I'd also like to say not all females think alike,If that was the case I wouldn't have made this thread in the first place.
This is definitely true if talking about most subjects, however my key point is that women have a group-think mentality in particular when it comes to gender relations, discussions and issues. I can definitely find many instances of women that will fight for men's rights and against misandry and anti-male double standards. However, as a percentage, such women would not make a large percentage of all women. The traits I discuss are innate to female nature WRT how they interact with men.
Let's take western countries where women have been "liberated" and have at least as many rights as men (and, as I argue, many more privileges that men don't). Women want "equality", but you'll rarely see them fighting for negative quality. That is, equality that doesn't benefit women. Examples of such include disparity in health care research spending, divorce and child custody courts, workplace fatalities, suicide rates, homeless rates and the plethora of social double standards. All these double standards, inequalities and disparities favour women and thus you will only see infrequent instances of women fighting these inequalities. This is why I say that women do not care about men. If women could replace the services provided by men, such as labour, reproduction and the logical male mind that allows a functioning society, women will gladly do so.
OTOH, men will fight for the rights of women and even grant them privileges over men (i.e. their own gender). They will even put other men down in order to make women happy. The typical "all men are pigs", "all men are assholes" and "all men want is sex" sexist bullshit is repeated not only by women but great number of men. This tells me that men care about women and how they feel. Indeed, as I mentioned in post #98, all of this male behaviour is natural. Men are programmed to be female doormats in order to get a chance to reproduce/have sex and to get female validation. And by no means all men will follow this paradigm, and in fact I think a small-scale evolution is happening where men are increasingly realizing the nature of women and not deciding to bother with them in a serious manner.
Right now misandry is so incredibly entrenched in all societies across the world that many don't even realize it, or feel the misandry is not really misandry and consider it "normal". But this is changing rather quickly with the internet. In Western nations particularly, MGTOW phenomena and MRA movement are becoming increasingly popular among men.
This question may sound racist but if you could accumulate and tabulate women of different ethnicities from good to bad or Bad to Good,How would you do it?
This is a difficult question, because one could look at it in several ways. For example, a lot of toxic behaviour seen in western females (particularly anglo countries) will not be seen in South Asian and Middle Eastern ones. However, I believe the reason for that is because the South Asian and Middle Eastern societies make such behaviour socially immoral and regulate such behaviour. If the same women were to be born and raised in a western culture, they will likely turn out to be no different than the white and black females that are incredibly toxic.
Is your question also about how brainwashed the females are about men, about "female oppression", how full of double standards and hypocrisy they are? Or how would they treat individual men? A lot of women have all those traits I mention but will still be really nice to men, albeit wanting them to slave to a woman. Others will be outright toxic, have extremely high expectations and an ego the size of jupiter.