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Tibetan monk sets himself on fire in Nepal


Yes! Free Tibet from Chinese illegal occupation. Tibet can, Tibet will!
If their aint any outcome from liting fire then i am afraid the monks have to try a step ahead .
Gather weapons from India and go on bombing various Chinese cities .
May independence be yours !!!

Sorry to say but thats not an option. Terrorism in any kind must not be supported.
If their aint any outcome from liting fire then i am afraid the monks have to try a step ahead .
Gather weapons from India and go on bombing various Chinese cities .
May independence be yours !!!

How about only "moral support" like Pakistan gives to terrorists?
Since the first flight of Agni5 and K-15 were successfully being carry out, our Indian friends are become more confident and involved their Indian nuclear and missile capability in the discussion quite often, for Chinese member curiosity, or to avoid the embarrassment of know the capability of our side the best, know very little the capability of our enemy, please visit 印度Shaurya/K-15导弹 印度烈火5导弹 印度弹道导弹拦截试验 从“烈火-3”看印度导弹真实水平

thank you.
Actually all the Agni's are fictional propaganda. Only Agni 1 ever entered service and it suffered so many problems the army doesn't even want it anymore. All other Agni series rockets are stuck in the laboratory testing stage and dependent on imported Russian laser ring gyroscopes. The truth is, India can't even manufacture a bullet. But they have too many internal problems so they delude themselves by fantasizing about a new Agni missile every year.
Actually all the Agni's are fictional propaganda. Only Agni 1 ever entered service and it suffered so many problems the army doesn't even want it anymore. All other Agni series rockets are stuck in the laboratory testing stage and dependent on imported Russian laser ring gyroscopes. The truth is, India can't even manufacture a bullet. But they have too many internal problems so they delude themselves by fantasizing about a new Agni missile every year.
All laser ring gyroscopes used in Indian missile systems are exclusively made in India. Individual facilities have the ability to manufacture 15 laser ring gyros a month. As for the rest of your post, i am ashamed of myself to have endured such sheer stupidity.
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All laser ring gyroscopes used in Indian missile systems are exclusively made in India. Individual facilities have the ability to manufacture 15 laser ring gyros a month. As for the rest of your post, i am ashamed of myself to have endured such sheer stupidity.

What HongWu say is not what the links says, the opinion he hold can only represent himself.
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All laser ring gyroscopes used in Indian missile systems are exclusively made in India. Individual facilities have the ability to manufacture 15 laser ring gyros a month. As for the rest of your post, i am ashamed of myself to have endured such sheer stupidity.
:rofl: Okay if you want to delude yourself go ahead.
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:rofl: Okay if you want to delude yourself go ahead.
I don't delude myself. These are actual facts. Our current production levels are at 15 laser gyros a month per facility. This is sufficient to cater to present requirements. I KNOW for a fact that ALL our laser gyros are exclusively made in India.

Just because your'e a village idiot who grew up on lead laced milk, I doesn't mean others are delusional. However, it is quite true that an insane individual tends to perceive the world as insane--rather than themselves.

The cure lies in coming to terms with your disability.
What HongWu say is not what the links says, the opinion he hold can only represent himself.
Obviously you never read the articles you posted yourself :rofl:


&#28872;&#28779;3&#30340;&#21629;&#20013;&#31934;&#24230;&#26159;&#21360;&#24230;&#19987;&#23478;&#27941;&#27941;&#20048;&#36947;&#30340;&#19968;&#20010;&#25351;&#26631;&#65292;&#26681;&#25454;&#20182;&#20204;&#30340;&#8220;&#24863;&#35273;&#8221;&#65292;&#28872;&#28779;3&#30340;&#31934;&#24230;&#35201;&#39640;&#20110;&#20013;&#22269;DF-21&#21644;DF-25&#12290;&#19981;&#36807;&#20182;&#20204;&#21516;&#26102;&#25298;&#32477;&#25259;&#38706;&#28872;&#28779;3&#21629;&#20013;&#31934;&#24230;&#30340;&#25968;&#20540;&#12290;&#21360;&#24230;&#19987;&#23478;&#20204;&#26174;&#28982;&#27809;&#26377;&#27880;&#24847;&#21435;&#24180;&#25105;&#22269;&#30340;&#22269;&#24198;&#38405;&#20853;&#20013;&#24050;&#32463;&#20844;&#24320;&#25152;&#35859;DF-25&#20854;&#23454;&#26159;DF-21C&#12290;&#23545;&#20110;&#25191;&#34892;&#26680;&#25171;&#20987;&#20219;&#21153;&#30340;DF-21&#21644;DF-21A&#26469;&#35828;&#65292;&#30001;&#20110;&#20854;&#24377;&#22836;&#26159;&#20960;&#21313;&#19975;&#21544;&#24403;&#37327;&#65292;&#20197;1 km&#24038;&#21491;&#30340;CEP&#25171;&#20987;&#22478;&#24066;&#19968;&#31867;&#30340;&#38754;&#30446;&#26631;&#24050;&#32463;&#26159;&#32496;&#32496;&#26377;&#20313;&#65292;&#20877;&#21152;&#20197;&#25552;&#39640;&#24182;&#27809;&#26377;&#23454;&#29992;&#20215;&#20540;&#65292;&#19988;&#19982;&#32654;&#33487;&#27861;&#31561;&#22269;&#30340;&#31867;&#20284;&#22411;&#21495;&#30456;&#24403;&#12290;&#32780;&#23545;&#20110;&#25191;&#34892;&#24120;&#35268;&#25171;&#20987;&#20219;&#21153;&#30340;DF-21C&#65292;&#37319;&#29992;&#20102;&#20840;&#31243;&#21046;&#23548;&#65288;&#24815;&#23548;+&#26143;&#20809;&#23450;&#20301;+&#38647;&#36798;&#22270;&#20687;&#21305;&#37197;&#26411;&#21046;&#23548;&#65289;&#65292;&#21629;&#20013;&#31934;&#24230;&#24050;&#36798;&#21040;CEP<50m&#65292;&#19982;&#32654;&#22269;&#30340;Pershing II&#30456;&#24403;&#12290;&#33267;&#20110;&#28872;&#28779;3&#30340;&#31934;&#24230;&#65292;&#30001;&#20110;&#21360;&#24230;&#23448;&#26041;&#27809;&#26377;&#20844;&#24320;&#25968;&#25454;&#65292;&#25105;&#20204;&#21482;&#33021;&#21152;&#20197;&#25512;&#27979;&#12290;&#25454;&#21360;&#24230;&#23186;&#20307;&#25253;&#36947;&#65292;&#20854;&#20851;&#26426;&#36895;&#24230;&#35823;&#24046;&#20026;0.1 m/s&#37327;&#32423;&#12290;&#20551;&#35774;&#36825;&#20010;&#25968;&#25454;&#26159;&#30495;&#23454;&#30340;&#65292;&#22312;3000 km&#23556;&#31243;&#19978;&#23545;&#24212;&#30340;&#32437;&#21521;&#20559;&#24046;&#32422;&#20026;150 m&#12290;&#20294;&#26159;&#65292;&#25105;&#20204;&#19981;&#30693;&#36947;&#36825;&#20010;&#20851;&#26426;&#36895;&#24230;&#35823;&#24046;&#26159;&#36965;&#22806;&#27979;&#25968;&#25454;&#24046;&#30340;&#23454;&#27979;&#20540;&#65292;&#36824;&#26159;&#35774;&#35745;&#25351;&#26631;&#20540;&#12290;&#19968;&#33324;&#26469;&#35828;&#65292;&#22806;&#27979;&#35774;&#22791;&#30340;&#27979;&#37327;&#35823;&#24046;&#24212;&#35813;&#27604;&#34987;&#27979;&#37327;&#20540;&#23567;&#19968;&#20010;&#37327;&#32423;&#65292;&#21360;&#24230;&#30340;&#33322;&#22825;&#27979;&#37327;&#35774;&#22791;&#33021;&#21542;&#36798;&#21040;&#36895;&#24230;&#27979;&#37327;&#31934;&#24230;0.01 m/s&#26159;&#24456;&#20540;&#24471;&#24576;&#30097;&#30340;&#12290;&#27605;&#31455;&#65292;&#30446;&#21069;&#32654;&#22269;&#20154;&#23558;GPS&#30340;P&#30721;&#29992;&#20110;&#38774;&#22330;&#22806;&#24377;&#36947;&#27979;&#37327;&#21518;&#65292;&#20854;&#22806;&#27979;&#30340;&#36895;&#24230;&#31934;&#24230;&#25165;&#36798;&#21040;0.01 m/s&#24038;&#21491;&#12290;

If self immolation was the solution- the world would be full of dead smoke-
If their aint any outcome from liting fire then i am afraid the monks have to try a step ahead .
Gather weapons from India and go on bombing various Chinese cities .
May independence be yours !!!

The only difference is they die by suicide or an accident for using indian weapons.:coffee:


Yes! Free Tibet from Chinese illegal occupation. Tibet can, Tibet will!

I am surprised that when the rest of world are still talking about virtual machine, virtual network, virtual storage for cloud computing, indian have reached virtual world level. :tup: Very impressive and high tech, enjoy the world virtualization.
The only difference is they die by suicide or an accident for using indian weapons.:coffee:

Well then the answer is obvious.....use Indian weapons and kill as many chinese as possible and die in the process of FREEING TIBET. That is much better than committing suicide. :tup:

I am surprised that when the rest of world are still talking about virtual machine, virtual network, virtual storage for cloud computing, indian have reached virtual world level. :tup: Very impressive and high tech, enjoy the world virtualization.

well as chinese propaganda soldiers have limited internet access ...your surprise regarding world affairs is only natural.
Well then the answer is obvious.....use Indian weapons and kill as many chinese as possible and die in the process of FREEING TIBET. That is much better than committing suicide. :tup:

An Indian pro terrorist is on the way. I think you'd better go to Somali, the pirates need you.

well as chinese propaganda soldiers have limited internet access ...your surprise regarding world affairs is only natural.

:rofl: you even have no idea what I am saying, do you? Thanks to Indian world virtualization tech.:rofl:

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