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Time for the Xinjiang government resident poverty alleviation officials to leave, villagers cry to bid goodbye


Nov 4, 2011
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Time for the Xinjiang government resident poverty alleviation officials to leave, villagers cry to bid goodbye

In government listed impoverished villages, grassroots government officials were sent to stay in the villages to work directly with families who lived under the povertyline to make sure they can be lifted out of poverty fast. Each official was assigned to help certain impoverished families, even if one family is not out of poverty , the tasked official can't leave, thus they have to work very hard to get their job done.

Western media smears this policy by saying that China sends Han officials to live in Uyghur families, sleep with Uyghur women and spy on them. that is brainlessly ridiculous, how low the IQ would it be for a human to believe that crap...

From the video we can find the local officials are also Uyghurs and many of them are women, they are so happy to leave and in a celebration mood, they have been waiting for this day for 2 years already, they also missed their own families so much, But the local villagers don't want them to leave and they cry to say goodbye to those grassroot officials.

People show real emotions to those who really helped them.

While when western media reports this poverty alleviation policy, it becomes like this...

This lie is just so dumb..., government grassroots poverty alleviation officials never wanted to be stationed in rural villages, they also have their own families to miss. but young officials all have to start from the hardest , bottom low jobs and then try to move up.
Xi went through the same path, he started as a village head in one of the poorest regions in China.

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In order to smear China, the western media conveniently forgets a simple fact, who suffers more, government officials or local villagers, villagers at least still live in their own homes and have all the families around them, government officials have nothing, they are the one being tortured if you will.
Rural Xinjiang community village style Potluck, often take place in village government community centers.


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