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The World's Bravest Nation Pakistan

to indian brothers, we can sit in the side lines and dissect how absurd the caption and the title is, but for the love God just have a bigger heart. The series of unfortunate events Pakistan has endured the past month in particular, we should concede they have withstood a lot.
assalam alaikum,
salute to all the ppl of pakistan , pakistan zinda baad

If you truly want to be known as a brave people- kick out your corrupt politicians and set an example for the rest of South Asia to follow. Show how change can be affected in the region. We would respect you then..

believe me it will happen i hope in our lives

^^^ they were Super powers of their time! and then they fell to the ground but they had the system but Pakistan even after partition if you look at what Pakistan started off with and what it went through, What Pakistan had to face over times from 3 times bigger country with the population 10 times and the army on the other hand having russia on the back yard " regardless of the world help" then the mess in WOT then natutal disasters from 2005 to now and in the mean time dealing with terrorist man it's easy to say others were brave! I say we are the only true Brave Nation of this time! for the simple fact what we are up against with! from nature to human made problems lol
yup, One who revolt against tyranny/terror is brave, not the victim mindset.

I'm afraid I don't really understand. It would have been helpful if you had given a complementary article. You show a picture of a naive 6-year old on a rickety bridge as some sort of testament to your bravery. I could show you photos of Somalian kids waiting to die in the desert, with vultures circling them in anticipation of a meal.

If you truly want to be known as a brave people- kick out your corrupt politicians and set an example for the rest of South Asia to follow. Show how change can be affected in the region. We would respect you then..
yup, One who revolt against tyranny/terror is brave, not the victim mindset.

Please dont misunderstand me friends, my sympathies are totally with the people of Pakistan in this hour of peril. But understand that you have a very big opportunity in this hour of crisis to radically change your system. This is as opposed to my own country which has a "chalta hai" attitude, everything is "maya", so no point struggling for anything.. Even CWG corruption is forgotten over Match fixing because, well apparently the public doesn't give a F@#$ about our corruption anymore..
Forget the pains of partition, the wars with India, the separation of East Pakistan, and focus just on the past half decade or so:

Hundreds of terrorists attacks - car bombings, truck bombings, markets bombed, hotels bombed, LEA, Intelligence and Military HQ's bombed - tens of thousands dead, most in the last three years or so. Millions uprooted and rehabilitated in COIN campaigns in FATA and Swat.

80,000 dead and millions impacted in a devastating earthquake in 2005, and now tens of millions impacted, rendered homeless and their crops and businesses destroyed - millions facing starvation - and yet we continue.

We continue despite man made and natural calamities and the utter incompetency of our ruling elites, military and civilian - we continue despite our social and economic ills, and we put our resources together as common Pakistanis to help in times of need. As a nation we have proven our resilience (and yes, our strength and indeed courage under duress of all kinds) time and again, and will continue to do so.

The NW title is indeed apt, for few nations come to mind that have had to deal with the kinds of challenges in the short span of time that Pakistan has had to deal with.

And yes, every nation/individual is capable of acts of great courage and virtue, but it is only those who actually commit themselves to those acts and carry through with them that are worth mentioning.

And do you have an alternative to "continue"? Astute, indeed, is your ability to exhibit your courage.
Oh please , something big is about to happen in Pakistan which is why these kind of articles get stated ....

Right now we are like Mohammad Ali on his second knock down and count is up to 7 he needs to get up again
And do you have an alternative to "continue"? Astute, indeed, is your ability to exhibit your courage.

Absolutely - we could have gone down the path of Afghanistan long ago, or for that matter disintegrated as a nation ala Yugoslavia.

Lets not forget that the West and Indians have been predicting the breakup of Pakistan for years now.

As for the arguments by some of good governance, that is really not the context of the argument.

Good governance would be an example of a successful nation, struggling against all the odds that I outlined earlier, to get to a successful state, keeping intact our nationhood, that would be an example of bravery.

Apt title indeed, but then I wouldn't really expect Indians to either accept it, understand it or appreciate it, at least most of the Indians that frequent this forum - its an issue of a morally bankrupt and hateful mentality on their part.
Absolutely - we could have gone down the path of Afghanistan long ago, or for that matter disintegrated as a nation ala Yugoslavia.

Lets not forget that the West and Indians have been predicting the breakup of Pakistan for years now.

As for the arguments by some of good governance, that is really not the context of the argument.

Good governance would be an example of a successful nation, struggling against all the odds that I outlined earlier, to get to a successful state, keeping intact our nationhood, that would be an example of bravery.

Apt title indeed, but then I wouldn't really expect Indians to either accept it, understand it or appreciate it, at least most of the Indians that frequent this forum - its an issue of a morally bankrupt and hateful mentality on their part.

While I agree to the title of the thread, I believe the the bold part unlike the title is not apt. Sounds a lot like, Agree with my POV else you are Bad and hateful:disagree:
Pakistan always came out on top during times of crisis. It only unites us further. Despite the problems we are still a very proud and resilient nation. Alhamdolillah.
150+ sucide bomb blasts in KPK.And 35 in Punjab and more then 30 in other areas from Last three years !!

Think just 10 sucide bomb Blasts in a Super power Country USA and tell me where they will be?

I dont think people will say USA the United States Of America !!

Then there will be NO states and no people Only the Unknown states of America!


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