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Three militants gunned down as Army foils infiltration bid

Pakistan is not the single country works for the rights of Kashmiri muslims, entire muslim world supports them. Armed struggle is indigenous movement and Pakistan is not responsible for it. For your information this attack was done by Jaish Muhammad SAW and they are directly supported by Afghan Taliban. It is clue for your occupied forces to quit Kashmir otherwise NATO withdrawl will lead to new era of militancy in J&K.

We know what all Muslim countries are capable of....And we have been dealing with this sh!t for over 25 years and IA knows how to deal with this....

When you are you speaking about Jaish Muhammad SAW and it is being directly assisted by Afghan Taliban...Tell how did Pakistani forces on the side of the border allow these guys to first come into Pakistan and let them cross over into Indian territory?
This chit chat between india and pakistan will never end so we should start a war and capture Azad Kashmir and gilgit baltistan ..or the government should send the naga regiment to support our present troops in kashmir, they know how to behave with this pakistani jihadis and their supporters like gilani,saala uddin.we are just giving enough space to this anti indian rants in kashmir.our army is doing awesm and with the naga regiment in kashmir, those pakistanis will get the bitter taste of naga warriors..israel is doing great so pm modi should make our relations strategic with them duringvhis upcoming visit.
You have no idea :rofl:. Literally every week, there is a stone fight between Shias and Sunnis in Lucknow. In fact, there is more hatred between these communities now than between Hindus-Muslims. Recently, the Shia leader called for 100,000 Shia volunteers to go to Iraq to fight ISIS. That created even more tension and there were several riots. You are blissfully ignorant about the ground reality
IRAQ-Syria situation differs from Kashmir. I can list shia militant organisations fought in J&K.

Civilians with heavy weaponry.
Cry me a river.:cray:
Where are weapons?
Any justification......

Your shock and dis-belief in how little pakistan achieved at far greater cost to itself is understandable. But facts can't be changed. Death by thousand cuts changed into suicide by thousand cuts...
Causalities on both sides.
You occupied Kashmir still militants are fighting against you for self determination.

We know what all Muslim countries are capable of....And we have been dealing with this sh!t for over 25 years and IA knows how to deal with this....

When you are you speaking about Jaish Muhammad SAW and it is being directly assisted by Afghan Taliban...Tell how did Pakistani forces on the side of the border allow these guys to first come into Pakistan and let them cross over into Indian territory?
They don't cross via LOC. there are many routes.
How many muslim or hindu or christian die ,it does not matter.how many jihadi or pakistani fight and die for kashmir does not matter wether u pakistani live or die does not matter but kashmir will always be a part of india and we will take Azad Kashmir too and liberate baluchistan....insha allahhh.....hahahahah
Causalities on both sides.
You occupied Kashmir still militants are fighting against you for self determination.

6000 Indian armed personnel killed vs how many Pakistani armed personnel currently being killed by same jihadists? definitely more than 6000. This is what happens when your rear a snake. And don't worry, punjabis never gonna get right of "self determination" in kashmir..
They should cross Pakistan right???? How can they pass right under Pakistani defense and intelligence radar????
Man there training camps are located in afghanistan, how can we counter them our army and intelligence are weak. ;)

6000 Indian armed personnel killed vs how many Pakistani armed personnel currently being killed by same jihadists? definitely more than 6000. This is what happens when your rear a snake. And don't worry, punjabis never gonna get right of "self determination" in kashmir..
You are sharing wrong figures. Casualty rate is high on your side.
You are sharing wrong figures. Casualty rate is high on your side.
LOL... still can't digest the bitter truth... You never will understand then. That is the difference between locally fueled insurgency and an external force trying to push the insurgency down the throat of largely unwilling population...
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