. So why would he lie about contractors in a country that he has seen and talked to himself.

This is not Times of India, Rediff or other amazing propaganda news wesbites, atleast they have people who are familiar with the work, surrounding and have expereince in such matters.

But you stay happy for now with the failed bomb news and we will see latter how this plays out.
Well, idiot this guy is in Pakistan, having meetings with defence attaches and other important people. So why would he lie about contractors in a country that he has seen and talked to himself.

This is not Times of India, Rediff or other amazing propaganda news wesbites, atleast they have people who are familiar with the work, surrounding and have expereince in such matters.

But you stay happy for now with the failed bomb news and we will see latter how this plays out.

Not credible at all T-Faz. Pure circumstancial narrative laced with individual prejudice at best.

Normally the fire fighting after an incident also involves such misinformation / spin offs on the event. Probably the defensive propaganda is already at work.

Everybody believes what they choose to/ is convenient anyway.
Well, idiot this guy is in Pakistan, having meetings with defence attaches and other important people. So why would he lie about contractors in a country that he has seen and talked to himself.

This is not Times of India, Rediff or other amazing propaganda news wesbites, atleast they have people who are familiar with the work, surrounding and have expereince in such matters.

But you stay happy for now with the failed bomb news and we will see latter how this plays out.

so u r waiting for indian & israely name is any bomb attempt in the world

dude ur waiting never ends
and specially in indian case ...ham terrorist nahi palte
like u do

apne pale hua logo par itni sam kyo aa rahi hai
Not credible at all T-Faz. Pure circumstancial narrative laced with individual prejudice at best.

Normally the fire fighting after an incident also involves such misinformation / spin offs on the event. Probably the defensive propaganda is already at work.

Everybody believes what they choose to/ is convenient anyway.

Well the part about contractors I am concerned about as this person is in a postition to meet and know of these people who work in such a capacity.

Perhaps, you should look into the soviet era machanisms of altering public opinion by Soviets and Pakistan. There have been numerous instances where the truth came out much later and you cannot deny that intelligence agencies use things to their advantage.
The article is his opinion. He doesn't mention any facts in support of his theory apart from his story on "Israelis" freely roaming around in Pakistan recruiting bombers.
Well the part about contractors I am concerned about as this person is in a postition to meet and know of these people who work in such a capacity.

Perhaps, you should look into the soviet era machanisms of altering public opinion by Soviets and Pakistan. There have been numerous instances where the truth came out much later and you cannot deny that intelligence agencies use things to their advantage.

All contractors are profiteers of war and chaos. Nothing new at all. Otherewise nromally there would have been a suave ivy school kid as pointman and not a war veteran (of course he has the qualificaitons and I am sure must be deserving).

I browsed his other write ups too from earlier. So he definitely does not like Bush and 9/11 for him is a conspiracy. But he has not yet given up totally on Obama it seems. It is Obama's administration who is working on it. So they will anyway release everything. Also the "fizzler" too is singing. Even there were arrests in Pakistan for this today! Now the Obama admistration cannot also be in the conspiracy theory right? Even Gordon is showing some faith there. So what will be will be and let the news unfold further.

Getting India there was what is strange. The trial has been painstakingly long and was already planned for the verdict per process. So that is a little far fetched even for a conspiracist.

Probably India is not allowing them the contract business....
All contractors are profiteers of war and chaos. Nothing new at all. Otherewise nromally there would have been a suave ivy school kid as pointman and not a war veteran (of course he has the qualificaitons and I am sure must be deserving).

I browsed his other write ups too from earlier. So he definitely does not like Bush and 9/11 for him is a conspiracy. But he has not yet given up totally on Obama it seems. It is Obama's administration who is working on it. So they will anyway release everything. Also the "fizzler" too is singing. Even there were arrests in Pakistan for this today! Now the Obama admistration cannot also be in the conspiracy theory right? Even Gordon is showing some faith there. So what will be will be and let the news unfold further.

Getting India there was what is strange. The trial has been painstakingly long and was already planned for the verdict per process. So that is a little far fetched even for a conspiracist.

Probably India is not allowing them the contract business....

I am merely pointing out the fact that this person, being in Pakistan has seen contrators that have been causing problems for Pakistan. Leave the whole India and other parts aside, he has seen what we have been saying for some time.

Just like the Karachi bombing in Jan when people intentinally started setting fire to shops causing billions worth of damage.

There are people, just like there are people in your country who are planted and used by others to create problems and destabilize a country.

Even right now i can provide you with a recent proof of indian government telling a respected newspaper to publish a nonsense story to malign Pakistan. It was admitted by the owner of newspaper herself.

This much is true, there is a lot more to it then meets the eye.
i suspect the ground is being set to flush out Pakistanis from US. Many of my relatives reside in US, they always told that US is by far the most tollerant country on this planet towards foreign population, But looks like Uncle Sam wants Pakistanis to leave its country,if that happens then this would make US even more racist country then Brittan and Australia...!!!
I am merely pointing out the fact that this person, being in Pakistan has seen contrators that have been causing problems for Pakistan. Leave the whole India and other parts aside, he has seen what we have been saying for some time.

Just like the Karachi bombing in Jan when people intentinally started setting fire to shops causing billions worth of damage.

There are people, just like there are people in your country who are planted and used by others to create problems and destabilize a country.

Even right now i can provide you with a recent proof of indian government telling a respected newspaper to publish a nonsense story to malign Pakistan. It was admitted by the owner of newspaper herself.

This much is true, there is a lot more to it then meets the eye.

like your government do with rupeenews ???
And going through a list of his other articles on Veterans Today, he seems to harbor deep misgivings about Israel and its intentions, not only against the US but Islamic countries in general. Perhaps he has spent too much time in Pakistan. :)

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