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The Stealth In India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

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ehm ehm.,,..
where is the discussion on which the thread was started?
ny way...
why AMCA when you already have MRCA tender in place?

why Light, Medium Role, Advance Medium / Combat Aircrafts?

i need reasoning not hampering..
Also consider role wise:
a) Light- Typically point defence fighters for say, defending bombay- Range about 600 Km
B) Heavy- Range say a couple of thousand kms like the SU 30 MKI (2500?)- can also be used for deep penetration and strike inside the enemy territory
C) Medium falls in between- Rafale, JF 17, Eurofighter etc.

So IAF plans:
a) Light: LCA (hopefully MK2 in larger nos.)
b) Medium: Mig 29 etc, & MMRCA/ Later Future AMCA
c) Heavy Su 30 (today)/Pak Fa for future

Our force seems to tilt to a greater ratio of medium and heavy fighters going forward.
Not true, with the current geopolitical situation and technology development. Its clear that the anti-western alliance of Russia and China will form a bloc. That leave India to choose to join that camp or the western alliance. Since India hates China, I do see India join the US lead western alliance.

All right guys round of applause for the new fanboy deciding the policies for republic of India for the next decade :rofl:
Its a good design..however i was expecting something like YF-23 ....

Its a long way to go until the final product is done
by the time JF17 block 3 , 5 ,5,6 comes for service, su30 Mki will not be same as what it is today .

Dont you realize IAF is upgrading Su30 Mki now. and do you honestly belive that su30 will be same even after 10 years as it is now . if so you are mistaking yourself.

and one more thing. we got lot of $$$ to spend to be always ahead of race.

ummmm so what? right now we still make you guys shiver so i really dont think a su 30 MLU is a threath to the PAF jf 17 will have mostlikely AESA more payload 2 more hard points it be standard prople at the level of f 16 block 60
As if Su30MKI is hibernating for next ten years in North pole............

Oh he expects something like that......

the most funny thing is in 2008 two of you gloryfied su 30 came across the border why dident they not dance with us? the most funny thing is i see you indians BRAGING about how su30 is better than f22 AND f35 in almost all aspects .... but when it comes to comepareing anything from our side ..... you are like a person who is jumping up and down beacuse of chilie pepers up ur arse ... again DOUBLE STANDARDS
The Chinese will be inducting a couple of Squadrons of Thunders, but they will induct them when the Thunder Mk II is in production.
Even if they don't, thunder was made to meet the requirements of the PAF anyway, Russia doesn't use Su-30 except for 8 or 9 units that were used to test the aircraft by flying sorties against Chechen rebels. Does that make it a bad aircraft ?

That is because Russia use the original variant Su27 (Flanker)
Su 30 is export variant regardless of country it is sold.
Try some other example......
ummmm so what? right now we still make you guys shiver so i really dont think a su 30 MLU is a threath to the PAF jf 17 will have mostlikely AESA more payload 2 more hard points it be standard prople at the level of f 16 block 60
n what makes you think Su 30 can't take on Block 60 even today?
the most funny thing is in 2008 two of you gloryfied su 30 came across the border why dident they not dance with us? the most funny thing is i see you indians BRAGING about how su30 is better than f22 AND f35 in almost all aspects .... but when it comes to comepareing anything from our side ..... you are like a person who is jumping up and down beacuse of chilie pepers up ur arse ... again DOUBLE STANDARDS
no one compares su 30 with f22 or f 35, they're generations apart. But any other conventional system...no chance. You can't even fly ur f 16's (or JF 17s) deep into our territory or provide the endurance that Su 30s can.
no one compares su 30 with f22 or f 35, they're generations apart. But any other conventional system...no chance. You can't even fly ur f 16's (or JF 17s) deep into our territory or provide the endurance that Su 30s can.

no for real????? all we need is excourt and a couple of mirages fitted with RAAD that it to cause IAF to not procure anything else maybe a couple of babur .... and fc 20 can give you glorified su 30 a answer right back...
same to you kid.....
You were the one who was talking about the BVR of JF17 and Su 30 right?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

no kid i was talking about IRST and how it can track stealth planes yes? but you need special BVR missels with a heat seeker
ummmm so what? right now we still make you guys shiver so i really dont think a su 30 MLU is a threath to the PAF jf 17 will have mostlikely AESA more payload 2 more hard points it be standard prople at the level of f 16 block 60

LOL. you have good sense of humor. 100 + Su30 Mki, + 50 M2K + 60 + Mig 29 + few latest Mig 29 K . and you say we are shivering for 18 new f16 that you are getting.

one more thing about JF17.
which plane it has replaced in paf now. if the ans is A5 then you know what it is capable of doing now..

A5 is mig19 based fighter almost 50 year old design , second gen. which PAF even now operates. So your airforce has decided to replace it with JF17 because A5 now is only fit for being a target drone. but PAF is counting it as aircraft.

JF17 has not even replaced J7 then , why should we fear of it even if it gets aesa. At present our Bisons can take on your JF17 coz you have not tested BVR yet... test it first then show it to world and then take about fear or shiver...

what to do , it happens to me too.. when my neighbor is growing i used to envy ... India will have its own 5th gen aircraft by another decade..

JF17 will have BVR
JF17 will has AESA
JF17 will have CFT
JF17 will have new engine
JF17 will have IRST
JF17 will have composites
JF17 will have FBW
JF17 will have two more hard point

Look at the Will.. your wish list seems to be high.. but what it has now ..

so what does that has now to make me shiver
no kid i was talking about IRST and how it can track stealth planes yes? but you need special BVR missels with a heat seeker
And you say that JF 17 has this capabilty????????
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