It's not as dreamy as you might think and I really don't think you'd want to be there. Women have group-think mentality and they support each other when it comes to gender issues, whereas men are more individualistic and have a wider variety of thoughts. Since nearly no women want to do labour-intensive jobs, or work in positions that involve physical danger, they will turn all men into slaves. As for having kids, they will rape the men in order to have kids or use IVF. Women don't like men the same way men like women.
Men like women for who they are, whilst women like men for what they can provide them - i.e. resources and protection. As far as women are concerned, any man that does not shack up with a woman to provide her resources and protection is an oxygen-waste and might as well be killed or be made a slave. Essentially for them, men are disposable slaves. Why do you think women get so pissed off when they find a guy isn't interested in marriage or relationships and doesn't want much to do with women? It's because he's not doing his "duty" to be a protector and provider to some woman (i.e. essentially a disposable slave).
Regardless, in the scenario posited, you'll likely be made a slave because women would have no interest in physical labour, and since they have a herd-like mentality you'll like be forced into slavery.
Another possible fate is being forced into a war. Throughout history female leaders have been among the most aggressive in starting wars, yet the fighting is done by disposable men. You could become a male that is forced into a war and get killed.