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Tibet issue

To the Chinese people, this is not imperialism - this is a sign of bravery. Their definitions are different. I wonder if it comes from the psychological scars left from Nanking. Japanese troops massacred innocent Chinese civilians - even though some Chinese were collaborators. The Chinese do the same in Lhasa and their general population is fine with it.
I don't agree with you because you are a retard. No other reason.

Please, this kinda wording is unbecoming, IMO. He didn't use such words. And Jacky is actually not one of those (you may or may not know what I mean).

As for Tibetans they were kicked out.

The truth is that the "top monks"/masters were "let out". Stalin was furious with Mao for being "soft" and for not machine-gunning the whole lot ...

I think Mao still had some "Buddhist" in him, really ... he sought out Monks and face readers and all throughout his "revolutionary career".

That's again a digression.
There are none more abusive to others than they that lie most open to it themselves.

Imagine that Tibetan were kicked out from their OWN LAND and it is proudly stated!

If that is not imperialism, then what is?

British colonization of India? :lol:
Buddy, you keep claiming that you give out "facts"... but you don't actually do that. :lol:

On the other thread, all the posters were laughing at you because you kept making the most fundamental mistakes. You just glanced over Wikipedia, and decided to write something illogical that everyone called you out on.

You are a persistent in drumming falsehood and attempting to deceive all on things that are not true, but a contrived thought aimed at disinformation and pulling wool.

All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things.
Robert Southey

Check the sites I gave.

They are not Wkipedia.

Olsen is hardly Wikipedia and neither is that chromosome one!

I do hope you can read the syllables that indicate the links.

Also remember the way you all are at it one is reminded of President Kennedy

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy
Please provide them with basic amenities like heat in the winters - perhaps they will then stop asking for refugee status. We are not a rich country - I do realize we provide a better alternative to China for a variety of reasons - but refugees from Bangladesh and China stretch our already thin resources - do your best to keep them in your country.
Nature is hard to be changed or even with no possibility.Whether invade other countries as a group or seek refuge personally for alternative.
British colonization of India? :lol:

No, we are discussing Chinese colonization of Tibet. Please discuss British colonization of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh at an appropriate forum. Thanks.
British colonization of India? :lol:
Note: Our good Tongzhi tanlixiang28776 stated that As for Tibetans they were kicked out.

Imagine that!

People 'kicked out' of their own land, out of their own homes and hearth.

If it is not imperialism, then what is it?

A method to assimilate the Tibetan as it was done earlier in history? Maybe.

British did colonise India. Historical fact.

They did not kick Indians out.

It was Indians who ensured they left. I cannot stoop so low as to use the descriptive term as the said Tongzhi.
No, we are discussing Chinese colonization of Tibet. Please discuss British colonization of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh at an appropriate forum. Thanks.

But then that is the Chinese way when they are devoid of facts - deflect, obfuscate and go tangential and be irrelevant.

Sancho Panza et al!

Same is the thought process in Israel? Or are you flying a false flag since it is 'cool' and embarrassing to identify yourself with the country?
I'm really from Israel and its my personal opinion. I don know about ogeneral opinion, I guess 99% dont care at all. Here my thoughts: no doubt China commited crimes in Tibet during the take over, revolt 1956 and cultural revolution. However, overall the life standards drastically improved in Tibet under the Chinese rule. Chinese did not genocide or ethnically cleanse Tibetans, although they easily could do if they wanted. On contrary, they gave to Tibet an authonomy and Tibetan population grew like never before. And anyway, whats done is done, you cant reverse history back and inciting will only lead to more suffer of Tibetans. Those who really care about Tibetans should better invest there help develope it and create job places.
Truth? I think the truth is very obvious. China conquered Tibet. Chinese are the overlords in Tibet and that is the truth. I don't understand what you are trying to convince here.:what:

Well one could prove that this incorrect and rather grandiose!
But then that is the Chinese way when they are devoid of facts - deflect, obfuscate and go tangential and be irrelevant.

Sancho Panza et al!

But can we hold them accountable for their stance? Their societal and governmental structure makes them conform to the official line of thought. It's like the movie - The Matrix - if people are happy, it is doesn't matter to them if they live in a make-believe world.
Note: Our good Tongzhi tanlixiang28776 stated that As for Tibetans they were kicked out.

Imagine that!

People 'kicked out' of their own land, out of their own homes and hearth.

If it is not imperialism, then what is it?

A method to assimilate the Tibetan as it was done earlier in history? Maybe.

British did colonise India. Historical fact.

They did not kick Indians out.

It was Indians who ensured they left. I cannot stoop so low as to use the descriptive term as the said Tongzhi.

China also didn't kick Tibetans out. If that were the case then why are there over 5 million Tibetans in Tibet? Total Tibetan population is around 5.4 million.

Some followers of the Dalai Lama fled to India after their failed attempt to overthrow the CCP (lol). You can't say they were kicked out if they left themselves (and "they" is only some), don't matter the circumstances.

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