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This is how the US puts a show of force in South China sea, who will take the blame this time?


Sep 9, 2016
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Looks like it is fully circled by Chinese navy, and possibly electronic countermeasure attacked and assault simulation as well...:usflag::rofl:

I wonder this time who will replace the commander of USS America...

The last time, when the poor USS Ronald Reagan has been fully circled by Chinese navy on Sept 23 2019 and being cut off from the task force and electronic countermeasure attacked by PLAN, the situation is so embarrassing the US replace the task force commander that in charge of USS Ronald Regan ON SITE ON Sept 30 2019.:rofl:

Like I said so many times before, the US basically has no navy against China, so they should stop embarrassing themselves by showing of whatever little force they have...

The key board warriors always cheers up and down whenever the US put a show of NO FORCE :rofl: in South China sea, its a bliss to be ignorant I guess:lol:
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The satellite images reveals clearly who really dominates the South China Sea. It is completely surrounded at the mercy of the Chinese Navy. It is dictating the American Navy like literally where they can pass in the area or just being pushed around so the Chinese can simulate an attack just like what the Russian fighters did to the US destroyer.

This news here does not come as a surprise after what you see above. The Chinese can take out those bombers and the whole Guam with a barrage of ballistic missiles.

US sailors are really really scared that is already proven.
I am no Us fan at all but...

You can encircle them with as many ships as you want from safe and no-eye contact distance. Since they know that China can't do a shjt more than watching to force a foreign battleship from your "own" territorial waters.

Stop embrasing yourselves with lame victory screams guys. These guys come to your self-claimed waters and show you a middle finger. You happy with what? Encircling them from distance? This is adorable....


A wave of rage from "unhappy to hear the truth" Chinese members, is coming in 3.. 2.. 1..
View attachment 625245
Looks like it is fully circled by Chinese navy, and possibly electronic countermeasure attacked and assault simulation as well...:usflag::rofl:

I wonder this time who will replace the commander of USS America...

The last time, when the poor USS Ronald Reagan has been fully circled by Chinese navy on Sept 23 2019 and being cut off from the task force and electronic countermeasure attacked by PLAN, the situation is so embarrassing the US replace the task force commander that in charge of USS Ronald Regan ON SITE ON Sept 30 2019.:rofl:
View attachment 625246

You guys do know if USS Ronald Reagan wanted to teach the Chinese Navy a lesson they alone are more than capable enough to do it.
Chinese Navy is growing but it's a long way off until you reach the maturity of USN.

Not within range China anti ship ballistic /cruise/hypersonic missiles qualitatively/quantitatively superior land based airforce
The US has military bases in 100 countries and cannot concentrate its forces. China has a small outpost in only one, Djibouti, and is rapidly building up its navy. It will have 3-5 aircraft carriers within 10 years
I am no Us fan at all but...

You can encircle them with as many ships as you want from safe and no-eye contact distance. Since they know that China can't do a shjt more than watching to force a foreign battleship from your "own" territorial waters.

Stop embrasing yourselves with lame victory screams guys. These guys come to your self-claimed waters and show you a middle finger. You happy with what? Encircling them from distance? This is adorable....


A wave of rage from "unhappy to hear the truth" Chinese members, is coming in 3.. 2.. 1..
Then why USS Ronald Regan carrier left SCS since u think it can eye power only?

You don't know something call radar jamming or ECM? The radar interference China unleased is so intense, US carrier has no choice but to left. You can't see it but it's there and no ship can do anything without radar navigation.
View attachment 625245
Looks like it is fully circled by Chinese navy, and possibly electronic countermeasure attacked and assault simulation as well...:usflag::rofl:

I wonder this time who will replace the commander of USS America...

The last time, when the poor USS Ronald Reagan has been fully circled by Chinese navy on Sept 23 2019 and being cut off from the task force and electronic countermeasure attacked by PLAN, the situation is so embarrassing the US replace the task force commander that in charge of USS Ronald Regan ON SITE ON Sept 30 2019.:rofl:
View attachment 625246
Wow,mighty Chinese navy.
So,you did what exactly?
They come to ''your'' territory,do a victory lap and leave.
All you did was watch from a distance untill they left and for this you opened a thread?
Grow up,you cant do anything to the US,the absolute power in the world.
You guys do know if USS Ronald Reagan wanted to teach the Chinese Navy a lesson they alone are more than capable enough to do it.
Chinese Navy is growing but it's a long way off until you reach the maturity of USN.


Not really, first of all, within the ever-growing range of Chinese ASBM there wont be any US navy left.

Secondly for the particular event actually the Chinese source claimed that USS Regan has been completely overpowered by Chinese electronic countermeasures and the commander of task force act panically, the Chinese side of story has been proved sidely by the US navy's sudden removal of the commander of the task force, Karl Thomas on site seven days later.

Wow,mighty Chinese navy.
So,you did what exactly?
They come to ''your'' territory,do a victory lap and leave.
All you did was watch from a distance untill they left and for this you opened a thread?
Grow up,you cant do anything to the US,the absolute power in the world.

That happened in South China sea, outside of the range of Chinese "man-made" island, and when we are determined to do something, they run away like rats like that in 2016.

That's why even Phillpines don't side with them now, so I guess the absolute power is only in your brainwashed imangination, as reliable as this one:
View attachment 625245
Looks like it is fully circled by Chinese navy, and possibly electronic countermeasure attacked and assault simulation as well...:usflag::rofl:

I wonder this time who will replace the commander of USS America...

The last time, when the poor USS Ronald Reagan has been fully circled by Chinese navy on Sept 23 2019 and being cut off from the task force and electronic countermeasure attacked by PLAN, the situation is so embarrassing the US replace the task force commander that in charge of USS Ronald Regan ON SITE ON Sept 30 2019.:rofl:
View attachment 625246
well the us navy fleet is thousands of miles away from home while SCS is PLAN's own personal home turf...utterly STUPID to challenge them on their own turf.
well the us navy fleet is thousands of miles away from home while SCS is PLAN's own personal home turf...utterly STUPID to challenge them on their own turf.

Last time I checked it is not China's own home turf but international water when the CV entered and escaped, althrough we may claim that water in the future, anyway thanks for your nice idea.
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