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Tibet issue

It is interesting that the indian does not even know that the assumptions or basic concepts of his argument is wrong but try to painted himself as 'know-everything-of-China' kinda guy.

The fact that none have been able to refute the posts of mine with facts, vindicates my stand and proves that you are obfuscating since it is the TRUTH.

Supporting Tibet independence is considered as "cool" in West, although the overhwelming majority of its supporters know nothing about it, that it was nothing but retarded feudal state.


Same is the thought process in Israel? Or are you flying a false flag since it is 'cool' and embarrassing to identify yourself with the country?

If it is 'white man's burden', then here is my question. Are you white?

And my answer to that issue (maybe it is also your answer to my question) is


White man's burden has nothing to do with your colour.

It is time you people expand your vision and knowledge beyond what the literature your Govt doles out that leads you into a tunnel vision.

Remember Mao's famous dictum to the Chinese about the frog?

He maybe 30% wrong as per the Communists Chinese Party that is parroted by the Chinese, but he understood China well, or didn't he?
'cause the land you are trolling with is part of my country and I'm not happy about you.

If you really want to change the border that much you gotta know it is not a matter of talk but a matter of action.
What about finding yourself a weapon and go to our land to fulfill your dream, Don Quixote? Oh wait a minute, you gonna need a donkey as well.

Again, it shows your poor knowledge and your grandiose self ego that you know everything and all are ignorant.

Don Quixote did not have a donkey, my good friend,

Sancho Panza had!

Educate yourself, before you expose yourself of total ignorance.
Seriously, do ALL chinese guys have trouble with English? Go back and read what I wrote.

I said the Tibetan WAY OF LIFE is being taken over and butchered by the Han Chinese. Are you denying that there has been a deliberate demographic change in Tibet?

Nothing change in 'their way of life', everybody still allows to practice the Tibetan Buddhism or the Shamanism.
If the Tibetans can follow their religion, then let His Holiness, the Dalai Lama preside over them in Tibet!

The Ughuyrs are not allowed to go to the Mosque till they are 18 or so and why have the Muslim, Christian and Buddhist clergies have to have govt sanction before they are recognised so?
English is not our mother language. There is no need to be shame if some of us have problems with it. But do have trouble with your brain? Go back and read what I wrote.

There is no need to deny or admit anything to indian. You don't pay our tax and have no say on what's going on in China. Why bother to explain? Why would you care so much about China's homeland affair? Probably no one in China would care about whether it is a cow or donkey becomes india's PM again, for example. (Though I'm just curious.)
What about finding yourself a weapon and go to our land to fulfill your dream, Don Quixote? Oh wait a minute, you gonna need a donkey as well.

See, there are always two ways of defending your position in an argument. One is to use logic and try to debate intellectually. The other is to say, 'I'm stronger than you, so what are you going to do about the situation?'. By choosing the second method, you are automatically conceding that you are in Tibet by force, and have no moral right to be there. So my objective on this thread is fulfilled. :wave:
Again, it shows your poor knowledge and your grandiose self ego that you know everything and all are ignorant.

Don Quixote did not have a donkey, my good friend,

Sancho Panza had!

Educate yourself, before you expose yourself of total ignorance.

Yes you are right my good friend. It is Sancho who has a donkey but do you have a mirror as well?
This young man with pure Tibetan blood is now the religious leader of Tibet, forget about that old man in exile.

I understand when you guys are lack of power you try to portray yourselves with high moral standing. But logically, as you have said, bringing shame on others' face maybe make the victim looks bad but will not make you noble or looks noble (but actually uncovers your weakness).

Let alone what you did to your weaker neighbors and the six decades old tune of 'Indian' subcontinent, 'Indian' ocean etc.
English is not our mother language. There is no need to be shame if some of us have problems with it. But do have trouble with your brain? Go back and read what I wrote.

Trouble with my brain?

Not quite. I have not mortgaged it to the Govt as some apparently have.

I read your post, I hope you have read mine too. It is all about understanding English, which you claim you do not know.

There is no need to deny or admit anything to indian. You don't pay our tax and have no say on what's going on in China. Why bother to explain? Why would you care so much about China's homeland affair? Probably no one in China would care about whether it is a cow or donkey becomes india's PM again, for example. (Though I'm just curious.)

I think you are about to be watched by Elmo.

What is the Indian PM to do with it? and what is this about his being a donkey or a cow?

Again trying to run away from what you have said with obfuscation?

You had said - What about finding yourself a weapon and go to our land to fulfill your dream, Don Quixote? Oh wait a minute, you gonna need a donkey as well.

And I replied:

Don Quixote did not have a donkey, my good friend,

Sancho Panza had!

Educate yourself, before you expose yourself of total ignorance.

May I remind you that the Indian PM has no connection with Don Quixote or Sancho Panza and their steeds.

Why quote things you have no clue about to pretend that you are knowledgeable and then turn out to be a comedian of the piece with abject lack of knowledge.
How much of the Tibetan economy is now controlled by ethnic Han Chinese?

Many Tibetans prefer semi-nomadic way of life, so they are happy about CCP providing them the good social welfare.

Other Tibetans, who prefer the life in the big cities, would mostly marry with the Han Chinese and adapting our customs.
What are these Indians aruging about? That China controls Tibet? YES! China does in fact control Tibet and Tibet is an integral part of China! FACT.

Just like the Europeans control what is now known as "United States", "Australia", "Canada".

You Indians can cry all you want but it will only goes as far as this thread. Kind of like stuffing your face in the pillow and screaming because you feel so helpless and there's really nothing else you can do to express your feelings. lol
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