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The Woes of Indian Muslims

See first of all in India, JOBS are not divided for religions. There is no x% for Hindus, y% for christians etc... There is General quota, where any person can take up jobs as per qualification, and there is quotas for minorities. These quotas for minorities are small because they have to adjust it for many religious minorities as well as for ST, SC.

Your post sounds like you cannot comprehend that there much more religions in India than Pak and in much larger scale.

The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India. Besides the fact that despite the fact that certain groups have less literacy % than other ones, but have higher work participation % than them.
The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India. Besides the fact that despite the fact that certain groups have less education than other ones, but have higher work participation % than them.

Quotas are also for OBC which is mainly hindus. Do you know that?

So its discrimination on Hindus too??????
The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India. Besides the fact that despite the fact that certain groups have less education than other ones, but have higher work participation % than them.

" The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India"- I'm still searching for any logic in this post- I'll get back to you when I find any...
The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India. Besides the fact that despite the fact that certain groups have less literacy % than other ones, but have higher work participation % than them.

That means Hindus have discrimination and Muslims don't have such scenario in India.

Data Suggests, quotas doesn't change anything. Quotas should be based on Per Capita Income and not on Cast or Religion. I hope that will happen.
Quotas are also for OBC which is mainly hindus. Do you know that?

So its discrimination on Hindus too??????

OBCs are other backward areas, which include people from all religions broken up into classes, in these backward areas. My point is that the quota system itself is placed when there is inherent discrimination in the system. Quotas are used to bring everyone on a "more level playing field" & counter negative discrimination.
The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India. Besides the fact that despite the fact that certain groups have less literacy % than other ones, but have higher work participation % than them.

How is work defined in the chart ? can you explain me that? Since you hold the chart to the heart:D
OBCs are other backward areas, which include people from all religions broken up into classes, in these backward areas. My point is that the quota system itself is placed when there is inherent discrimination in the system. Quotas are used to bring everyone on a "more level playing field".

More opportunities to some without considering the merits of all, is discrimination.

Wah bhai wahhh!!!!!! (do we have a an applause smiley, mods?)
The fact that you need to have quotas for minorities goes to show the inherent discrimination on a state level in India. Besides the fact that despite the fact that certain groups have less literacy % than other ones, but have higher work participation % than them.

Quota equals discrimination. First time I am hearing this. in India ,a lot of Hindu radical groups wants this religious quota abolished as they term it as a Govt sponsored minority appeasement.

As for work participation please don't forget that majority of Muslim families are still hesitant to sent their woman folk out for work. No woman in work force, less work participation.
More opportunities to some without considering the merits of all, is discrimination.

Wah bhai wahhh!!!!!! (do we have a an applause smiley, mods?)

I have already described to you in my previous posts, that you should consider the merits of all, look at their literacy %. I never said give more opportunities without considering the merits of all. I asked you to compare the literacy levels of each group & their population % in the state, to their employment levels % in the state, & look at the results corresponding to that.
Quota equals discrimination. First time I am hearing this. in India ,a lot of Hindu radical groups wants this religious quota abolished as they term it as a Govt sponsored minority appeasement.

As for work participation please don't forget that majority of Muslim families are still hesitant to sent their woman folk out for work. No woman in work force, less work participation.

I never said quota=discrimination. I said quotas are used to counter discrimination. The presence of the quota system shows there is discrimination inside the system.

What Galaxy said is true, and so are all the facts provided by Fateh and Spark and others. Your reply to Galaxy about Madrasas is irrelevant. FYI, Madrasas are not big in India in the education field. The problem is of pursuing higher education. You can only take a horse to the source of water but cannot force it to drink.

Even with many reservations and sops provided, many youth from the Muslim community tend to forgo higher education - say masters or professional degrees and follow family businesses or small enterprises. You cannot blame Indians or Indian Muslims if they dont want to do Govt or private sector jobs and prefer being entrepreneurs. Be it small manufacturing/fabrication units, vehicle service centers/grocery stores or other small business, Muslims in India have excelled. One needs to visit the 'business centers' where the bulk of local business run in Indian cities and you will be surprised to see that majority of the merchants are Muslims or Jains or others from the so called underpriviliged/underrepresented communities!

So I dont understand what your confusion or complaint is about.

As for op, Mr. SOCOM scours the interwebz for anything bad about India, without bothering the irrelevancy or obsolescence of sources he provides.
What Galaxy said is true, and so are all the facts provided by Fateh and Spark and others. Your reply to Galaxy about Madrasas is irrelevant. FYI, Madrasas are not big in India in the education field. The problem is of pursuing higher education. You can only take a horse to the source of water but cannot force it to drink.

Even with many reservations and sops provided, many youth from the Muslim community tend to forgo higher education - say masters or professional degrees and follow family businesses or small enterprises. You cannot blame Indians or Indian Muslims if they dont want to do Govt or private sector jobs and prefer being entrepreneurs. Be it small manufacturing/fabrication units, vehicle service centers/grocery stores or other small business, Muslims in India have excelled. One needs to visit the 'business centers' where the bulk of local business run in Indian cities and you will be surprised to see that majority of the merchants are Muslims or Jaoins or others form the so called underpriviliged/underrepresented communities!

So I dont understand what your confusion or complaint is about.

As for op, Mr. SOCOM scours the interwebz for anything bad about India, without bothering the irrelevancy or obsolescence of sources he provides.

How do you support your claim that Muslims don't like pursuing higher education as much as other religious groups in India? Any official statistics to support that bold claim?
I never said quota=discrimination. I said quotas are used to counter discrimination. The presence of the quota system shows there is discrimination inside the system.

You are plain contradicting yourself.

Quota is NOT discrimination and neither does it allude to a coverup of discrimination "inside the system". Quotas are implemented to draw less privileged youth from particular communities to those particular programs who otherwise tend to pursue other vocations.
I have already described to you in my previous posts, that you should consider the merits of all, look at their literacy %. I never said give more opportunities without considering the merits of all. I asked you to compare the literacy levels of each group & their population % in the state, to their employment levels % in the state, & look at the results corresponding to that.

Is nt it better if yes. Merits mein bhi milaga aur quota mein bhi.

Results corresponding is not states fault. State is favoring minorities.
You are plain contradicting yourself.

Quota is NOT discrimination and neither does it allude to a coverup of discrimination "inside the system". Quotas are implemented to draw less privileged youth from particular communities to those particular programs who otherwise tend to pursue other vocations.

I never said quota is discrimination. It doesn't "cover up" discrimination, it counters discrimination against those that are discriminated in India. I hope you understand what I am saying.
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