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The United States alone vetoed the UN draft


Nov 3, 2021
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The United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned Hamas’ attack on Israel while calling for a pause in the fighting to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza.

The US was the sole vote against the resolution on Wednesday, with 12 members voting in favour and Russia and the United Kingdom abstaining.

Do you guys see a pattern here?

2022 Feb Beijing Winter Olympics -- Russia starts Ukraine war shortly after
2023 Sep Hangzhou Asian Olympics -- Israel starts Mid East war shortly after

I will tell you what is really happening. The whole world is a FAKE stage. All world leaders (even Xi Jinping) are part of some secret elite sect (for further elaboration just go watch any Jin Yong work, there's always a secret sect in his stories -- whatever happens in fiction is just a mirror of the stuff happening in reality). Historically WAR makes the stock market go up. This time all the elites around the world are coordinating the post-Olympics war to dupe investors world wide!

For these elites it has always been about the money they get pulling the stock market strings. Want to drive up the stock market for over a decade from the beginning of the early 2000's? Go start the Iraq war, etc.!! The Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya, etc. wars were never about the wars themselves but lending an excuse for the American stock market to make multi-year rallies!
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Do you guys see a pattern here?

2022 Feb Beijing Winter Olympics -- Russia starts Ukraine war shortly after
2023 Sep Hangzhou Asian Olympics -- Israel starts Mid East war shortly after

I will tell you what is really happening. The whole world is a FAKE stage. All world leaders (even Xi Jinping) are part of some secret elite sect (for further elaboration just go watch any Jin Yong work, there's always a secret sect in his stories -- whatever happens in fiction is just a mirror of the stuff happening in reality). Historically WAR makes the stock market go up. This time all the elites around the world are coordinating the post-Olympics war to dupe investors world wide!

For these elites it has always been about the money they get pulling the stock market strings. Want to drive up the stock market for over a decade from the beginning of the early 2000's? Go start the Iraq war, etc.!! The Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya, etc. wars were never about the wars themselves but lending an excuse for the American stock market to make multi-year rallies!

I'm suspecting when China celebrates World Cup, World War 3 soon will be started.

US vetoes UN resolution calling for humanitarian pause in Israel-Hamas war​

US ambassador says draft resolution did not do enough to underscore Israel’s right to self-defence.

A meeting of the UN Security Council

Palestinian UN ambassador Riyad Mansour, background right, addresses members of the UN Security Council at United Nations headquarters on Monday, October 16 [Craig Ruttle/AP Photo]
Published On 18 Oct 202318 Oct 2023

The United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned Hamas’ attack on Israel while calling for a pause in the fighting to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza.
The US was the sole vote against the resolution on Wednesday, with 12 members voting in favour and Russia and the United Kingdom abstaining.
INTERACTIVE US vetoes humanitarian pauses resolution Gaza Israel-1697696822
(Al Jazeera)
“We are on the ground doing the hard work of diplomacy,” US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the council after the vote. “We believe we need to let that diplomacy play out.”
The Brazil-drafted text would have condemned violence against all civilians, but the US said that it did not do enough to underscore Israel’s right to self-defence. The US has typically exercised its Security Council veto to shield Israel from critical resolutions.


list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3

UN chief Guterres condemns ‘collective punishment’ of Palestinians

list 2 of 3

Israel says it won’t block humanitarian aid entering Gaza from Egypt

list 3 of 3

Russia’s top diplomat visits North Korea as battles rage in Ukraine’s east

end of list
“The overwhelming majority of the council, 12 countries, supported that resolution and expressed disappointment after days of negotiations and a humanitarian situation that was rapidly escalating, that the council wasn’t able to come together and offer this view, this call for calm, this call for access for humanitarians,” Al Jazeera correspondent Kristen Saloomey reported from UN headquarters in New York City.

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Video Duration 19 minutes 03 seconds19:03
US vetoes UN resolution urging humanitarian aid to Gaza
The vote came amid soaring tensions in the region, with crowds of protesters taking to the street in several countries after a deadly explosion at a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday drew widespread outrage.

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Palestinian authorities said at least 471 people were killed in the blast that was caused by an Israeli air raid. Israel says the explosion was the result of a rocket launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) armed group misfiring. The PIJ has rejected the allegation.
The United States has said an analysis of “overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information” showed that Israel was not behind the attack and that the US would continue to collect evidence.
Al Jazeera was not able to independently verify the claims.
Despite the uncertainty around the cause of the explosion, protests across the Middle East have heightened concerns that other armed groups in the region could join the Israel-Hamas war.

Speaking before the council, UN Middle East peace envoy Tor Wennesland said that the world was “at the brink of a deep and dangerous abyss that could change the trajectory of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, if not of the Middle East as a whole”.
An attack into southern Israel by Hamas on October 7, during which Palestinian gunmen killed hundreds of civilians in Israeli towns and kibbutzim and took 199 people captive, has been widely condemned.
Israeli authorities say at least 1,400 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the attack, and that more than 4,400 others were injured.
But Western countries, and especially Israel’s most firm ally, the US, have been accused of employing a double standard when it comes to potential Israeli violations of international law.
While the US has said that Israel should take steps to avoid killing Palestinian civilians, it has offered firm support and little direct criticism as Israeli air raids on Gaza level entire neighbourhoods, and as an Israeli siege cuts off access to water, food, electricity, and fuel for the strip’s 2.3 million inhabitants.

Palestinian authorities have said that more than 3,400 people have been killed and more than 12,000 others wounded in the Israeli assault on Gaza.

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Video Duration 28 minutes 23 seconds28:23
Why has the US always backed Israel?
“Hamas’ own actions have brought this on – this severe humanitarian crisis,” said Thomas-Greenfield.
Russia, which drafted a failed resolution calling for a ceasefire earlier this week, said the US veto showed that US rhetoric about international law and human rights was self-serving, following months of criticism over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“We have just been witnesses once again of hypocrisy and the double standards of our American colleagues,” said Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia.
The United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned Hamas’ attack on Israel while calling for a pause in the fighting to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza.

The US was the sole vote against the resolution on Wednesday, with 12 members voting in favour and Russia and the United Kingdom abstaining.

China, Russia Again Veto UN Statement on Myanmar Conflict​

Rohingya Muslims.


China, Russia Again Veto UN Statement on Myanmar Conflict​

Rohingya Muslims.

View attachment 963971
USA allies are more corrupt than USA. Be wary of this sole USA targeting.

Toothless, diluted resolution after they vetoed a resolution with a stronger language and potential practical implications.


Negotiations on the draft Security Council resolution began in September. The initial text – seen by the Reuters news agency – urged an end to the transfer of arms to Myanmar and threatened sanctions, but that language has since been removed.

Russia and China are among the largest supplier of weapons to Myanmar’s military with missiles, primarily, and aircraft supplied by Moscow and naval ships, aircraft, guns and armoured vehicles purchased from China.

The group Burma Campaign UK welcomed the resolution but said it would have “no practical impact” and that imposing a global arms embargo on Myanmar’s military should have been a “no-brainer first step”.

The supply of arms doesn’t even get a mention in the resolution,” said Mark Farmaner, the group’s director, said in a statement.

“Russia, China and India are using their seats on the Security Council to protect their profitable dodgy arms deals with the Burmese military,” he said.

The US also said they would support UNSC resolution if it recognized Israel's right to defend itself in the language. In the end, the language matters. Without any sanctioning power, a UN resolution is just a word salad.
Toothless, diluted resolution after they vetoed a resolution with a stronger language and potential practical implications.


Negotiations on the draft Security Council resolution began in September. The initial text – seen by the Reuters news agency – urged an end to the transfer of arms to Myanmar and threatened sanctions, but that language has since been removed.

Russia and China are among the largest supplier of weapons to Myanmar’s military with missiles, primarily, and aircraft supplied by Moscow and naval ships, aircraft, guns and armoured vehicles purchased from China.

The group Burma Campaign UK welcomed the resolution but said it would have “no practical impact” and that imposing a global arms embargo on Myanmar’s military should have been a “no-brainer first step”.

The supply of arms doesn’t even get a mention in the resolution,” said Mark Farmaner, the group’s director, said in a statement.

“Russia, China and India are using their seats on the Security Council to protect their profitable dodgy arms deals with the Burmese military,” he said.

The US also said they would support UNSC resolution if it recognized Israel's right to defend itself in the language. In the end, the language matters. Without any sanctioning power, a UN resolution is just a word salad.
I do not believe that a resolution that also calls for a moratorium on fighting and allowing humanitarian aid to enter Gaza is useless.
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