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‘Thousand links’ : China ties Pak to Xinjiang terror

East turkistan islamist movement is not only allied to ttp but to afghan taliban as well.Its head quarters was in kabul until crippled by american invasion and their leader hassan mahsum killed by NATO.That is your good taliban dear,cheered by you all and supported by you know who.
And pakistani taliban is not = indians/raw..but full blooded pakistanis whom your govt once allowed to rule a part of your sovereign nation.when they get out of your control they does not automatically become indians.

Its really surprising to find so many pakistanis still looking for the good taliban. Forget the lip service and sloganeering on forums and foreign offices, what do you reckon communist godless business minded people REALLY think of people like these, still looking for good taliban?
‘Thousand links’ : China ties Pak to Xinjiang terror

What pakistan will do now??? Their brother is blaming them.
The militants are supported by foreign entities. The evidence is withheld from public view because it would compromise sources and embarrass certain "allies". However, it will be shared with China and this will actually improve Pak-China ties by identifying common enemies.
The militants are supported by foreign entities. The evidence is withheld from public view because it would compromise sources and embarrass certain "allies". However, it will be shared with China and this will actually improve Pak-China ties by identifying common enemies.

That's right. Also here is what it said in the actual original article:

Individual terrorists not to affect China, Pakistan relations: Xinjiang official - Xinhua News

BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- A top official from China's northwest Xinjiang on Wednesday said violent activities by individual terrorists will not affect the all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan, as the situation in the region is stable and controllable.

China and Pakistan are all-weather friends, and Xinjiang and neighboring countries share the interests and objectives in fighting terrorism, said Nur Bekri, chairman of Xinjiang regional government.

"Anti-terrorism is a global task, as terrorism is threatening the lives of all people in the world," Bekri, a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC), said at the ongoing parliament's annual session.

He said international cooperation is needed in the combat against terrorism apart from domestic prevention and crackdown.

"The Pakistani government has also expressed the willingness to maintain China's sovereignty and core interests in fighting terrorism against China," Bekri said.

I find it funny, how the Indian media (and the Express Tribune) have somehow turned this statement above... into "China ties Pak to Xinjiang terror". :rofl:
The militants are supported by foreign entities. The evidence is withheld from public view because it would compromise sources and embarrass certain "allies". However, it will be shared with China and this will actually improve Pak-China ties by identifying common enemies.

LOL, more 'secret' evidence thats in possession of every pakistan internet fanboy!
Solly, Indians' evil plan do desdroy China and Pakistan's friendship will not working here.

cummon, be matured dude. From where India come into picture. China is blaming Pakistan for terrorism not India. those separatists are trained in pakistani kashmir, not Indian. How come Indian are spoiling it>?

By the way its funny to see how Pakistani and chinese defend each other..
I remember similar statements from USA 3-4 years back...

whats the situation now??? I remember same rhetoric during Zia period. Taller than sky and deeper than ocean friendship with USA.

Now USA is enemy No1, Taller than sky and deeper than ocean friendship with China.
@ Chinese Brothers

please understand this thing in big picture.
Americans are losing the position of number 1.no matter what they will do,they will lose this position.the countries who are challenging their power are China,Russia and india.so their think tank RAND proposed a strategy some time ago that no matter how much bail outs we offer to our corporations we can't fix our economy.in order to fix our economy on permanent basis we need a situation where above countries fight with each other.
for that they are equipping india with latest tech.Americans offered lot of favors to indians in afghanistan.and soon indians will pay back the price in terms of foreign policy.understand this think in the context of foreign policy of india towards israel,iran,china and america.this is the reason because of which indians are aggressive towards china.(tibet,vietnam,south china sea)
now americans plan for china.please go through the following link
1) first they will try to create problem in south china sea to disrupt the energy supply.
2) push india to create problem in tibet.
3) at the moment they are pushing afghanistan to sign strategic deal where they will establish six bases in afghanistan.this will help them to keep an eye on iran,central asia,resources of caspian sea,problems in west pakistan (kpk, and baluchistan),and in xinjiang.
americans will not fully withdraw their forces from this region.they will leave behind some 20-30 thousand soldiers who will be infrom jsoc and cia for special operation in this region.highly trained equipped with latest tech.
in order to create rift b/w pakistan,tukey,muslim world on one side and china on other side they create problems in xinjiang.for that they will use afghan soil and ttp an cia asset.
remember ttp was found when a person from mehsood tribe get freed from prison of guantanamo bay.this ttp killed 30-35 thousand pakistanis.
with the help of their assets in media they will try to portray that china is enemy of muslims,and she is killing innocent muslims in xinjiang.
to chinese they will show that soil of its best buddy is used against her,and muslim world is interfering in its internal problems.so please before cursing turkey understand the approach of your real enemy.

psychological warfare.
as foundation of pakistan is based upon islam.his enemies hits its cores by high lighting issues of minorities,sectarian, and portraying islam as religion of terror.also through its media like showing the act of individuals as the policy of state or behavior of a nation.

similarly you chinese has your foundations in your culture.so expect direct attack at your culture.

having said that.99.9% of pakistanis are pro china.majority of muslim world consider xinjiang an internal affair of china.concept of ummah is applicable only to muslim land.
so in order to have peace in xinjiang i think there is a need of close collaboration b/w isi and mss and also some special attention to this region in terms of economic development.
having said that.99.9% of pakistanis are pro china.majority of muslim world consider xinjiang an internal affair of china.concept of ummah is applicable only to muslim land.
so in order to have peace in xinjiang i think there is a need of close collaboration b/w isi and mss and also some special attention to this region in terms of economic development.

Thank you brother. :cheers:

And don't worry, we are always working on how to improve this situation. Time will tell how it goes.
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