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The Wardi wala with no Morals - Targeting women

Not saying it couldn't have been handled better but what do you think the molvis were going to do when they reached Faizabad. Just sit there and wait for the french ambassador to be kicked out, who coincidentally wasn't even in the country to begin with (but that's another discussion :lol: , 10 may has gone by, TLP was suppossed to launch petrol price jihad against govt twice, but since ground for further election delay have been created, TLP is no longer worried about petrol price)?

It wasn't eons but even if it was, what do you mean?

Bro irrespective, your govt butchered the maulvis. You guys butt banged your opposition (sana got banged almost just as much as he was by the ISI under mush era).

2) I mean you could have changed the police, no reforms ?
Change the Police wardi so they are exposed easily

All this Dabang / shabang is none sense most important thing is Moral of Officer
Bro irrespective, your govt butchered the maulvis. You guys butt banged your opposition (sana got banged almost just as much as he was by the ISI under mush era).

2) I mean you could have changed the police, no reforms ?
Yeah, looking back, I now disagree. They should have either left them alone or gone all the way, preferably. But, you'll admit it was nowhere near as close. And none of their supporters got harmed or anything.

As for reforms in any place, you know the deal. It's an old excuse but it's valid. His hands were tied for pretty much anything but bayan baazi and planting trees.

Police reform is no mean feat. Nevermind that one of the biggest beneficiary of the rotten police system is the establishment. They get their dirty work done, and in return protect the police for politicians (like pervez ilahi's govt couldn't do jack about the 25th may violence perpetrators)
Yeah, looking back, I now disagree. They should have either left them alone or gone all the way, preferably. But, you'll admit it was nowhere near as close. And none of their supporters got harmed or anything.

As for reforms in any place, you know the deal. It's an old excuse but it's valid. His hands were tied for pretty much anything but bayan baazi and planting trees.

Police reform is no mean feat. Nevermind that one of the biggest beneficiary of the rotten police system is the establishment. They get their dirty work done, and in return protect the police for politicians (like pervez ilahi's govt couldn't do jack about the 25th may violence perpetrators)
Reforms can't do jack, when the next administration and their GHQ bosses can come in and upend it overnight with full support of the judiciary. The whole system needs to go and GHQ sepoys need to be defanged.
Well guys women were fighting for equal rights since ages. I guess now they get equal police brutality. its a win win. police b kush or women b
Some things never change.

East Pakistan 1971

Anyone remember Bajwas 8 hr lecture at LUMs? Lol
did he speak at Luns? How were his oral skills considering the student there have excellent vocabulary?
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Some things never change.

East Pakistan 1971

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A bully will usually only stop when you respond to him in the same language, as the Bengalis did against these Napak generals.
Shobaz and Nawaz intentionally changed the color of Punjab Police Wardi in past terms intentionally for this purpose Sinister planners
Not surprising because this same Army raped thousands of women in 1971 in Bangladesh. This was also one of the many reasons that the Bangla people surrounded these Army terrorists and cut their heads off in open stadiums. Once these terrorists knew that people will kill them mercilessly by taking their heads off, like degraded cowards they ran to the Indian Army and surrendered themselves to the indian army knowing perfectly well that Indian Army was bound by Geneva Convention to treat PoWs with respect.
A bully will usually only stop when you respond to him in the same language, as the Bengalis did against these Napak generals.

I hope Pakistanis do the same we did, Pakistanis have access to weapons in large numbers, we had nothing. Only trouble is Pakistan has many ethnicity and many fault lines for enemies to exploit in an anarchy unlike Bengalis. You guys should tread very carefully. Last thing you need is breaking apart the country or becoming next Syria.

Some things never change.

East Pakistan 1971

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Bro it's not surprising or unusual for militarties doing these things throughout history. What's shameful is a Muslim army doing it to Muslim women, what's even more shameful is the Muslim army doing it to Muslim women of their own country, the very people they took the oath to protect, the very people who paid for their salaries, uniforms and weapons. Bengalis in '71 were their own people and Pakistani citizens.
Bro irrespective, your govt butchered the maulvis. You guys butt banged your opposition (sana got banged almost just as much as he was by the ISI under mush era).

2) I mean you could have changed the police, no reforms ?

For reforms to take place, the cancer must be removed first.

The sadists at the ISI need to be reigned it.

They depend on the likes of Rao Anwar and the current IG Punjab to do their dirty work.

Meaningful reforms took place in KPK. Police there are themselves chanting

"Ye ju na maloom hn ye hamain maloom hn"
Punjab culture see wife/women beating like none other, so wonder that their police is no less than wahshi janwar.
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