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The U.S. and Pakistan: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

I don't know if any Indian diplomats spoke at the conference. However the Azerbaijani ambassador was quite frank that the reason he spoke was to encourage Americans to support his country over Armenia and Iran. The U.S. and Iran, according to him, both pursue the same pro-Armenian, anti-Azerbaijani policy, as the Armenian-American lobby, centered mostly in Los Angeles, is very influential.

Following the Azerbaijani example, clearly the way forward for a Pakistan concerned about Zionists influencing America's India is to build more open links between Pakistan and Israel.

We all know israel would love to be freind with pak as it will make backstabbing easy for her and can infiltrate pakistan more easily but how can some body get in a mess knowingly and be friends with a state that has been built on the blood of thousands of innocents jews and muslims and is very actively following satanists agenda...
We all know israel would love to be freind with pak as it will make backstabbing easy for her and can infiltrate pakistan more easily but how can some body get in a mess knowingly and be friends with a state that has been built on the blood of thousands of innocents jews and muslims and is very actively following satanists agenda...

Hold on a minute mate I think we should look at Pakistan first. After all Arabs have relations with Israel. Why do we need to make an extra enemy for ourselves?? Note Israel assisted Indians in Kargil. I say Pakistan first.
Hold on a minute mate I think we should look at Pakistan first. After all Arabs have relations with Israel. Why do we need to make an extra enemy for ourselves?? Note Israel assisted Indians in Kargil. I say Pakistan first.

I completely agree with you but what actual benefit did the arabs as a nation got from israeli's except that their rulers became richer and richer..I feel dipping one's hands in mud will only make them dirty it can never clean them..

On the other hand as we all can see Pakistan never did any anti-israel act but still its being hated by them and they dont let go of any chance where they can harm our interests..
We all know israel would love to be freind with pak as it will make backstabbing easy for her and can infiltrate pakistan more easily -
Backstabbing? :what: And in my opinion one of the best reasons for more open relations is because currently trade and diplomacy happen under the table - through the Mossad. Open relations would thus result in lessening the Mossad's influence and power.

- but how can some body get in a mess knowingly and be friends with a state that has been built on the blood of thousands of innocents jews and muslims -
You just have to educate people.

and is very actively following satanists agenda...
That's a new one I never heard of before.
Backstabbing? :what: And in my opinion one of the best reasons for more open relations is because currently trade and diplomacy happen under the table - through the Mossad. Open relations would thus result in lessening the Mossad's influence and power.

As its both mossad and ISI its unjust to mention only one and accordingly we are not in favor of lessening ISI influence..

You just have to educate people.

We have to educate people according to our religion enlightening them about the creator and a decent life not like you guys who have educated people to accept nudity,**** and value less life as the human aim..Its no education to make people friend of their enemies its called brainwashing so use right words dude..

That's a new one I never heard of before.

wellChurch of Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediawell church of satan was established in 1966 I am wondering how come its new for you as you attempt to act as one very learned fellow...
Hold on a minute mate I think we should look at Pakistan first. After all Arabs have relations with Israel. Why do we need to make an extra enemy for ourselves?? Note Israel assisted Indians in Kargil. I say Pakistan first.

And then you blame the KSA Royals for supposedly "supporting" Israel :lol:
Status quo I say, lol. We aren't gonna get anything good out of a relationship with Israel
And then you blame the KSA Royals for supposedly "supporting" Israel :lol:
Status quo I say, lol. We aren't gonna get anything good out of a relationship with Israel

They Arabs in my opinion are doing what is in their best interest. We have not been. In Israel we got an enemy for nothing why??
I think you mean "oblivion" instead of "salvation", right?

If USA are such psychpath murderers that they wont mind killing 180 milion civilians because two military bases were bombed..then USA is way more dangerous than Iran or North Korea.
If USA are such psychpath murderers that they wont mind killing 180 milion civilians because two military bases were bombed..then USA is way more dangerous than Iran or North Korea.

If you cant handle the heat, dont enter the kitchen mate..

You cant expect to attack a country and then hide behind civilian casualties to avoid retaliation..
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the Obama Administration will not enter into any agreement with Pakistan that would be to the detriment of the national security of the country. Replying to a question in an interview after visit to Middle East, Clinton said President Obama has demonstrated conclusively that he is ready to take the tough decisions when America's security is at stake. Clinton refused to comment when asked if US is going to agree to a different way of using drones which is a very controversial issue in Pakistan.

That's an angry woman,responding to call of the soldiers in Afghanistan,worried about their timely nappy change.Pressure tactics again to make the Pakistani politicians do what they don't have to.
If USA are such psychpath murderers that they wont mind killing 180 milion civilians because two military bases were bombed..then USA is way more dangerous than Iran or North Korea.

May I remind you that Pearl Harbor was just one military base; you are talking about two. One does not simply attack a superpower and walk away. There are consequences.
If you cant handle the heat, dont enter the kitchen mate..

You cant expect to attack a country and then hide behind civilian casualties to avoid retaliation..

so you are saying that its ok fir USA to threaten every other country with their nukes...but same is forbidden fir iran / North korea?
and that all countries should live under fear of USA and dont even think of devising ways of deterring them?
thats medeival slave mindset?
isnt it?

Obama will play hardball. Anything else would be suicidal for him, especially in an election year.
Its gonna get a lot worse. Just you wait and see! Remember, he has now put $10 million for Hafiz Saeed's head. Obama may plan to pluck him out or get him assassinated in order to score brownie points for his re-election.
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