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Three heavies endorse Sri Lanka

Chinese might get very offended by your comments..they believe they have atleast more than three friends in the region.

Great to see that you misunderstood his post due to typical low Indian IQ level. :rolleyes:
Wrong.. The UNHRC resolution has nothing to do with those said accusations or a trial..What have you been reading?? It's basically asking the GOSL to expedite implementing it's own LLRC(Lessons learnt and reconciliation commission) recommendations and looking in to some of those accusations are in fact one of it's mandates

Infact it shows neither the UN nor any of the nations have accepted the propaganda of vested interests

You are wrong here, UNHRC voting is for international probe on the accusations. If Srilanka has done nothing then why is it shying away from the UNHRC voting??

The bolded part is also a wrong statement, UN has nothing to do until the voting takes place, If voting goes in the favor of International probe then only UN will intervene.
You are wrong here, UNHRC voting is for international probe on the accusations. If Srilanka has done nothing then why is it shying away from the UNHRC voting??

The bolded part is also a wrong statement, UN has nothing to do until the voting takes place, If voting goes in the favor of International probe then only UN will intervene.

You cant make blanket statements like that.. Show me the US resolution asking a International probe on accusations??.. It's merely asking for a credible probe to the findings made in the Darusman Report for the UN Sec Gen..not on some distorted propaganda video.. And only through the LLRC and it's recommended investigations.. Stop plucking assumptions from the air to post them as matter of facts
You cant make blanket statements like that.. Show me the US resolution asking a International probe on accusations??.. It's merely asking for a credible probe to the findings made in the Darusman Report for the UN Sec Gen..not on some distorted propaganda video.. And only through the LLRC and it's recommended investigations.. Stop plucking assumptions from the air to post them as matter of facts

This is what I am saying in the post, This initial evidence needs to be probed and based on that UN will take action if needed.

I don't think the videos and pics are fake unless the investigation report is out and do not try to judge based on your assumption.
This is what I am saying in the post, This initial evidence needs to be probed and based on that UN will take action if needed.

I don't think the videos and pics are fake unless the investigation report is out and do not try to judge based on your assumption.

I think you have comprehension issues.. NO ONE is investigating those video's ,Pls provide real facts if you know something which non of the bodies comprising the UNHRC does :lol:.. Seriously stop posting blanket statements without any proof

Seems to me you have already judged here..I have posted facts.. So the prejudiced assumptions are all yours.. Any neutral person who would go through this thread will be assured of that
The Report of the Secretary-General's Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka was a 2011 report produced by a panel of experts appointed by United Nations Secretary-General (UNSG) Ban Ki-moon to advise him on the issue of accountability with regard to any alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian law during the final stages of the Sri Lankan Civil War.[1] The report is referred to by some as the Darusman Report, after the name of the chairman of the panel (Indonesian politician Marzuki Darusman).

The panel's work revealed "a very different version of the final stages of the war than that maintained to this day by the Government of Sri Lanka".[2][3][4] The panel found "credible allegations" which, if proven, indicated that war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed by the Sri Lankan military and the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil Tigers).[2][3][4] The panel concluded that "the conduct of the war represented a grave assault on the entire regime of international law designed to protect individual dignity during both war and peace". The panel found that as many as 40,000 civilians may have been killed in the final months of the civil war, most as a result of indiscriminate shelling by the Sri Lankan military.[5][6][7] The panel has called on the UNSG to conduct an independent international investigation into the alleged violations of international humanitarian and human rights law committed by both sides.[8][9] The Sri Lankan government has rejected the entire report, calling it "fundamentally flawed in many respects", and as being based on "patently biased" and unverified material.[10][11]

Report of the Secretary-General's Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't try your own version here.

I think you have comprehension issues.. NO ONE is investigating those video's ,Pls provide real facts if you know something which non of the bodies comprising the UNHRC does :lol:.. Seriously stop posting blanket statements without any proof

Seems to me you have already judged here..I have posted facts.. So the prejudiced assumptions are all yours.. Any neutral person who would go through this thread will be assured of that

Dude you can twist and turn this debate however you want.. you have already clearly stated you've already made up your mind I don't see any viable reason to continue to have a civil resourceful argument with you on the subject and more over can you pls highlight where it states that those perceived allegation video's or pics you've gleefully mentioned umpteenth time will be investigated? ...Failed again

Anyway.. Latest news..TN goats have resigned en mass from the UPA just now.. India has helped to water down some of the intrusive sections of the US sponsored resolution pushing the GOSL to implement the LLRC.. It's sure going to be a very interesting few weeks.. DMK silly idiots have committed political suicide(I'm sure Karunanidhi will crawl back in few days).. And GOI have indeed shown great diplomacy placing national interests over petty political goons
Dude you can twist and turn this debate however you want.. you have already clearly stated you've already made up your mind I don't see any viable reason to continue to have a civil resourceful argument with you on the subject and more over can you pls highlight where it states that those perceived allegation video's or pics you've gleefully mentioned umpteenth time will be investigated? ...Failed again

Anyway.. Latest news..TN goats have resigned en mass from the UPA just now.. India has helped to water down some of the intrusive sections of the US sponsored resolution pushing the GOSL to implement the LLRC.. It's sure going to be a very interesting few weeks.. DMK silly idiots have committed political suicide(I'm sure Karunanidhi will crawl back in few days).. And GOI have indeed shown great diplomacy placing national interests over petty political goons

All I am saying is the initial evidences found are showing another version of what Srilanka is saying, This is a the report from Panel under UN and they also take into account the video and photo evidence if needed(Fake or not will be decided later).

In war Human rights violations are common but here the case is different as per wiki the number is close to 40000 civilians.
Anyway as per the Srilankan envoy's words Srilanka wants to investigate these crimes itself,Srilanka opposes UN intervention, means your Govt. also accepts that there are things to be investigated.
All I am saying is the initial evidences found are showing another version of what Srilanka is saying, This is a the report from Panel under UN and they also take into account the video and photo evidence if needed(Fake or not will be decided later).

In war Human rights violations are common but here the case is different as per wiki the number is close to 40000 civilians.
Anyway as per the Srilankan envoy's words Srilanka wants to investigate these crimes itself,Srilanka opposes UN intervention, means your Govt. also accepts that there are things to be investigated.

Ofcause they need to. .And I not for a moment deny certain incidents did happen.. But it needs to be done in the interests of all Lankans not to the behest of LTTE diaspora groups, INGO's funded by them or TN politicians vying for upmanships or on dubious productions made by well known lobbyists

Any way I have posted the resolution on another thread..I think it's a fair call.. The Rajapaksa regime needs to be needled a bit from the global community for the benefit of all Lankans
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