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Tibet border: US seeks India's nod to hunt for 94 lost in WWII

Taiwan ??? You are dreaming too much lately
LOL at the faux academic posturing. Give me a break. Your ignorance speaks louder than your misuse of GRE vocabulary.

"Of the 1,130,000 Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who died during World War II, 39 percent died in China." Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realize that China is a P5 Security Council member and today we occupy former Japanese Empire territories like Manchuria and Taiwan, right? You really think we took these territories without fighting for them?

india was on both sides of the war. The British Empire recruited some indians. Bose fought on the other side for the Japanese. In the Burma theater, the Chinese performed very effectively, especially against Bose, while the British-indian troops had little battlefield success.

Ah, the return of the fanboy! Why is it that none of you have a vocabulary that can stand by itself, without the magic LOL?

You have been given many breaks, and you remain a figure of ridicule to all, to Chinese as well as to Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Your only value is to offer comic relief, since your views are of the most two-dimensional nature.

Again, can you get specific and say what exactly the Chinese did, to live up to your loud, self-praise of having 'performed very effectively'? Considering that the British Indian troops shouldered most of the burden and won most of the victories, this is a reversal of history which only an idiot savant of your type could produce.

If you still cannot produce anything other than clippings from Wikipedia, it might be a good time to go and read on the subject. A good place to start would be 'Bill' Slim's Defeat into Victory. I assume you read books, and that you can drag your attention span beyond the space of a Wikipedia entry.
LOL at the faux academic posturing. Give me a break. Your ignorance speaks louder than your misuse of GRE vocabulary.

"Of the 1,130,000 Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who died during World War II, 39 percent died in China." Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realize that China is a P5 Security Council member and today we occupy former Japanese Empire territories like Manchuria and Taiwan, right? You really think we took these territories without fighting for them?

india was on both sides of the war. The British Empire recruited some indians. Bose fought on the other side for the Japanese. In the Burma theater, the Chinese performed very effectively, especially against Bose, while the British-indian troops had little battlefield success.

lemme cut all the informative part in Joe's post and only highlight the question to make it easier for you to understand the topic....the question was :

So let us know: what battles did you win, or what campaigns did you mount that succeeded? And also let us know: what do you know about the Indian contribution to the war .

Try to be honest. There's always a first time.

I dont expect a meaningful answer from you as you seem to be trying to avoid direct answering by trying to show that whatever is being asked is funny and worth being Lol'd at. but would be interesting if you really come up with some real information about China's vitories in battles that won you land and respect. I suggest reading some Chinese history on wars...that might help.....oh and one more request..please also try reading some Indian history thoroughly..that might help in convincing Indians that you actually know about India.
LOL at bunch of ignorant people from a third world country. Compared to you guys, I am like the brahmin of brahmin. Okay, you want a little bit of knowledge, here you go:

Battle of Changsha (1939) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These prefixes like LOLs and words like 'Brahmin of Brahmin' time and again tell us about the depth of your knowledge. and please dont give us the wiki links...you are just earning a bad reputation for your country...Brahmins in India are known to be knowledgable..your just not showing your worth of being Brahmin of Brahmins. please try harder..I give you one more chance.

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