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Tillerson out, Pompeo in, this change is about Iran

Iran? Well some people staryed barking on Pakistan.. whatever is the change, must be friendly with Pakistan...or it may cost USA more....
Here's a list of the top 20 failed states of the world, a report from their own newspaper. These guys are only a threat to themselves. Let's just hope they don't go bankrupt or else Iran will have to deal with a massive refugee problem, in addition to the terrorism:


"Iran military capabilities pose no threat to Israel" - With all due respect brother, are you OK? Like seriously do you read about politico-military affairs? Then WHY on God's Earth has Israel been doing the following:

1.) Urging US to attack Iran since 1989
2.) Draw up plans to attack Iran itself
3.) Throw a HUGE fit over Iranian ballistic missiles for the past 40 years; THEMSELVES calling it a "Threat" to Israel
4.) Complaining about Iran's shipment of precision guided Ballistic Missiles to Hezbollah
5.) Calling on the EU and US to LIMIT Iran's missile to 300 km MAX - any higher and sanctions should be imposed
6.) Attempting to court Russia to not sell S-300 to Iran between 2015-2016
7.) Complaining about Iran's presence in Syria

Those are but a few; I won't give an all-out lecture on the BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS.

Now to the slightly (being generous with the word 'slightly btw), more sensible claim of yours:

"Israel but Pakistan is completely different league all together. Both American and Israel are now ruled by religious nutcases working towards their prophecies. Its only Pakistan which can make mince meat of Israel if certain red lines are breached"

1.) Pakistan hasn't done shi* from clay to help the Palestinians in any material way; bar SYMBOLIC visits, statements of solidarity, and some caravan walk. All of which are standard bare minimum Muslim States' support for Palestine.
2.) What 'Red Line' are you talking about brother? Please tell me? When has Pakistan ever threatened Israel seriously? OH that's right, that one time in 2016 when it 'Threatened' nuclear war over fake news. THAT ONE TIME IN ISRAEL'S 68 YEARS OF EXISTENCE. Iran has done this many times since 1979, and it's red lines aren't only a threat to it's homeland as it was in Pakistan's case.
3.) Pakistan ONLY JUST opened an embassy for the State of Palestine in January 2017. NEWS FLASH: Iran had one for them since 1979.
4.) Given the low-key cozy relationship between the Saudi's and Israel; Pakistan wouldn't dare to do shi* to Israel as the Saudi's would stop giving the Pakistani State generous financial and material donations. AND WE ALL KNOW HOW SUSCEPTIBLE PAKISTAN IS TO SAUDI PRESSURE. Bloody hell, Saudi offered the Israeli's their airfield to bomb Iran; you think the would sit by while Pakistan makes "Mince Meat" of Israel while they are currently in a low-key alliance against Iran.
5.) Maybe Pakistan should let itself out of US grip and then come talk to us about Pakistan threatening the ultimate nucleus of US decision making: Israel. Maybe start off by taking sovereign control of your airspace by US drones!!

Look I respect differences of opinion; but outright misinformation absolutely infuriates me.

I have lots of Pakistani friends here in London, and I was practically raised with them since birth, so I'm not totally surprised by what you've said. Allow me to explain: Over the course of my many years of living around Pakistani's, and getting to broadly know their religious and political views as a community; I can say with utmost confidence that Pakistani's seem to have this complex that Pakistan is the sole defender of the Islamic World and Ummah, just because they have Nukes. With all due respect, Iran is a far greater threat to Israel and has done more for the Islamic World and Ummah than Pakistan has.

I know.

Their hubris is disgusting and their insults to us insane.

Kisafat ahmakh
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You lost your marbles ?

First of all, make up your mind as to who are YOU, when you say WE??? Waving an Iraqi flag while fiddling with Persian testicles doesn't come across as someone who got self respect.

Now coming to the rest of your rants, Brother.

From point 1) to 7), anyone with slight knowledge and idea of relatively recent past history, would know that Israel use America and by in large western world to get want it wants. I mean, why put your men and resources in danger when others can be utilize to achieve the desire result. Of all people, if you are a Iraqi, you should know how America trampled your country for the sake and interest of Israel. It is the same strategy they are employing with Iran. If I had such privilege available to me, I would do the same, let someone else do the dirty work for me.

Now moving to Pakitan:

1) Supporting Palestinian issue for the sake of Palestinians (in isolation of the religious significance of the holy places) is a complicated issue for us. You see, its hard to sell to our people when we see the likes of PLO and its leaders sucking on our worst enemy India and its leaders. And when you see them recall their envoy back just because the chap was seen with a Kashmiri freedom activist, that was the last straw that broke the camel back. Irony is, the gathering and event was in support to Palestine over Juresalem issue. And That happened after our UN ambassador, after co-sponsoring the UN resolution against America on the issue of Jerusalem , made a very hard hitting speech. Let that all sink in!! Historically, there is deafening silence or just random BS of no real significance when it comes to Kashmir issue from Muslim world by in large. You are all sucking on India, alteast give us respect that our passports still carry this text on each page which say "NOT VALID FOR ISRAEL". We don't have any direct beef with Israel. We fought with them with Arabs, our pilots shot down IAF jets while the Arabs were getting their arse handed over to them in aerial battles. Yea maybe in past it was a Palestinian issue for us, as group people of certain ethnicity, BUT now, its more of a religious significance. We are more interested in the sanity of the "qibla-e-awal", the Al-Aqsa then anything else. We are looking at it as issue of Muslims without an ethnic non sense attached to it.

2) As I mentioned, our red lines are related to the sanctity of Al-Aqsa. Any harm done to it for the sake of temple of Solomon by Zionist will warrant a response, you can be assure of that. For the rest, time and again, as a proud nation, we don't want to be humiliated and left in lurch by PLO and Muslims world in large when it comes to our interests in relation to our arch enemy India. We warned Israel in 1998 before our nuke tests and they complied. We train our special forces while making them aware the importance of Jurselam to Muslim world, I repeat "MUSLIM" world. We don't care about Arab or Persian , ajam or non ajam no sense. We are above that.

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Bottom line is, we don't suffer from verbal diahreaa and neither we believe in empty rhetoric of "death to America" and "death to Isreal" shouting match as we often see among the Persian mullahs and their gathering. Laughable!! We believe in capabilities and hence we are the fourth biggest nuke power in the world. A responsible power. Our threats are not for public consumptions and are measured and discrete. We don't believe in chest thumping. Our enemies are all non muslim nations, we don't go about drilling holes in the ship of Ummah like the Persian mullahs and their counter parts in Saudi Arabia. You lot are embracing and pathetic.

3) Yes we opened a very nice embassy on our own expenses with all the background which I just mentioned to you. What Iran has achieved with opening the embassy earlier? NADA!! Pathetic and childish argument.

4) LOL, you are one ignorant brat! Since when Saudi start to dictate Pakistani state response and its strategy to Israel? We have more pressing issues about Indo-Isreal nexus and its effects on Pakistan security and interest. We have openly expressed our displeasure over this Indo-Isreali nexus under American patronage. And that is why during recent trip to India, Netehyahu despite being pressed by Indians to say negative things about Pakistan, clearly said on their face that Israel do not want to make enemy out of Pakistan and would like the same in return. He clearly know and understand what it would mean for Israel if they come out in open in their hostility to Pakistan. Israel knows it place. What the hell you talking about as if Saudis owe Pakistan? LOL. That didn't work over Yemen war did it? We had a very old strategic pact with Saudi Arabia which we are abiding by, neither it was against any other so called Muslim state nor we will get into the non sense between you Persian mullah c*** suckers or the Wahabi lot. We try our best to keep you to two fighting dogs away from each other. Do you think we, the 220 Millions Pakistanis not see how you two are destroying Middle east and dividing Muslim world on the bases of sect? Don't get me started mate. Have some perspective.

5) Get out of your self concocted delusion mate, Pakistan was never in grip of America. We always worked for our national interests. We milked them when we could. Pakistan comes first and will always be like that. There are reasons that from American congressman, to CIA. to POTUS, to their military, everyone tear their hair out in frustration when it comes to Pakistan. So take your BS where the sun don't shine. Your diatribes are laughable. Go and ask anyone in American establishment as to who was the one who brought them defeat and humiliation in Afghansitan. You see, we are in business of taking on super powers and bring them down on their knees, we don't suffer from verbal diahreaa like Iran or rest of the Muslim world.

Do you see me gives a flying fk as to what infuriates you or your kind? I am blunt with FACTS. may be the kick in the back you lot need to get out of your slumber and start building capabilities then chest thumping! Your idols, the Persian mullahs surrendered their nuke programme (ironically provided by Pakistan, the AQ Khan saga!) just to curry some favours from west. I do actually fear for Iran now seeing what happened to Libya after they surrendered their nuke program. The last thing we want is American lead regime change in Iran, next door to us, if Afghansitan wasn't enough!

You know shit about Pakistan, whatever tiny bit of respect that is left in Muslims world, where they are not going about screwing each other, is because of Pakistan. we defended Sarajevo when it was left to the mercy of blood thirsty dogs. We locked horns with might soviet bear and brought it down and now we are doing the same with another arrogant power. We are in perpetual war with millions of hindu terroists and fundamentals and their state in our east. Our figths, our wars our conflicts are all with anti Muslim entities. Since when Iran fought a war with kuffars? Oh I remember, you last one was with YOU , if you are a Iraqi!! Bah, the Irony. I don't want to even laugh coz its not funny. You lot are so consumed drilling holes in Muslim lands beaucse you are shia and others are sunni, so much so that you cant even comprehend how pathetic it looks from outside.

Piss off from here brother! You know nothing.

And YES we are the SOLE nuke power of Muslim world and we are damn proud and arrogant about it. Rather living in jealously, try to catch up , not roll over infront of America and west.

Addressing you on my ethnic background first; had you read the thread I had to create when joining Defence.pk, you would've known that I was born to an Iraqi Arab father & an Iranian Persian Mother. Hence my staunch defense of Iran. Also, don't talk about self-respect when you did't know my background initially and (to add insult to injury) start using expletives directly towards ME in your answers.

Your first paragraph did't address my issue with your original point of: "Iran military capabilities pose no threat to Israel"; instead you repeat what is widely known in the Muslim world and becoming increasingly so among Western populations. We all know that Israel will fight Iran to the last American, so I don't know why you had to state the obvious. Next time, maybe you should actually tell me why Iran's capabilities pose no threat to Israel instead of dishing out widely known facts.

1.) Pakistan has done absolutely nothing with regards to defending Al-Aqsa, apart from mere statements, are as you call them "very hard hitting speech"; with respect to this, I'll simply refer you to Iranian statements on Al-Aqsa. Moreover, stop playing the victim game and actually develop some realpolitik; stop whinging over Iranian visits to Inida and accuse us us of "sucking on India". Moreover, Iran has ALWAYS supported Pakistan on Kashmir, and this is coming from the very top: https://tribune.com.pk/story/155247...hrows-weight-behind-pakistans-stance-kashmir/

2.) First, what on earth did you warn Israel on? And they complied on that warning how?

Secondly, Iran also trains its special forces to liberate Al-Aqsa; in fact we go further by fighting against Israeli stooges real-time and earning proper experience on the battlefield (which no amount of training can live up to) and supporting Palestinian resistance logistically and financially.

Thirdly, it's not really verbal diarrhea or chest thumping when we pushed back successfully on US influence and interests in Iraq, and in Syria; even admitted by CENTCOM Head General Joseph Votel: https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east...m-the-top-u-s-general-in-the-region-1.5910066

Wonder what Pakistan has done to push back on US influence in the country and violations of Pakistani sovereignty...but that's fine you take pride in being "Discrete", in other words, passive approval or the lack of power to fight back. How are those nukes helping now? Great capabilities right? Nukes aren't everything.

Lastly, "We believe in capabilities and hence we are the fourth biggest nuke power in the world", so are you ready to use that capability against Israel? They do have Second Strike Capability (SSC) btw; so if you use it, it's at Pakistan's own behest.

3.) Well since you were talking about support, the point was that Iranian support came way before. Seems like you didn't get the message.

4.) Before I address your other points; re Saudi influence on Pakistan: from money, to politics, religion, and even culture:


Your naivety is startling. So because Netanyahu did't speak bad on Pakistan, he's know afraid of Pakistani supremacy? LOOL. Netanyahu always plays the classic Israeli card to Muslim Nations of "We are not your enemy", the examples are countless!! Pakistan is no exception. Yes, I'm sure the Government of the State of Israel would flee en masse if they bad mouthed Pakistan.

"He clearly know and understand what it would mean for Israel if they come out in open in their hostility to Pakistan"; what are you gonna do launch a Nuke? You get Nuked back, simple. This inferiority complex that you have in which you place Pakistan at the forefront as being the thing Israeli's fear is ridiculous. Israel don't give a damn about Pakistan. Not sure if this is jealousy because Iran has actually stood up against Israel, or because Pakistan clearly hasn't done enough to support Palestinians and Al-Aqsa so you're trying to compensate by hyping up Pakistan against Israel.

"We try our best to keep you to two fighting dogs away from each other. Do you think we, the 220 Millions Pakistanis not see how you two are destroying Middle east and dividing Muslim world on the bases of sect?"; Pakistan has done shi* from clay in trying to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Oman, an oft-forgotten country in the Mid-East (let alone the world) brought the US and Iran together in 2012-2013 when they were both at the brink of war. Save your fake empathy. If Pakistan wanted to mediate it would have actually done so by now.

5.) Are you seriously taking credit for Pakistan when the actions of the Taliban are actually what defeated America in Afghanistan? Why are you acting like they're Pakistan's proxy? God you're an absolute joke. Afghanistan is known as the Graveyard of Empires for a reason; nothing to do with Pakistan.

"You see, we are in business of taking on super powers and bring them down on their knees, we don't suffer from verbal diahreaa like Iran or rest of the Muslim world"; don't know if you're trolling or if you are ignorant at this point to be honest. Re my earlier points on Saudi and US influence on Pakistan. Again stop trying to claim Afghan victory over USSR and US as your own. Pakistan did nothing. Especially in the former's case; US supplied weapons and Saudi supplied cash.

Again, re my earlier point on Iran's victory over US interests in Syria and Iraq. Bringing down superpowers TO THEIR KNEES is our business... literally:


If Pakistan did this, they would face a military coup the next day from Western & Wahhabi loyalists.

"I am blunt with FACTS"; no brother you simply rely on your own opinions and consider them facts.

We never wanted Nukes, said in a Fatwa by Khamenei himself.

"I do actually fear for Iran now seeing what happened to Libya after they surrendered their nuke program"; our nuclear program is running well, albeit with temporary 'trust-building' that will expire in the coming years. The fact that we haven't been invaded yet despite NOT HAVING A NUKE is testament to our true deterrence power. If we were to acquire one, it would just isolate us internationally politically, and would militarily be a bonus. Nukes are the only things keeping failed states like North Korea and Pakistan from collapsing entirely and being saved from Western Military Adventurism; the only reason the world worries about the collapse of Pakistan and NK is because they worry what would happen if the Nukes fall into the wrong hands of a particular government or group in the hypothetical unraveling chaos of a state collapse. Nukes are simply cheap insurance for 3rd world states who have no realpolitik.

Finally, Iran has been on the forefront fighting ISIS. Pakistan however isn't joining in this fight to clean the body of Islam from this cancer. But sure, go fight a rag-tag group of Hindu militias of no importance and claim yourselves as heroes. Might wanna look internally first though: http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/26/isis-is-growing-in-pakistan/

Finishing note: https://tribune.com.pk/story/193321/pakistan-ranks-12th-on-failed-states-index-report/
Surprised your not Top 5. Well done.

Here's a list of the top 20 failed states of the world, a report from their own newspaper. These guys are only a threat to themselves. Let's just hope they don't go bankrupt or else Iran will have to deal with a massive refugee problem, in addition to the terrorism:


I know right!!
Somebody in the Pentagon gets it (see link), I wonder how many of them quietly discuss how much blood and treasure the US has wasted for their hollow ally Israel. I say this, Iran's policies in the near future will show that they're more aligned with the Europeans and USA then the Petro Monarchies in the Gulf will ever be. Counterweights like Turkey and Iran are a healthy thing in this volatile region. Saudi Arabia and Israel....USA's allies forever :) with allies like these who needs enemies.

Decent analysis here on this drama:

Deconstructing the sacking of Rex Tillerson
By M.K. Bhadrakumar March 15, 2018 4:42 PM (UTC+8)
The surprising part of US President Donald Trump’s move to sack Rex Tillerson as secretary of state is that it took place a full six months after the latter called him a “f***ing moron” at a Pentagon meeting. Tillerson should have thrown in the towel and walked away then. That’s probably what Trump would have preferred.

On Tuesday, Trump merely said he and Tillerson “disagreed on things.” Iran was mentioned. Tillerson viewed the Iran deal holistically as the template of a bigger challenge, one requiring the US to push back at Iran’s regional surge, its backing of the Syrian regime and Hezbollah, its growing missile capability, and so on.

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But if Trump has so far desisted from jettisoning the Iran deal, it is not because Tillerson thought differently. Washington cannot act unilaterally where western interests are involved and, therefore, this is, per se, a “work in progress.”

Conceivably, Trump’s main problem with Tillerson lay somewhere else – namely, the axis between Tillerson and US Defence Secretary James Mattis both at a personal level and systemically in terms of the relationship between the two key departments that formulate the US’ global strategies. It is revealing that in his “farewell” remarks on Tuesday, Tillerson made it a point to say:

“I want to speak now to my State Department colleagues and to our interagency colleagues and partners at DOD and the Joint Chief of Staffs most particularly… To the men and women in uniform, I am told for the first time in most people’s memory the Department of State and the Department of Defense have a close working relationship… The men and women in uniform at the Department of Defense, under the leadership of Secretary Mattis and General Dunford, protect us as Americans and our way of life daily, at home and abroad. As an all-volunteer military, they do it for love of country, they do it for you and they do it for me, and for no other reason. As Americans, we are all eternally grateful to each of them and we honor their sacrifices.”


Rex Tillerson boards his plane at the end of a five-country swing through Africa that turned out to be his swansong as US secretary of state. Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst
Yet Tillerson didn’t say a nice word on the CIA or his successor-designate Mike Pompey. The heart of the matter is that he travelled a long way in terms of Russia policy whilst also undertaking his own adventures in self-preservation in the Washington Beltway by building coalition support – which ultimately ended up with his becoming Mattis’ soul-mate. Tillerson contributed significantly to providing diplomatic underpinnings to the Pentagon campaign to raise the specter of an “existential threat” from Russia.

Tillerson’s dismissal comes against the backdrop of an extraordinary build-up of tensions in the US-Russia relationship lately over Syria – and, most recently, over the British allegation that Moscow poisoned a former Russian spy working for MI6 and living as a fugitive in the UK.

Unsurprisingly, Tillerson’s final act (after being sacked) was to voice concerns over the “troubling behavior and actions” of Russia. Tillerson declared that the attack on the MI6 agent “clearly came from Russia” – despite the guarded assessment by British Prime Minister Theresa May herself that Kremlin involvement was “highly likely.”

Trump clarified afterwards that he would speak to May, saying: “It sounds to me like they (the Brits) believe it was Russia,” and that he would “certainly take that finding as fact.” However, Trump added: “If we get the facts straight we will condemn Russia, or whoever it might be.” The White House has since expressed solidarity with Britain, but beneath the polemics, it has also drawn a line to ensure tensions do not escalate:

“The United States stands in solidarity… (and) shares the United Kingdom’s assessment that Russia is responsible for the reckless nerve agent attack… and we support the United Kingdom’s decision to expel Russian diplomats as a just response. This latest action… fits into a pattern of behavior in which Russia disregards the international rules-based order, undermines the sovereignty and security of countries worldwide, and attempts to subvert and discredit Western democratic institutions and processes. The United States is working together with our allies and partners to ensure that this kind of abhorrent attack does not happen again.”


The then US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (right) watches as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reacts to a reporter’s question at the State Department in Washington, DC, on May 10, 2017. Photo: AFP / Mandel Ngan
Meanwhile, an intriguing twist to the spy tale is that, on a parallel track, Moscow also disclosed – most unusually, on a Sunday – that it had hard intelligence to the effect that the Pentagon was about to launch a missile and air attack on Damascus. The Russian Defense Ministry explicitly warned that Russia would retaliate against any such attack. In effect, Moscow was alerted the White House that Russian-American tensions were cascading.

Indeed, the ratcheting up of tensions between NATO and Russia (at the behest of Britain), coinciding with a US missile and air strike on Damascus (and a Russian retaliation), would have somewhat eclipsed the Russian presidential election happening on March 18. Fortunately, the storm clouds are suddenly dispersing.

Trump has broken the axis between state department and Pentagon by introducing Pompey into the equation as his new secretary of state

The chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, spoke to his Russian counterpart, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, on Tuesday to discuss Syria. For its part, Britain too has begun backtracking. May now accuses Russia of “an unlawful use of force” against Britain and has announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats, also declaring that British officials will be absent from the FIFA World Cup finals in Russia and that all planned high-level bilateral contacts are suspended.

But then, she has also stated that it is not in the British interest to break off all dialogue between the UK and Russia. And she has acknowledged that Moscow might have lost control of its reserves of the nerve agent that was used for the attack on the British spy, reserves which were apparently developed in the former Soviet Union.

We will never know whether Trump actually intended the denouement we have seen, but he has broken the axis between the state department and the Pentagon by introducing Mike Pompey into the equation as his new secretary of state. Pompey is a political associate of the Tea Party movement who can be trusted to ensure that Trump retains the final word on the US foreign policies, especially on Russia.

Historically, the military-industrial complex in America has had a corporate interest in fueling tensions with Russia. By contrast, the CIA has operated within the matrix of a code of conduct that stipulates avoiding precipitate acts of motiveless malignity.

M.K. Bhadrakumar

M.K. Bhadrakumar served as a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service for over 29 years, with postings including India’s ambassador to Uzbekistan (1995-1998) and to Turkey (1998-2001). He writes the “Indian Punchline” blog and has written regularly for the Asia Times since 2001

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funny joke
war on Iran is Trump bluff, he's hand is empty

I dunno man. Pompeo is really anti-muslim.

And now they are probably gonna replace McMaster with possibly John Bolton as national security adviser.

This is like a perfect storm brewing. I would be concerned if I was Iranian.
I dunno man. Pompeo is really anti-muslim.
Yes, but that does not mean they are stupid
And now they are probably gonna replace McMaster with possibly John Bolton as national security adviser.

This is like a perfect storm brewing. I would be concerned if I was Iranian.
read this post from Wednesday
That was clear from first day that Trump will go after his generals, after firing REX.
when you fire well experienced Generals and put Yes mans instead of them what you expect to get.
Why do you think Trump is bluffing? What does he have to gain?
because he is gamble man not politician.
He want to run USA like his companies, he had experience of bankruptcy before.
in the gamble you have two choice :
1- earning everything OR
2- losing everything
because he is gamble man not politician.
He want to run USA like his companies, he had experience of bankruptcy before.
in the gamble you have two choice :
1- earning everything OR
2- losing everything

Your answer makes no sense. Do you not understand that there are people with very specific agendas who want certain things to happen. Trump as president may potentially allow them to implement their plans. Look at the tax reform that was just passed. You can bet that it will help wealthier Americans in the long run FAR MORE than poorer ones despite what is said publicly by the administration. Trump is an intellectual zero. He is very easily swayed by people he likes. Trump is a charmer and thats how he was elected. At the same time he is easily manipulated provided he likes you, IMO.

The Israelis want this war to happen. They have wanted this for a long time. This time, with Trump as president, they may finally get it.
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