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The United States vs. China

This article is more than two and a half years old!! Much has changed since then. It would have been better if you had given the latest situation. China's GDP has been stagnating and exports are dwindling, whilst America's has been climbing. The stimulus packages too are gradually being eased out on the back of a stronger performance of the American economy as a whole.
Are you going to say that to anyone who praises China, that their countries have nothing compared to China and must be cheerleaders for China? :lol:

Even worse, the US will allow any Chinese to be a citizen while China will not allow any Pakistani or any other Chinese cheerleader here to be a Chinese citizen.

Don't get me wrong, it's ok that you cheerleading who ever you want, I just find that it's pity that you can't cheerleading your own country, maybe you have nothing to be proud of :lol:...so that's why I suggested to have a comparaison Vietnam vs ethiopia, this will give Vietnam some dignity and self-esteem...and you can comfort yourself and have a good :sleep:
Don't get me wrong, it's ok that you cheerleading who ever you want, I just find that it's pity that you can't cheerleading your own country, maybe you have nothing to be proud of :lol:...so that's why I suggested to have a comparaison Vietnam vs ethiopia, this will give Vietnam some dignity and self-esteem...and you can comfort yourself and have a good :sleep:
My country is the United States, not Viet Nam. Once a person take on an allegiance and a citizenship of a new country, he has the moral obligation to abandon the old allegiance. But then again, coming from a racist country like China, I do not expect you to understand such moral principles.

So for all the China cheerleaders here, no matter your countries of citizenship, if an immigrant to the US is contemptible for supporting his country, imagine the far worse contempt the Chinese holds for you when you root for China. Mr "Kiss_the_Dragon's_Azz" is effectively saying you are ashamed that your country is incomparable to China and that to assuage your sadness, you need China. Congratulations. :lol:
Don't get me wrong, it's ok that you cheerleading who ever you want, I just find that it's pity that you can't cheerleading your own country, maybe you have nothing to be proud of :lol:...so that's why I suggested to have a comparaison Vietnam vs ethiopia, this will give Vietnam some dignity and self-esteem...and you can comfort yourself and have a good :sleep:

Gambit is a citizen of the United States right? if so, then he's an American. So how exactly is America not his own country?
China is still not in a position to compare with the US. The Chinese people still need to work hard and smart in order to bring China up to par with the US. Until that time, this kind of article is pointless.

The interesting thing is that its not the Chinese nor Americans that like to compare with one another. Its a false flagger.
China is still behind the US in certain areas but in 10 years, we will be ahead of the US in most economic areas. Nothing will stop China, we are reforming and the US economy is stagnating even with outrageous stimulus for 5 years with 0% interest rates, Quantitative Easing, $1 trillion deficits. Even with all that the US economy is barely growing 2%. Even with our slow growth, it's only a few years before we surpass the US in most economic areas. We are on the way up, America is clearly on the way down. That's something the Yanks will have to get used to whether they like it or not.

China's Global Ranking:

Nominal GDP (2)
Net Investment Position (1)
Population (1)
Land Area (3)
Labour Force (1)
External Assets (5)
Gross Savings (1)
Total Investment (1)
Manufacturing (1)
Consumer market (3)
Luxury market (1)
Agriculture (1)
Industry (1)
Services (3)
Household Wealth (3)
Millionaires (4)
Billionaires (2)
Fiscal Revenue (3)
Fiscal Expenditure (3)
Trade (1)
Exports (1)
Imports (2)
Annual FDI (2)
Total FDI stock (2)
Annual ODI (5)
Total ODI stock (10)
Foreign Exchange Reserves (1)
Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets (1)
Gold Reserves (5)
Reserve Currency % (?)
SWIFT payments currency (14)
Banking Assets (3)
Insurance market (?)
Hedge Fund industry assets (?)
Mutual Fund industry assets (?)
Stock market cap (5)
Bond market size (5)
Foreign Exchange market (?)
Commodities trading market (?)
Derivatives market (?)
Military spending (2)
Weapons exporter (3)
Number of Scientists (1)
Number of Engineers (1)
R&D spending (2)
Patents granted by WIPO (?)
Fortune 500 global brands (2)
Supercomputers Top 500 (2)
Electricity production (1)
Electricity consumption (1)
Cement production (1)
Cement consumption (1)
Raw Material production (?)
Raw Material consumption (1)
Automobile production (1)
Automobile market (1)
Expressway Length (2)
High-Speed Rail Length (1)
Waterway length (1)
Pipeline length (1)
Rapid transit system length (1)
Airports (?)
Aircraft production (?)
Aircraft market (2)
Ports (?)
Shipbuilding (1)

Retail market (2)
IPO market (?)
M&A market (?)
Private Equity market (2)
Venture Capital market (?)
Credit Card market (?)
Advertising market (3)
Internet market (1)
E-Commerce market (2)
Real Estate market (?)
Construction market (1)
Construction Machinery market (1)
Art market (1)
Luxury Watch market (1)
Wine market (5)
PC market (1)
Smartphone market (1)
Tablet market (2)
LCD TV market (1)
Camera market (1)
Home Appliance market (1)
Toy market (3)
Entertainment & Media market (5)
Movie market (2)
Music market (?)
Video Game market (?)
Online Gaming market (1)
Lottery market (2)
Grocery market (1)
Pharmaceutical market (5)
Medical Device market (3)
Cosmetic market (3)
Tourism earner (4)
Tourism spender (1)

• Base Metals:
Steel production (1)
Steel consumption (1)
Iron Ore production (1)
Iron Ore consumption (1)
Copper production (?)
Copper consumption (1)
Aluminium production (1)
Aluminium consumption (1)
Zinc production (?)
Zinc consumption (1)
Lead production (?)
Lead consumption (1)
Nickel production (?)
Nickel consumption (1)
Tin production (1)
Tin consumption (1)
Tin reserves (1)

• Precious Metals:
Gold production (1)
Gold consumption (2)
Silver production (3)
Silver consumption (2)
Platinum production (?)
Platinum consumption (1)
Palladium production (?)
Palladium consumption (1)

• Energy:
Energy production (1)
Energy consumption (1)
Shale Gas reserves (1)
Coal production (1)
Coal consumption (1)
Oil production (4)
Oil consumption (2)
Natural Gas production (7)
Natural Gas consumption (4)
Nuclear production (?)
Nuclear consumption (?)
Hydropower production (1)
Hydropower consumption (1)
Wind power production (1)
Wind power consumption (1)
Solar power production (1)
Solar power consumption (1)

• Agriculture:
Cereal production (1)
Cereal consumption (1)
Rice production (1)
Rice consumption (1)
Wheat production (1)
Wheat consumption (1)
Corn production (2)
Corn consumption (2)
Soybean production (4)
Soybean consumption (1)
Cotton production (1)
Cotton consumption (1)
Sugar production (3)
Sugar consumption (2)

Meat production (1)
Meat consumption (1)
Pork production (1)
Pork consumption (1)
Beef production (3)
Beef consumption (1)
Poultry production (1)
Poultry consumption (?)
Fish production (1)
Fish consumption (?)

Fruit production (1)
Fruit consumption (?)
Apple production (1)
Apple consumption (?)
Orange production (4)
Orange consumption (?)
Banana production (3)
Banana consumption (?)
Pear production (1)
Pear consumption (?)
Peach production (1)
Peach consumption (?)
Plum production (1)
Plum consumption (?)
Watermelon production (1)
Watermelon consumption (?)

Vegetable production (1)
Vegetable consumption (?)
Tomato production (1)
Tomato consumption (?)
Carrot production (1)
Carrot consumption (?)
Potato production (1)
Potato consumption (?)
Cabbage production (1)
Cabbage consumption (?)
Comparing these 2009 numbers to the 2012 numbers and you will see how the momentum is shifting so rapidly in China's way. Even at 7 - 7.5% "slow growth" China will continue to outgrow twice as the US in nominal terms.
I don't think any country can beat America. 2nd place is the best other countries can do.

I don't think anyone can beat the British Empire. 20% of the world's land area, the most powerful Navy the world has ever seen.... the USA can only vie for 2nd place.

Americans are not 'gods'. If China ever becomes as productive as them, with the current population they will have a GDP 4.3x that of the USA.

Why not? Asian Americans do better than the builders of America (Whites) on almost every scale. East Asians have also built great societies like the Whites. Anyone who goes to Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, or Taiwan cannot, if they don't have an underlying bias, say these countries look much different from Western countries (or in some cases, better).

China is the very last of the East Asian countries to develop. I have not seen a single person refute the hypothesis that they will converge with other members of their race sooner or later. Even if they collapse, it matters not. They will simply rise again and converge with the West and their Eastern cousins.
I don't think anyone can beat the British Empire. 20% of the world's land area, the most powerful Navy the world has ever seen.... the USA can only vie for 2nd place.

Americans are not 'gods'. If China ever becomes as productive as them, with the current population they will have a GDP 4.3x that of the USA.

Why not? Asian Americans do better than the builders of America (Whites) on almost every scale. East Asians have also built great societies like the Whites. Anyone who goes to Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, or Taiwan cannot, if they don't have an underlying bias, say these countries look much different from Western countries (or in some cases, better).

China is the very last of the East Asian countries to develop. I have not seen a single person refute the hypothesis that they will converge with other members of their race sooner or later. Even if they collapse, it matters not. They will simply rise again and converge with the West and their Eastern cousins.

the key word here is "diversity" everyone adores America cause they can imagine themselves being in America and being an American , but china?

When America starts drilling their own oil then no one cares about these figures
Pfff what a long article. It took me 3 separate read to get through this. This article is typical of these kind of analyses. Almost the entire article is about the problems and weaknesses of China or percieved problems and weaknesses of China. There are hardly any mentions about the problems that the United States is facing right now except a few words about deficits, debt and pension obligations. The problems and weaknesses of the US economy is almost completely obscured and hardly mentioned.

No mention about the 0% interest rate since late 2008 that are causing massive distortions in the US and world economy. From mass misallocation of resources to the erosion of people's incomes and savings. For every 1 dollar of GDP growth the US needs to get into 5 or 6 dollars of debt if not more. The FED, the American central bank has been buying up trillions of dollars of distressed assets from banks and long term bonds from the US government since late 2008. This is a roach motel you check in but you don't check out. Once you started down this path of directly buying these assets from the bank and the state then you are on a treadmill to hell because you cannot stop in the middle of the road or the entire housing and government bond market will collapse like a badly made souffle. We have seen that on 22 may when FED chairman Ben Bernanke said that he "might" (not will or has) starting to taper off the QE programs you have the US housing, stock, bond markets go down simultaneously. The idea that FED can unwind its balance sheet or that they can rais interest rate in 15 minutes if needs be as the FED always claim is just hogwash. the Americans are trapped and there is no way out for them at this point. After the markets have reacted violently about the prospect of tapering the QE, the FED has already gone back on that. Which is what i expected. But the damage has been done, you can see that in the long term interest rate for the US that is now ticking up. These means that everyone in America from the government at the top to the individuals at the bottom and everyone in between will have to face higher interest payment on their debts. Because the Americans are soooo deeply indebted that means a lot of bankruptcies and defaults are in the future unless that FED will step up the assets purchasing program from the current 85 billion dollars a month to a considerably higher amount. Which will further exacerbate the imbalances in the economy and get the nation deeper into debt and further erode income and savings of the people. But if they do nothing and allow interest rate to go up then the US economy will suffer a shock that will make the 2008 crisis look like a picknick.

Of course he is talking about how data from China is unreliable. But this is the kettle calling the pot black. the US data is just as much manipulated as those from China if not more. There has been 3 US presidents that have redefine what GDP is (Reagan, Clinton and Obama) and they are also redefining what inflation and unemployment is. Of course all of this has been done to make the US numbers look better. For instance the unemployment numbers doesn't take into account the labor participation rate which is at a 30 year low. Or inflation numbers that exclude food and fuel prices which are rising fastest and everyone has to eat and most people have a house that needs electricity, gas and heating.
There is no meaningful comparison between these two. US is still going to dominate in the foreseeable future, and considering per capita statistics, China still belongs to a different world. Good thing is that I don't think the Chinese are obsessed with this kinda comparison, let alone comparing a 2020 vision of China to the current US.
China will soon get there.. See this
There is no meaningful comparison between these two. US is still going to dominate in the foreseeable future, and considering per capita statistics, China still belongs to a different world. Good thing is that I don't think the Chinese are obsessed with this kinda comparison, let alone comparing a 2020 vision of China to the current US.

Per-capita is irrelevant when we outnumber the American population by over 1 billion people. Singapore, Qatar and Australia have higher per-capita GDP than America....are they more powerful than the US? Nope, because they lack population size and therefore a large enough tax base to compete with the US.

China has no such issues, achieving 25% of America's per-capita GDP is enough for us to get the same size economy as the US and same tax revenues as the US.

With more money than US, lets see them try to beat out China in the future. Good luck with that, the Yanks will need every bit of it.

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