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This is why children get injured in Kashmir

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No justification for massacring innocent civilians let alone kids, like hijr@s, by 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists.

A kid is pulled away from the conflict by Police...... Yes there is another police trying to kick the boy.... But kid is out of his reach.... Now there are 3 photographers around this zone..... Which clearly explains what the situation there is..... May be a photo op....


The first picture, The kid has been caught by police and taken away from the conflct zone...... Second picture a police is seen taking a kid to his vehicle for better safety..... You can also see a kid in blue shirt among other protesters who has been punished, and the kid is held by the police for safety reasons....



First picture you can see the kid crying infront of a police (bloodied face) and on the back ground shops are working like a normal day..... wonder where did he pick up the injury from....

Second one seems to be funny one.... because you look at the facial expression of that family , i do not see them feel threatened..... This is normal way Indian police threaten people...... to know the full story you need pictures after few seconds.......
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