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The US military assesses it could cripple the Iranian Navy in minutes and destroy it in 2 days

Iranian military might does not hold a candle to American. Anybody who assume otherwise, is utterly deluded.

There are over 500 airfields in the Middle East. How many can you strike at and disable? Not many even if you throw your entire arsenal of missiles at them.

A volley of 15 ballistic missiles - each armed with 1000 pound warhead - barely scratched Iraqi Al-Asad military base. The military base was completely operational.

Do the math.

The US will also be targeting Iranian missile launchers and degrading that capability. As stated in the article, Trump already gave the go ahead to target missile launchers. This is where the F-35 will excel, using its advanced sensor, data fusion, and EW capabilities to target them.
The US will also be targeting Iranian missile launchers and degrading that capability. As stated in the article, Trump already gave the go ahead to target missile launchers. This is where the F-35 will excel, using its advanced sensor, data fusion, and EW capabilities to target them.
Except Iran will first disable US air bases with precise ballistic missiles with cluster munitions destroying closely parked F-35s and fuel depots on the ground and with high precision
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Me think there is an "avoiding loop" in the US-thinking which still ignores missiles...
lol... Another self bragging article. Can't even dare to retaliate when Iran directly declared war on US with ballistic precision strike attack. You want us to trust this trash article? Why not claimed it can destroyed Iran in 1 second? Talk is cheap. Cant believe US has decline to this stage. :lol:
I'm 90% convinced you didn't read the article, and instead just read the highlighted part. It's actually very critical of the US government and military.
I don't think any Iranian would deny the fact in a conventional conflict, Iran's naval surface fleet would not fair well against the US. However such claims have little worth in a US-Iran war discourse because Iran will not be relying on its navy in a war against the US.

The US will also be targeting Iranian missile launchers and degrading that capability. As stated in the article, Trump already gave the go ahead to target missile launchers. This is where the F-35 will excel, using its advanced sensor, data fusion, and EW capabilities to target them.

Oh please, give these Hollywoodesque scenarios a rest already. US has little hope in destroying the countless "missile cities" Iran had been making for decades. Only thing that could stop would be a ground invasion and I don't think any US general even in their fantasies could see a ground invasion of Iran.

As for F-35, if I were the US, I would not send that plane anywhere near Iran's airspace unless you want to see another humiliation like the RQ-4, RQ-70, F-117 etc.
I'm 90% convinced you didn't read the article, and instead just read the highlighted part. It's actually very critical of the US government and military.

Its an try for white washing of Trump. You can see it clearly here

"But on this, nearly every U.S. official agrees: It was mostly luck that not a single American died, and the missile attack represented a huge gamble by Iran. Had they killed even a single U.S. soldier, Trump might have felt compelled to respond with a counterstrike."

This article is for US-internal use. To make the us citizens to believe all is ok and US is great and any war against any other country will be always a summer picknic with good tasting apple pie and a great budwiser.
There are over 500 airfields in the Middle East. How many can you strike at and disable? Not many even if you throw your entire arsenal of missiles at them.

A volley of 15 ballistic missiles - each armed with 1000 pound warhead - barely scratched Iraqi Al-Asad military base. The military base was completely operational.

Do the math.
one thing we saw in Iran missile attack on american base (which i didn't assume in my own calculations) is the fact that it paralyzed US strike back capabilities. this is game changer because it cut's US most important military arm, it's air force. if their AF is out of game so our air force can operate easily. we can launch missiles on US bases days after days NOT TO DESTROY them, simply to ground them.
this is nothing to ignore as Americans themselves pointed out it. BMs gives Iran an upper hand in any conflict.
actually Americans should be worry about pin point medium range ballistic missiles, specially Chinese ones. and they actually are and they are pursuing their own program.

Me think there is an "avoiding loop" in the US-thinking which still ignores missiles...
their military history revolves around a powerful air force, they won several major conflict with their AF. it's natural that they try to do things is previous ways with better equipment and tactics.
but i think they are developing their own long range missiles too, so they are actually beginning to understand the importance of such weapons.
The Ameritards have fought a bunch of defenceless countries, murdered women and children, and made moovies glorifying their armed forces..... their problem is that they thought Iran is also a defenceless country...... after getting bitch slapped by Iran, they are going to put their Holywood system into overdrive to try to get back some of their lost pride.
The Ameritards have fought a bunch of defenceless countries, murdered women and children, and made moovies glorifying their armed forces..... their problem is that they thought Iran is also a defenceless country...... after getting bitch slapped by Iran, they are going to put their Holywood system into overdrive to try to get back some of their lost pride.

Many of these American fanboys live in alternate reality. A reality which they truly do base much on what they watch on Hollywood and Fox news etc. Their military planners however, despite their bravado claims to fool their public, are not stupid enough to do anything to likes of Iran. Like you said, if a country can hit back, these Americans are all talk. Quite reminiscent of a high school bully!
I don't think any Iranian would deny the fact in a conventional conflict, Iran's naval surface fleet would not fair well against the US. However such claims have little worth in a US-Iran war discourse because Iran will not be relying on its navy in a war against the US.

Oh please, give these Hollywoodesque scenarios a rest already. US has little hope in destroying the countless "missile cities" Iran had been making for decades. Only thing that could stop would be a ground invasion and I don't think any US general even in their fantasies could see a ground invasion of Iran.

As for F-35, if I were the US, I would not send that plane anywhere near Iran's airspace unless you want to see another humiliation like the RQ-4, RQ-70, F-117 etc.

Air Force F-35s absolutely wrecked their enemies during a mock air combat exercise, officials say

The U.S. Air Force put the F-35 up against "the most advanced weapons systems out there" during the recent Red Flag air combat exercise, and the fight-generation stealth fighters apparently dominated — so much so that even the rookie pilots were crushing it.

Pilots from the 388th Fighter Wing's 4th Fighter Squadron took to the skies in upgraded F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters, integrating into a "Blue Force" consisting of fifth and fourth-generation fighters for a "counter air" mission against a "Red Force" made up of "equally capable" fighters.

During the intense exercise, aggressor aircraft blinded many of the "blue" fourth-generation aircraft using electronic attack capabilities, such as those advanced adversaries might employ in battle. "Even in this extremely challenging environment, the F-35 didn't have many difficulties doing its job," Col. Joshua Wood, 388th Operations Group commander, explained in a U.S. Air Force statement summarizing the exercise results.

Novice F-35 pilots were able to step in and save more experienced friendly fourth-generation fighter pilots while racking up kills.

"My wingman was a brand new F-35A pilot, seven or eight flights out of training," Wood said, recounting his experiences. "He gets on the radio and tells an experienced 3,000-hour pilot in a very capable fourth-generation aircraft. 'Hey bud, you need to turn around. You're about to die. There's a threat off your nose.'"

That young pilot took out the enemy aircraft and then went on to pick up three more "kills" during the mission, which lasted for an hour. "I've never seen anything like it before," Wood added.

The latest iteration of Red Flag — a multinational exercise aimed at training pilots to defeat enemy aircraft, integrated air-defense systems, and electronic and information warfare tactics — was said to be "exponentially more challenging" than past drills, as they were specifically intended to simulate real combat against a more serious threat like Russia or China. The pilots waged simulated war in contested environments characterized by electronic attack, communications jamming, and GPS denial.

"Those situations highlight the fifth-generation capabilities of the F-35. We're still able to operate and be successful," Lt. Col. Yosef Morris, the 4th Fighter Squadron commander, said in a US Air Force statement.

The F-35A participated in Red Flag, the service's top air combat exercise, for the first time two years ago. At that time, the powerful stealth aircraft was only at its initial operating capability, yet it still destroyed the opposition with a 20:1 kill ratio.

This year, pilots were flying F-35s with upgrades offering improved combat capabilities and maneuverability, making the aircraft more lethal in air combat. The Block 3F software upgrades brought the aircraft up to full warfighting capability.

The F-35A is "exceeding our expectations when it comes to not only being able to survive, but to prosecute targets," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Dave Goldfein said Tuesday, according to Air Force Times.

The F-35A, an embattled aircraft still overcoming development challenges, is expected to eventually replace the aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons and A-10 Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft.


The F-35 dominates against the most advanced threats out there in Red Flag exercises.
The US will also be targeting Iranian missile launchers and degrading that capability. As stated in the article, Trump already gave the go ahead to target missile launchers. This is where the F-35 will excel, using its advanced sensor, data fusion, and EW capabilities to target them.
usa could not do it with Iraq , Israel could not do it with Hezbollah ,KSA could not do it with yemen
The military industrial complex is hand in hand with Holywood, and they are determined to fool the Americans and rob them all their lives..... this is why they keep bigging up the F 35..... every independent analysis has concluded that it´s crap to te core.... yet, it can not be cancelled now..... so they have to fool the idiotc American in believing that this is some sort of super weapon. The Australian government analysis of te F35 called it a "flying brick."..... good for murdering unarmed civilians..... but don´t bring it within 300 miles of Irans boardes, cause they have a taste of blowing up $200 million US military planes out of the sky.
Air Force F-35s absolutely wrecked their enemies during a mock air combat exercise, officials say

The U.S. Air Force put the F-35 up against "the most advanced weapons systems out there" during the recent Red Flag air combat exercise, and the fight-generation stealth fighters apparently dominated — so much so that even the rookie pilots were crushing it.

Pilots from the 388th Fighter Wing's 4th Fighter Squadron took to the skies in upgraded F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters, integrating into a "Blue Force" consisting of fifth and fourth-generation fighters for a "counter air" mission against a "Red Force" made up of "equally capable" fighters.

During the intense exercise, aggressor aircraft blinded many of the "blue" fourth-generation aircraft using electronic attack capabilities, such as those advanced adversaries might employ in battle. "Even in this extremely challenging environment, the F-35 didn't have many difficulties doing its job," Col. Joshua Wood, 388th Operations Group commander, explained in a U.S. Air Force statement summarizing the exercise results.

Novice F-35 pilots were able to step in and save more experienced friendly fourth-generation fighter pilots while racking up kills.

"My wingman was a brand new F-35A pilot, seven or eight flights out of training," Wood said, recounting his experiences. "He gets on the radio and tells an experienced 3,000-hour pilot in a very capable fourth-generation aircraft. 'Hey bud, you need to turn around. You're about to die. There's a threat off your nose.'"

That young pilot took out the enemy aircraft and then went on to pick up three more "kills" during the mission, which lasted for an hour. "I've never seen anything like it before," Wood added.

The latest iteration of Red Flag — a multinational exercise aimed at training pilots to defeat enemy aircraft, integrated air-defense systems, and electronic and information warfare tactics — was said to be "exponentially more challenging" than past drills, as they were specifically intended to simulate real combat against a more serious threat like Russia or China. The pilots waged simulated war in contested environments characterized by electronic attack, communications jamming, and GPS denial.

"Those situations highlight the fifth-generation capabilities of the F-35. We're still able to operate and be successful," Lt. Col. Yosef Morris, the 4th Fighter Squadron commander, said in a US Air Force statement.

The F-35A participated in Red Flag, the service's top air combat exercise, for the first time two years ago. At that time, the powerful stealth aircraft was only at its initial operating capability, yet it still destroyed the opposition with a 20:1 kill ratio.

This year, pilots were flying F-35s with upgrades offering improved combat capabilities and maneuverability, making the aircraft more lethal in air combat. The Block 3F software upgrades brought the aircraft up to full warfighting capability.

The F-35A is "exceeding our expectations when it comes to not only being able to survive, but to prosecute targets," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Dave Goldfein said Tuesday, according to Air Force Times.

The F-35A, an embattled aircraft still overcoming development challenges, is expected to eventually replace the aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons and A-10 Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft.


The F-35 dominates against the most advanced threats out there in Red Flag exercises.

Would have been relevant if I was talking about an Iran-US airforce conflict...
Many of these American fanboys live in alternate reality. A reality which they truly do base much on what they watch on Hollywood and Fox news etc.
Am USAF veteran. F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm). And yes, I am very much a fanboy. But I am fanboy with knowledge and experience.

Their military planners however, despite their bravado claims to fool their public, are not stupid enough to do anything to likes of Iran. Like you said, if a country can hit back, these Americans are all talk. Quite reminiscent of a high school bully!
The thing is...Desert Storm changed warfare the way the Mongols, the machine gun, or the airplane, changed warfare -- irrevocably.

Definition of 'irrevocable': not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.

It means that if you do not have the same technical capabilities and effective execution of those capabilities, you WILL lose the war. That is the context of 'irrevocably' in this situation. Just like the machine gun or the airplane.

For US...Yeah, you can hit back. But we WILL hit hard enough that you cannot hit back. Or even if you can, whatever you mete out will not be enough.

As an air force guy, so am going to give you a bit of air force wisdom...

Air Dominance. The ability of an air force to compel other air forces to rearray themselves. Usually into subordinate postures.

Air Superiority. The ability of an air force to take control of contested airspace. To repeat as necessary. And if there are losses, those losses would not pose a statistical deterrence to that ability.

Air Supremacy. He flies, he dies.

You can bet whatever annual salary you make that our air warfare planners already have Iran mapped out. Back in Desert Storm, allied airpower stayed in 'Air Superiority' status only in hours. Not days or weeks like in the past. We had no viable contest from the Iraqi Air Force. Swiftly, any Iraqi pilot flew -- died. US air supremacy over Iranian airspace is a given, even the Iranian air force leadership knows it.

Would have been relevant if I was talking about an Iran-US airforce conflict...
It is relevant. Too bad you are not living up to your forum handle. Better change to something else less intellectual.
Am USAF veteran. F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm). And yes, I am very much a fanboy. But I am fanboy with knowledge and experience.

The thing is...Desert Storm changed warfare the way the Mongols, the machine gun, or the airplane, changed warfare -- irrevocably.

Definition of 'irrevocable': not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.

It means that if you do not have the same technical capabilities and effective execution of those capabilities, you WILL lose the war. That is the context of 'irrevocably' in this situation. Just like the machine gun or the airplane.

For US...Yeah, you can hit back. But we WILL hit hard enough that you cannot hit back. Or even if you can, whatever you mete out will not be enough.

As an air force guy, so am going to give you a bit of air force wisdom...

Air Dominance. The ability of an air force to compel other air forces to rearray themselves. Usually into subordinate postures.

Air Superiority. The ability of an air force to take control of contested airspace. To repeat as necessary. And if there are losses, those losses would not pose a statistical deterrence to that ability.

Air Supremacy. He flies, he dies.

You can bet whatever annual salary you make that our air warfare planners already have Iran mapped out. Back in Desert Storm, allied airpower stayed in 'Air Superiority' status only in hours. Not days or weeks like in the past. We had no viable contest from the Iraqi Air Force. Swiftly, any Iraqi pilot flew -- died. US air supremacy over Iranian airspace is a given, even the Iranian air force leadership knows it.

It is relevant. Too bad you are not living up to your forum handle. Better change to something else less intellectual.
Except, during Desert Storm your aircrafts were parked like this

And Iran showed in Ain-Al-Assad that it has precise ballistic missiles with 5m accuracy

So Iran can target your expensive F-35 aircrafts parked in Saudi and UAE Air bases with precise ballistic missiles which will rain down cluster munitions (covering 200m x 200m area) on top of your F-35s and runways.

Ballistic missiles with unitary warhead will target fuel depots with pinpoint precision.

And don't forget about Iran targeting Saudi/Kuwait/UAE oil facilites and closing the Strait of hormuz.

And this will bring to global recession....if you don't believe me...believe renowned Nouriel Roubini

" a full-scale war and the ensuing spike in oil prices and global recession would lead to regime change in the US, "

"According to an estimate by JPMorgan, a conflict that blocks the Strait of Hormuz for six months could drive up oil prices by 126%, to more than $150 per barrel, setting the stage for a severe global recession."

"Finally, a full-scale war could drive the price of oil above $150 per barrel, ushering in a severe global recession and a fall of over 30% for equities markets."
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