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This is funny... Also This is Time to Think about Our Nation Stability....


May 1, 2007
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A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life.

A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: 'You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: 'Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl!''

The man says: - 'But I am not a New Yorker!'

'Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl!'' - the policeman answers.

But I am not an American!' - says the man.

'Oh, what are you then?'

' The man says: - 'I am a Pakistani!'

The next day the newspapers says: 'Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.' !!!!!!!!!!!!?
Actually its more shockingly true then funny.
Is this an actual event or just a joke?

Its a perception which is actually true as many Pakistanis have witnessed over different places in the US specially on the airports. There are even certain airports in the US which Pakistanis tend to avoid. This story actually resembles that fact, the mistreatment and alleging them with terrorism.
Its a perception which is actually true as many Pakistanis have witnessed over different places in the US specially on the airports. There are even certain airports in the US which Pakistanis tend to avoid. This story actually resembles that fact, the mistreatment and alleging them with terrorism.
Have you ever been to New York City yourself? I've lived here for almost 2 decades now and let me assure you it's one of the most diverse city where people from all over the world and all walks of life get opportunities not availed to them in their own homelands. There are many Muslims, Pakistani or otherwise who live here and earn a respectful living working hard and getting credit for it... again, something they wouldn't get in Pakistan or which ever country they decided to leave.

As a person who was born in a Middle Eastern country and to this day keeps a beard which "makes me look like a Muslim", I have hardly encountered any problems in the US airports. If anything I get far more flak for being an American when I go abroad, particularly to Islamic states, including the one I was born in.
Oh c'mon, you're an American hence you weren't put through JFK airports insane and incompetent Airport Security and their pathetic excuse for "securing" their borders through hours of questioning

I have been through 6 hours of DUMB questions. Its almost designed to piss us off, not secure anything. Quite understandably some people got pissed off and raised their voices, they were taken away!

The unspoken code at these registrations is "Let them harass you and then thank them for it!" I mean you're at their mercy, they're generally pissed off, don't talk politely and they can just revoke your visa or put in a 1 week stay stamp instead of the 6 months.

Let me repeat, I don't mind the security checks, its harassment whats happening at JFK. At other airports in the US, I've been pulled out of the immigration lines and made to stand in a box, while the security figures out how to bug me some more. Then they put me in so me machine which blows air onto me and I guess that detects gunpowder residue.

Even though that freaked everyone at the Airport out, and then they all look at me funny, but at least it SHOWS that they are doing something about security and not just trying to piss me off. At this airport they were even apologetic about doing that to me.
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This perhaps indicates how much insecure Americans feel. That is why they are devicing whatever means they can think of to try to prevent unwanted people (according to their perception) entering their country.
Oh c'mon, you're an American hence you weren't put through JFK airports insane and incompetent Airport Security and their pathetic excuse for "securing" their borders through hours of questioning

I have been through 6 hours of DUMB questions. Its almost designed to piss us off, not secure anything. Quite understandably some people got pissed off and raised their voices, they were taken away!

The unspoken code at these registrations is "Let them harass you and then thank them for it!" I mean you're at their mercy, they're generally pissed off, don't talk politely and they can just revoke your visa or put in a 1 week stay stamp instead of the 6 months.

Let me repeat, I don't mind the security checks, its harassment whats happening at JFK. At other airports in the US, I've been pulled out of the immigration lines and made to stand in a box, while the security figures out how to bug me some more. Then they put me in so me machine which blows air onto me and I guess that detects gunpowder residue.

This very same thing happened in JFK International airport to a Muslim gentleman i know. They made him stand in a glass cage. and he is Motswana (Citizens of Botswana are called Motswana). anyone who talks to him for 3 minutes will know that he doesnt know the first thing about terrorism. yet they tortured him with dumb questions for the next 6 hrs. when the hindu gentleman he was travelling with protested, they detained him and questioned him also.
This very same thing happened in JFK International airport to a Muslim gentleman i know. They made him stand in a glass cage. and he is Motswana (Citizens of Botswana are called Motswana). anyone who talks to him for 3 minutes will know that he doesnt know the first thing about terrorism. yet they tortured him with dumb questions for the next 6 hrs. when the hindu gentleman he was travelling with protested, they detained him and questioned him also.
Classic! You can't show annoyance at their obvious mistreatment. And the fella tried to protest!? You have to take it from them however they give it and then be sure to thank them once they say "ok no prob, you can go".

Just think about it, they've got these minimum wage idiots working at the airport. They are either not qualified or are just going to follow a script that someone must have googled out.

Seriously a smart terrorist would just answer those questions in a way that makes them let you go. I actually don't mind the scanning devices since that way I don't have to put up with the idiocy of high school drop outs with a badge.
JFK is indeed a racist airport... you can spot so many fat @ss cops running around after muslims... once i was taking domestic flight with my family and just because my name started with "mohammed" at lest 2 fat cops with one lady officer were on my passport digging for something.. unfortunately they were pretty quick with my sister, mother and my father's passport but they took their time (hour+) with my passport.. let alone when we arrived in US despite carrying green card they still go through (muslim torchering procedure).. :usflag: and yes.. you must carry your passport for US domestic flights.. and ohh.. god forbids.. dont ever ever cross the yellow freakin line!!! well that goes for non muslims too..
This very same thing happened in JFK International airport to a Muslim gentleman i know. They made him stand in a glass cage. and he is Motswana (Citizens of Botswana are called Motswana). anyone who talks to him for 3 minutes will know that he doesnt know the first thing about terrorism. yet they tortured him with dumb questions for the next 6 hrs. when the hindu gentleman he was travelling with protested, they detained him and questioned him also.

It is unfortunate.. yet look at it dispassionately. Its their country & they have a right to make things difficult for possibe trouble makers simply by increasing the degree of difficulty at the entry point itself.

Its only us Asians who bend over backwards to recieve guests, visitors & fair skin.
Hey this is not true that all Muslims face the problem. I travelled twice to NY(stayed total 2 years) and currently in UK. I never faced problem with Indian passport. Yes I met with some Pakistani in NY and in UK too, they are not happy with treatment. Perception of this country is getting worst and they are forced to indentify them as an Indian.

Another problem about Pakistani community in UK and US, they are confined to them self and most of youth regulary attend local Masjid where youth's emptyness is getting mis-directed.

So this problem is with Pakistani people, not with Islam. But the problem is countries like Pakistan, they always cover up their own drawbacks with Islam.
Hey this is not true that all Muslims face the problem. I travelled twice to NY(stayed total 2 years) and currently in UK. I never faced problem with Indian passport. Yes I met with some Pakistani in NY and in UK too, they are not happy with treatment. Perception of this country is getting worst and they are forced to indentify them as an Indian.

Another problem about Pakistani community in UK and US, they are confined to them self and most of youth regulary attend local Masjid where youth's emptyness is getting mis-directed.

So this problem is with Pakistani people, not with Islam. But the problem is countries like Pakistan, they always cover up their own drawbacks with Islam.

:disagree: not every single indian has to show their true nature every now and then... no one but indians are forced to change their skin color because they are too ashamed to be dark so they prefer to be bit lighter like pakistanis.. and oh... in kashmir or india if you are a muslim you are on god's mercy..
Hey this is not true that all Muslims face the problem. I travelled twice to NY(stayed total 2 years) and currently in UK. I never faced problem with Indian passport. Yes I met with some Pakistani in NY and in UK too, they are not happy with treatment. Perception of this country is getting worst and they are forced to indentify them as an Indian.

Another problem about Pakistani community in UK and US, they are confined to them self and most of youth regulary attend local Masjid where youth's emptyness is getting mis-directed.

So this problem is with Pakistani people, not with Islam. But the problem is countries like Pakistan, they always cover up their own drawbacks with Islam.

Go place your BS someplace else. Try BR for a change, you will find many of your kind there and who will agree 100% with you.
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