The striking similarity of any Chinese, Pakistani and Iranian solid
fuel rockets DF-11(A), DF-15(A), M-9, M-18 and Ghaznavi, Shaheen-1,
Shaheen-2 as well as Ghadr-101, Ghadr-110, Sejil, Ashura
Norbert Brügge, Germany
Update: 20.07.2009
It can not be denied, that the Pakistani solid fuel rockets Ghaznavi, Shaheen-1 and Shaheen-2 are similar to the Chinese DF-11, DF-11A and DF-15A (their two-stage variant M-18). It is very probable, that these Chinese technology was delivered also to the Iran. The mysterious Iranian rockets Ghadr-101 and Ghadr-110 as well as Sejil and Ashura missiles probably correspond the DF-11A (or their two-stage variant M-9) and DF-15A (or their two-stage variant M-18).
Both rocket-types have a different diameter of 0,88 m and 1,40 m. The numerals 101 and 110 refer probably to the diameter of the nozzles. That are good approach to the Pakistani Shaheen-1 and Shaheen-2.
On photos is clearly recognizable, that the DF-15 and DF-15A by set of several short solid fuel segments are built. Four segments uses the DF-15, and the extended DF-15A uses five segments. Interesting are the Chinese two-stage variants M-9 and M-18. The Pakistani Shaheen-2 and the Iranian Ashura might be identical with the up to now unknown Chinese two-stage M-18. The second stage of the Shaheen-2 uses two equal segments like the first stage. The Iranian Sejil is probably an equivalent of the Chinese two-stage M-9 missile. Unfortunately no further data for the performance of the rockets are known.
Chinese DF-11 and DF-15 missile families