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Theory: Indian AWACS Radar Images

This second pilot.

watch from 01:00.

If Pakistan can not provide any evidence of the second pilot being Indian, despite him dying in Pakistan - then it obviously proves he was a Pakistani pilot.

you're biting at straws... let's get one thing straight

1. PAF never claimed it shot down a Su-30. There are only rumours
2. India claimed "all pilots and personnel accounted for" AFTER DGISPR released tweet saying they had shot down the jet and pilot was in custody. Then, a couple of hours later, at a press conference, IAF claim "one plane has been lost and they are ascertaining the facts".
3. IAF took 6 weeks to produce these shitty photos which prove nothing. Where is the strike package as claimed by India? Where are the F16s (inside Pakistani territory and far away from the border unlike what IAF claimed)? How was the AWAC already in the air but the interceptor planes weren't?
4. IAF claim it shot down an F16 and Pakistan provided enough proof including the 4 missiles from Abhinandans Mig. Therefore, the onus is on IAF to PROVE and I REPEAT PROVE they shot down the F16. Not claim we have "irrefutable evidence" but then claim it can't be released. Why? What's stopping India from releasing the recording or whatever they have?

Please answer the following questions
They both are inter-related.

If you can prove, that second aircraft downed, was an Indian one, then there is no F16 issue. Since only two aircrafts were shot down that day.
Nopes... They aren't interrelated. You can prove F16 shooting using undeniable proof, and then we will move on to the second pilot issue..
Let's assume ur stupid F16 being down scenario to be true...and let's see how quickly this idiot logic falls apart.

- IAF radar data shows F16 signature disappears(assumed to be shot down)
---> Surely PAF would see that on its radars too

- IAF says that at the same time radio communication of that F16 ceased...which is further indication of the F16 being destroyed.
---> PAF ground control would also have experienced that radio communication from that F16 ceasing at the same time as its radar signature dropped off.

And yet PAF couldn't put two and two together. Arrested it's own pilot and tweeted about it.

If u haven't realized the stupidity in that logic yet...basically it boils down to this...
For every indication IAF would've had of an F16 going down, PAF would've had that and more. So do u see ur self defeating logic yet?

Secondly PAF showed pics of unfired missiles on Mig21, which is more solid proof than this circumstantial evidence...more on this later**

Third...a US news source(well reputed) reported that US did a count of PAF F16s and they are all there. I know Indians are jumping up and down bcuz the reporter protected the privacy of her source...some Indians have gone as far as to claim that US doesn't want to hurt its sales by admitting that an F16 was shot down by a Mig21. I'm curious to know what would be the reaction of u guys if the count had been off by 1. I bet this same news reporter and the US would suddenly be the most credible source to Indians rather than being questioned as they are now ;)

**now for more on that second part.
The "circumstantial evidence"(if not doctored) doesn't guarantee that an F16 was shot down. A fighter jet can drop off enemy's radar in a few ways. In comparison...US counting PAF F16s...there's no two ways about that...the jet is either there in front of their eyes(with the corresponding serial number) or its not.

So u can carry on believing ur fairy tales if u so wish...but it's obvious to the whole world.

Lets reverse your logic. Let say no F-16 was shot down? Instead a Su 30 was shot down.

Pakistan initially says it has 3 Indian Pilots - one custody , one in hospital , one on the run.

A few hours later, it claims, it has only one Indian pilot, what happened to the other two ?

A few days later DGISPR claims that second pilot is dead, and yet is unable to reveal even the name of the pilot, or present any proof that he was Indian.

you're biting at straws... let's get one thing straight

1. PAF never claimed it shot down a Su-30. There are only rumours
2. India claimed "all pilots and personnel accounted for" AFTER DGISPR released tweet saying they had shot down the jet and pilot was in custody. Then, a couple of hours later, at a press conference, IAF claim "one plane has been lost and they are ascertaining the facts".
3. IAF took 6 weeks to produce these shitty photos which prove nothing. Where is the strike package as claimed by India? Where are the F16s (inside Pakistani territory and far away from the border unlike what IAF claimed)? How was the AWAC already in the air but the interceptor planes weren't?
4. IAF claim it shot down an F16 and Pakistan provided enough proof including the 4 missiles from Abhinandans Mig. Therefore, the onus is on IAF to PROVE and I REPEAT PROVE they shot down the F16. Not claim we have "irrefutable evidence" but then claim it can't be released. Why? What's stopping India from releasing the recording or whatever they have?

Please answer the following questions

PAF claimed it shot two aircrafts, so which is the other one ?

How is it possible, that you can claim the shooting of aircraft, and claim you have its pilot, but can't even reveal, which aircraft shot down ?
Pakistan initially says it has 3 Indian Pilots - one custody , one in hospital , one on the run.

A few hours later, it claims, it has only one Indian pilot, what happened to the other two ?

A few days later DGISPR claims that second pilot is dead, and yet is unable to reveal even the name of the pilot, or present any proof that he was Indian.

And all of this could be misinformation just to incite reactions from indians

Or the early part especially could just be the fog of war until information became clearer

Look i get it, you indians are desperate because you lost this one, but your going in circles
Lets reverse your logic. Let say no F-16 was shot down? Instead a Su 30 was shot down.

Pakistan initially says it has 3 Indian Pilots - one custody , one in hospital , one on the run.

A few hours later, it claims, it has only one Indian pilot, what happened to the other two ?

A few days later DGISPR claims that second pilot is dead, and yet is unable to reveal even the name of the pilot, or present any proof that he was Indian.

PAF claimed it shot two aircrafts, so which is the other one ?

How is it possible, that you can claim the shooting of aircraft, and claim you have its pilot, but can't even reveal, which aircraft shot down ?

nah uh... I asked the questions first... you answer them before I answer yours...
This is garbage, aircraft tracks vanish from radars when the take steep dives below mountain tops to avoid detection or possible it was a virtual decoy for indian radars, decoys vanish when jaming is stopped for clear picture . Indian airforce is awstruck! And in wonder by what happened to them. Giving theories instead of facts unlike pakistan.
Yes but their is NO second pilot!!!!

Unless we have actual proof of a second pilot, then he dosent exist

DG ISPR role is to disseminate information some of which is misinformation for the enemy

We simply cant go on words alone!!

All PAFs F16s are fighting fit and unless you have ACTUAL EVIDENCE to prove otherwise your just moaning and shedding tears for no reason

We are sure we got a Su30 but we dont have substantial enough evidence so there is no point crying about it

The difference with india is that indias ego has been shattered and as a result it keeps acting irrational and dramabazi

What are you trying say? Is your DGISPR lying about the second pilot on national television ?

How convenient. You swear by ISPR words, when you want too, call them a liar, when it does not suit your narrative?

nah uh... I asked the questions first... you answer them before I answer yours...

I did. I used your argument and reversed it.
IAF has atleast present the radar picture of downing of F-16. Believing it or not, is your prerogative.

What has PAF presented for its claims of downing a Su 30 ?
Wait for it buddy. Su 30 story will come soon. Wait a week.
Lets reverse your logic. Let say no F-16 was shot down? Instead a Su 30 was shot down.

Pakistan initially says it has 3 Indian Pilots - one custody , one in hospital , one on the run.

A few hours later, it claims, it has only one Indian pilot, what happened to the other two ?

A few days later DGISPR claims that second pilot is dead, and yet is unable to reveal even the name of the pilot, or present any proof that he was Indian.
U still haven't answered what I asked. U merely tried to change the subject. Why not try and respond to what I said?

As for ur deflection...
So withholding information is suspect? By that reasoning IAF is way more suspect for not releasing info.

- Pak released pics of ur missed targets(destroying a bunch of trees) in Balakot. This was confirmed by satellite imagery of pre and post strike by independent third party sources. All of which said that it shows no damage to those buildings.

- Pak released pics of Mig21 wreckage

- Pak released video and pics of Abhinandan

- Pak said it carried out raids inside Indian territory...confirmed by IAF.

- Pak said no PAF jet destroyed by IAF...showed pics of unfired missiles of Mig21. Lara's publication lent further credibility to Pak's claims.

Now tally it up...Pak's claims that were backed up by evidence. Compare it with what IAF has given and u'll see how IAF has made claims with very little in the way of evidence.
And all of this could be misinformation just to incite reactions from indians

Or the early part especially could just be the fog of war until information became clearer

Look i get it, you indians are desperate because you lost this one, but your going in circles

It is not fog of war, the DGISPR interview is from 5th of march.
It is not fog of war, the DGISPR interview is from 5th of march.

Dont f*****g reverse my questions... answer it. Also, @Cookie Monster gladly mentioned what I was going to write above. Perhaps have a read of that and then tell me Pak is the one lying and India is telling the truth.... da fuq is wrong with you dude. Honestly.
What are you trying say? Is your DGISPR lying about the second pilot on national television ?

How convenient. You swear by ISPR words, when you want too, call him a liar, when it does not suit your narrative?

I did. I use your argument and reversed it.

What im saying is that the early information could just be the fog of war..

Action was hot, information coming in fast, until time clarified the reality

And YES part of DG ISPRs role will be to disseminate misinformation

Look your indian argument is
But he said, she said, he said

This is hearsay and guesswork

The ONLY indisputable fact is that india lost a plane and pilot

Why is this so difficult to understand for you?
The second pilot truth bomb if real is enough to make Modi loose the election.
Indians will forget kargil after this.
U still haven't answered what I asked. U merely tried to change the subject. Why not try and respond to what I said?

As for ur deflection...
So withholding information is suspect? By that reasoning IAF is way more suspect for not releasing info.

- Pak released pics of ur missed targets(destroying a bunch of trees) in Balakot. This was confirmed by satellite imagery of pre and post strike by independent third party sources. All of which said that it shows no damage to those buildings.

- Pak released pics of Mig21 wreckage

- Pak released video and pics of Abhinandan

- Pak said it carried out raids inside Indian territory...confirmed by IAF.

- Pak said no PAF jet destroyed by IAF...showed pics of unfired missiles of Mig21. Lara's publication lent further credibility to Pak's claims.

Now tally it up...Pak's claims that were backed up by evidence. Compare it with what IAF has given and u'll see how IAF has made claims with very little in the way of evidence.

India accepted, IAF lost Mig 21 and 1 Pilot missing on the fist day itself, so why wouldn't it accept the other one, if there had been any ?

Pakistan said it shot down 2 Indian aircraft - yet is only able to provide evidence only one, why?

What im saying is that the early information could just be the fog of war..

Action was hot, information coming in fast, until time clarified the reality

And YES part of DG ISPRs role will be to disseminate misinformation

Look your indian argument is
But he said, she said, he said

This is hearsay and guesswork

The ONLY indisputable fact is that india lost a plane and pilot

Why is this so difficult to understand for you?

A simple question -

Was a second aircraft shot down that day?

Where is it's pilot ?
India accepted, IAF lost Mig 21 and 1 Pilot missing on the fist day itself, so why wouldn't it accept the other one, if there had been any ?

Pakistan said it shot down 2 Indian aircraft - yet is only able to provide evidence only one, why?

Because the Su30 fell in IOK!!

But unless we can provide substantial proof then its JUST A CLAIM

and unles indians can provide substantial proof then yours is JUST a claim

The only reality is that india lost a plane and pilot
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