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The Submarine Race in the Malaccan Strait

you can stop posting nonsense and BS. It is just disgusting!

first, China never administers and controls the SC Sea and its waters in the last 2,000 years.
second, Vietnam did not stop to exist when France took over the control like China did not stop to exist when foreign powers invaded your country, and took over large parts.

last, present your evidence here on the forum or on the international court as the Philippines sue you, as you know.

you sound like the propaganda machine of CPC.

The Spratly Islands were disputed between France and the Republic of China in the 1930s. Japan invaded the islands and after the Japanese were defeated, the Republic of China was designated to receive the Japanese surrenders in the Spratlys. The Republic of China then established garrisons on the islands before Vietnam was even an independent country. The American ruled Philippines did not even claim the islands. After the Philippines became independent in 1946 it started making up fake claims after the Republic of China occupied the Spratlys. The Republic of China (Taiwan) has the oldest military presence and claims on the islands.

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
The Spratly Islands were disputed between France and the Republic of China in the 1930s. Japan invaded the islands and after the Japanese were defeated, the Republic of China was designated to receive the Japanese surrenders in the Spratlys.

The Republic of China then established garrisons on the islands before Vietnam was even an independent country. The American ruled Philippines did not even claim the islands. After the Philippines became independent in 1946 it started making up fake claims after the Republic of China occupied the Spratlys. The Republic of China (Taiwan) has the oldest military presence and claims on the islands.
Germany invaded and took over France in the Second World War. According to your weird logic, Germany was the owner of France and hence Vietnam or Indochina.

Where did you learn history? at a brainwashing factory, I assume.
1. Don't forget the Thais who have plans to acquire six German subs.

2. BD sits at the top of the Bay of Bengal. PLAN has for long been seeking naval bases with us. They have even proposed placing a nuclear sub in a base to be built by her. BN is the process of acquiring an old sub from PLAN to be followed by acquisitions of new subs from anywhere. In 2014 we will have a new govt who will be free of Indian hypnotic spell. BN should then develop fast in cooperation with PLAN. Giving them bases will be to our advantage and the new govt will surely agree to that.
Germany invaded and took over France in the Second World War. According to your weird logic, Germany was the owner of France and hence Vietnam or Indochina.

Where did you learn history? at a brainwashing factory, I assume.
At thar time Japan owned indochine by defeated france in se asia.
In war chinese shipping will not be allowed to pass through/near our waters,whether usa likes or not.We do not threaten anybody else.As sovereign nation we retain our right to self defense from chinese aggression,and will conduct our national policy acc to our needs..not subject to usa will.

Depending on exactly what action IN take, of course it okay if IN is taking discriminating action (eg. force boarding the Chinese Vessel and turn them around) or if you are enacting a blockade in Andaman or Nicobar Island, however, if IN take an Non-discriminating action (Like mining the entrant to the strait) then not only US will intervene but UN would too.....

So, in your case, how IN stop Chinese shipping is a key not the goal of stopping Chinese Shipping.

This is what USAHawk mean, well I guess....
Yes,the commodity vital to war economy is oil.Thats always been main threat.80% oil imports go through malacca and that is jugular.So chinese shipping and oil ships there is no difference..we sink a chinese ship carrying oil from gulf...what is ur problem,Actually i think USn would rather happy to watch chinese threat constantly threaening all countries of SE asia from japan,taiwan,vietnam,philipines,india taught a lesson.

This is about Law of War, maybe USAHawk had a real aggressive side in it but let me explain to you further.

You can declare a Chinese Citizen in India a "Persona Non-Grata" and expel him or simply lock him up. You cannot destroy his home in India or kill him if that person has no Military Connection to China enough to call that Person a Enemy Combatant.

Same law applies in the Sea.

Merchant ship = Civilian. Under Law of war, in case of a Indian/Chinese War scenario, India have the right to say "Ok, you are not welcome here) if the ship flying Chinese flag enter Indian water. And what you can do is Board the ship and turn them around.

Unless you classified that shipping is "War Ship" IN cannot fire upon civilian shipping, even if the shipping is registered to a country you are currently at war.

If the Chinese shipping did only carry Resource and or Goods. There are no justification for IN to open fire. Fire on a civilian ship of any region (Regardless of status of war) are in violation of Geneva Convention Law of the war. Broad it, if you did find the good turns out to be armament or ammunition, then you can sink them. But if you are talking about oil, gold, food or any product, you can turn them around and not let them come in Indian water, but you have no right sinking them.

It is the same way it's a war crime to sink Hospital Ship even if that's your enemy hospital ship....
you can stop posting nonsense and BS. It is just disgusting!

first, China never administers and controls the SC Sea and its waters in the last 2,000 years.
second, Vietnam did not stop to exist when France took over the control like China did not stop to exist when foreign powers invaded your country, and took over large parts.

last, present your evidence here on the forum or on the international court as the Philippines sue you, as you know.

you sound like the propaganda machine of CPC.

There are no country called "China" before 1911 When Sun Yet Sin started Republic of China.
Yet the 9 Dash line or 11 Dash line were using the "Historical Value" of China to lay claim on the issue.

literally nobody in international body support the Claim of 9 dash line or 11 dash line
There are no country called "China" before 1911 When Sun Yet Sin started Republic of China.
Yet the 9 Dash line or 11 Dash line were using the "Historical Value" of China to lay claim on the issue.

literally nobody in international body support the Claim of 9 dash line or 11 dash line

There was no country called Vietnam.

French Indochina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Qing dynasty referred to itself as "China" 中國 zhongguo (dulimbai gurun in Manchu language) and translated it as Empire of China to foreigners.

Vietnam never administered the South China sea for the past 2,000 years.

Nobody in the international body recognizes Vietnam or the Philippines claims either, except Vietnam and the Philippines.

The Republic of China occupied and claimed the Spratlys before the Philippines and Vietnam were independent. End of story. We don't even need a map or line since their claims are illegitimate.
There was no country called Vietnam.

French Indochina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Qing dynasty referred to itself as "China" 中國 zhongguo (dulimbai gurun in Manchu language) and translated it as Empire of China to foreigners.

Vietnam never administered the South China sea for the past 2,000 years.

Nobody in the international body recognizes Vietnam or the Philippines claims either, except Vietnam and the Philippines.

The Republic of China occupied and claimed the Spratlys before the Philippines and Vietnam were independent. End of story. We don't even need a map or line since their claims are illegitimate.

Vietnam is NOT THE party that advertise the idea of 11 dash line, Republic of China did
Vietnam is NOT THE party that advertise the idea of 9 dash line, People Republic of China did.

I am only saying you have a flaw in your case, a flaw in Vietnam case does not give any advantage or deflect to any other claim. Nor does it mean you have more credit on your claim. So, when did Vietnam is form or exist is independent of the claim of China 9 or 11 dash line claim, you are simply stating a TOTALLY unrelated fact.

So by your logic, you said you have 10 dollars in your pocket which you only have 7. So the fact that I too lie about having 10 dollars in my pocket will some how make your statement of "you have 10 dollars in your pocket" true?? What kind of logic is that??
Vietnam is NOT THE party that advertise the idea of 11 dash line, Republic of China did
Vietnam is NOT THE party that advertise the idea of 9 dash line, People Republic of China did.

I am only saying you have a flaw in your case, a flaw in Vietnam case does not give any advantage or deflect to any other claim. Nor does it mean you have more credit on your claim. So, when did Vietnam is form or exist is independent of the claim of China 9 or 11 dash line claim, you are simply stating a TOTALLY unrelated fact.

So by your logic, you said you have 10 dollars in your pocket which you only have 7. So the fact that I too lie about having 10 dollars in my pocket will some how make your statement of "you have 10 dollars in your pocket" true?? What kind of logic is that??

What did I say about the 9 or 11 dash line? What did mainland China and Taiwan say about it? YOU are the one stating irrelevant information.

The lines DO NOT indicate that mainland China or Taiwan is claiming the entire area within as their territorial waters. The lines show the boundary of the EEZ of the islands. The accusation that China claims the entire south China sea including the oceans is plain bull.

China claims the islands as its territory, and the dashed lines show the resulting EEZ China would have. People made up false accusations that China claimed the entire sea as their territorial waters to falsely alarm other countries into thinking that China would block shipping lanes in the area.

FACT - the first country to claim and occupy an uninhabited island which is terra nullis gets to keep it. The Republic of China (Taiwan) laid out all the claims in the 1930s. Chinese fishermen used the islands first but France invaded and seized them, but the Japanese seized them from the French. the Republic of China then received the surrender of the islands from Japan after World War 2 and established garrisons. Vietnam did not exist. It was French indochina.

Mainland China and Taiwan are doing nothing wrong in the south China sea. However it is two former colonized countries which are making up.

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
There was no country called Vietnam.
maybe it is time for you to learn a bit more of history, you illiterate. Vietnam has different names in the past. Văn Lang was the first nation of the ancient Vietnamese people, founded in 2879 BC and existing until 258 BC.



Names of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Văn Lang
This is considered the first official title of Vietnam. This state was located in Phong Chau (present-day Phu Tho province). The territory consisted of the Red River Delta and Thanh Hoa, Nghe An and Ha Tinh provinces. This state existed until 258 BCE.

Âu Lạc
Nam Việt
Vạn Xuân
Dã Năng
Đại Cồ Việt
Đại Việt
Đại Ngu
Việt Nam
Đại Nam
Empire of Vietnam
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North)
Republic of Cochinchina (South)
State of Vietnam (South)
Republic of Vietnam (South)
Republic of South Vietnam (South)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
What did I say about the 9 or 11 dash line? What did mainland China and Taiwan say about it? YOU are the one stating irrelevant information.

Of course you did not started it, I STARTED IT, you reply my post stating 9 dash line is crap with some random crap that Vietnam does not exist. And then you come back and say i am doing stuff that irrelvent?? Gosh, how crazy are you??

My point is my point, i did not start my point by answering your point, but you did use some random point to reply my point, so, who's irrevelent now??

And 9 ndash line is NOT the claimant area of EEZ as you said, if you draw a 200 nautical mile out to all the islands in South China Sea, it is significant smaller than the whole 9 dotted area.


Jesus, you are really crazy

FACT - the first country to claim and occupy an uninhabited island which is terra nullis gets to keep it. The Republic of China (Taiwan) laid out all the claims in the 1930s.

Give evidence that Spartly Island were terra nullis in 1930. Otherwise consider yourselves the BS point.

Did ROC done any survey before occupied said island?? Show us the result of the survey as in 1930
There was no country called Vietnam.
The Qing dynasty referred to itself as "China" 中國 zhongguo (dulimbai gurun in Manchu language) and translated it as Empire of China to foreigners.
LOL what a logic. 中國 zhongguo is not China if you translate it. The name "China" just came up in the 19 century.

Zhongguo is the most common name for China. The first character zhōng (中) means "central" or "middle," while guó (國/国) means "state" or "states," and in modern times, "nation."
Of course you did not started it, I STARTED IT, you reply my post stating 9 dash line is crap with some random crap that Vietnam does not exist. And then you come back and say i am doing stuff that irrelvent?? Gosh, how crazy are you??

My point is my point, i did not start my point by answering your point, but you did use some random point to reply my point, so, who's irrevelent now??

And 9 ndash line is NOT the claimant area of EEZ as you said, if you draw a 200 nautical mile out to all the islands in South China Sea, it is significant smaller than the whole 9 dotted area.

Jesus, you are really crazy
Give evidence that Spartly Island were terra nullis in 1930. Otherwise consider yourselves the BS point.

Did ROC done any survey before occupied said island?? Show us the result of the survey as in 1930
this guy Wholegrain seems to learn history at a CPC youth school. what a epic failure! He just twistes the facts as he pleases.
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