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this is called breaking pakistan and not what Altaf Hussain said

Well you know that when Pakistan was formed. Four states were created based on ethnicity. Sindh for Sindhis, Punjab for Punjabis, NWFP for Pashtuns and Balochistan for Balochs.
But still it is not the right time to be discussing creating more provinces as our country is not stable. First we need to defeat the terrorists, improve our economy and then discuss these issues.

Doesnt Hyderabad count as another city? Doesnt MQM holds power over there?
Just checking.

Yeah you can check. But MQM's biggerst contribution is creating a rift between urban and rural Sind. Tell me me which other province is divided into these two categories. Notr just that MQM insists on Mohajir identity. In between it tries hard to be Mutahida, but honesty its not. Its a party of small group of people who hold sway as they are violent.

No doubt we need provinces but not on ethnic lines and on demands of parties like MQM
A true Muslim never trusts the same man twice. Once bitten, never dare attempt trust the same person.

It does not matter then what he is saying. It matters more what he has done.

You first understand that what Hazrat Ali said and it is not conflicting that hadidth first of all what you quote but if it is also part of Islam to listen both parties statement carefully and then based on Islam make a firm decision.
You first understand that what Hazrat Ali said and it is not conflicting that hadidth first of all what you quote but if it is also part of Islam to listen both parties statement carefully and then based on Islam make a firm decision.

So whats your issue with what I said? Lets put together what you quoted and what I said in MQM context.

Give Altaf Hussain portion of govt and he will shut up. Stop arresting MQM target killers and he will shut up. This is their politics. Haven't we seen enough of this drama in last 30 years?
A true Muslim never trusts the same man twice. Once bitten, never dare attempt trust the same person.

what does trusting or not trusting have to do with Islam?

Every pakistani politicians being elected more then twice are you saying All Pakistanis are not Muslim?

It does not matter then what he is saying. It matters more what he has done.

The lack of knowledge to a situation. Usually once the whole truth is revealed you realize you were happier being clueless.
what does trusting or not trusting have to do with Islam?

Every pakistani politicians being elected more then twice are you saying All Pakistanis are not Muslim?

The lack of knowledge to a situation. Usually once the whole truth is revealed you realize you were happier being clueless.

I dont go by beautiful words. Words are cheap. If these politicians have been given chances and they have proved worthless then we are fools who think their words alone are sufficient when action speak of their incompetence and falling short of leadership standards which they themselves set.

If thats the case, Bilawal said many good things, standing behind a bullet proof glass. Wasn't his party in govt for 5 years? What exactly did his dad do to solve those issues?

We have elected these people again and again is our lack of vision. Eventually, people get what they deserve. If we elect these leader, humiliation and indignitiy is what we deserve and that we are getting by loads.
I dont go by beautiful words. Words are cheap. If these politicians have been given chances and they have proved worthless then we are fools who think their words alone are sufficient when action speak of their incompetence and falling short of leadership standards which they themselves set.

If thats the case, Bilawal said many good things, standing behind a bullet proof glass. Wasn't his party in govt for 5 years? What exactly did his dad do to solve those issues?

We have elected these people again and again is our lack of vision. Eventually, people get what they deserve. If we elect these leader, humiliation and indignity is what we deserve and that we are getting by loads.

airmarshal dont take what i said out of context.
So whats your issue with what I said? Lets put together what you quoted and what I said in MQM context.

Give Altaf Hussain portion of govt and he will shut up. Stop arresting MQM target killers and he will shut up. This is their politics. Haven't we seen enough of this drama in last 30 years?

Go to the wider side and i am not talking about MQM, what is matter to me is whole Pakistan which badly required Administration Changing based on social justice and please read my above post for the social changing we badly required and if we don't give people their rights then at the end a revolution came or country break and as a Pakistani patriot may be it will give me heart attack or may be brain fail. Allah known ........... bottom line give people of this country their basic human need and requirement at least which every Govt. is fail to do so till now
I didn't mean separate province based on religion. In India, we have different states but the center also has some control too. ;)
We are saying similar thing that don't create on ethnic bases. There is no doubt Pakistan need's more provinces for better administration.

Yeah you can check. But MQM's biggerst contribution is creating a rift between urban and rural Sind. Tell me me which other province is divided into these two categories. Notr just that MQM insists on Mohajir identity. In between it tries hard to be Mutahida, but honesty its not. Its a party of small group of people who hold sway as they are violent.

No doubt we need provinces but not on ethnic lines and on demands of parties like MQM

I think right now is not the time to create more provinces, but in future there should be a debate. Intellectuals, experts, or historians could be invited and they can debate on National TV the pros and cons of creating more provinces and on what basis. There should be a proper study done. It is a sensitive issue, we dont want to create more hatred amongst ourselves.
The priority is Pakistan. Lets all stay together.
i think all tuttoos of Altaf Hussain must stop deceiving us. We have seen enough of him for the last 3 decades.

Praises of this man will not work. Nothing is new here and we have seen MQM track record enough to know and decide who is right and who is wrong.

We have to move away from this traditional Pakistan politics. The idols we have created out of these people who we call leaders must be shattered. This idol worship is holding back the potential of our nation. These leaders have divided us, not united us.

A leader is not a leader who divides. Altaf Hussain is the leader of an ethnic party belonging to just one city. Thats his core despite how much you praise who he is. He is a phattoo sitting in London away from his people and away from the country he does politics in.

lol, you mean to say Jinnah was not a leader either? He divided India, right? I am not saying it was wrong how we became independent, but Jinnah did it for equal rights for his people, just like Altaf Hussein would want to do for his people.

Also, he is currently in exile. It would make no sense for him to come back. Benazir Bhutto was in exile too for 8 years but no one could protect her when she came back. We are doing just fine with our leader staying away from us.
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