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The Status of Pakistan's Radar Network During US raid

However, PAF spokesman Air Commodore Tariq Yazdani informed DawnNews on Saturday, that the surveillance system was not switched off as US Navy SEALs entered Pakistan’s airspace between the nights of May 2nd and 3rd.

Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman has accepted the responsibility of air surveillance failure but informed the government that the entry of American helicopters into the Pakistani air space was not detected because the radars deployed on the western borders were not active on May 2. He dispelled the impression that the Pakistani radars were jammed.


Are radars "switched off" different from radars being "not active"

Contradicting reports what a shame.

Politicians to hell; but now army has also lost the respect of the common man big time.
i am very happy that we did not intercept them...else we could have had 2 or three downed jets!!
Genaral Kayani, Pasha and Air Chief Raou Qamar Salman they must Resign, They are earning bad name and disgrace for Pakistan and the whole Pakistani nation, They are american agents and their job is to destroy Pakistan, These incompetent cowards can not even shoot down a single american drone sent to kill innocent Pakistanis. They can not defend the borders of Pakistan and provide security to the Pakistani nation and they are unable to defend Pakistan's Air Space, They are totally failed so they MUST resign immediately.

Never before Pakistan has cut such a sorry figure before the whole world and its military leadership looked so incompetent and stupid.

The unilateral commando action of the American forces to kill Osama has exposed more than the incompetence or complicity of Pakistan's military establishment. Zardari, Kayani, Pasha and Raou Qamar , GET LOST.!! Enough is Enough.!
i am very happy that we did not intercept them...else we could have had 2 or three downed jets!!

This also highlights the danger of shooting down drones. During every drone attack, the USAF may have fighters aloft on the Afghan side of the border, ready to fire long range missiles at any aircraft threatening their drone.
If this guy you quoted is privy to the right information, then I am so glad the worst did not happen -

Exactly. The US operation was extremely reckless in that, in a case of mistaken identity, it could have triggered an Indo-Pak war.
Exactly. The US operation was extremely reckless in that, in a case of mistaken identity, it could have triggered an Indo-Pak war.

You know, when the news of the operation and his killing started pouring in, I looked again and again at the map. I could not believe how near that happened to Indo-Pak border. I was very surprised, and I still am, that nothing really happened between India and Pakistan.
IMO we are going overboard on this.

Everybody needs to understand the massive pressure that they are under from the Americans.

It can be very much a possibility that the top management actually knew nothing about OBL and its location and instead the middle and lower rung commanders could be complicit with the terrorists. I had read somewhere that the young captains and majors from the army were sympathetic towards the militants and were not favoring that they fight them.


You heard some misinformation---the young captains andd majors are not sympathetic to obl----rather they are the ones who are against him----it were the older generals that were sympathetic to him----a few of them and they have seemingly been ousted a longtime ago.

But it is not believable that they would not sell him for $25 million dollars-----the pak generals sold others for $5000 a piece after 9/11----25 mil dollars is a big bifg amount and that also comes with a green card for self and family and a place to hide and new identity-----..

You can say one to two generals knew about it----when when the number grows higher---the marginal propensity for the leak of information gets higher as well---1 to 2 people can keep a secret of this magnitude-----isi cannot keep such a thing under the wrap-----it is stupid on the part of those who believe in that concept----.

Numercaillay and mathematically----it cannot happen-----. Let me re-phrase it---it can happen for a very short time----like a few days---amonst a couple of people-----but not for 5 years-----absolutely impossible-----. Pakistani intel system has holes in it like a strainer-----it cannot hold back any information-----its leaks are phenomenal-----and information leaks out of it like waste out of a sewer pipe.

You see the problem is not they failed---a failure can happen----we all understand that---. Where can you hide if you are a tree---in a jungle----oBL totally deceived the establishment----he did just the opposite of what was being anticipated-----no security detail at all----just a regular household right close to a millitary academy-----so close to the opponent that even the opponent cannot anticipate your presence.

He could have been ;living in a mansion in washington dc or any other place.

The problem is that the pak millitary has not come out swining and protecting pakistan against the media blitz that is being carried on by the u s media and the statements coming out of the u s congree etc----. Kiyani should have come out and confronted the onslaught---told the media in return how u s had failed to capture obl at tora bora----where the u s didnot even try to capture him----just let him run away----let him run away two more times----then he should have talked about how Bush told cia to disband the team that was hunting obl in 2007----then he should have talked about the pak millitary operations in waziristan durinh Musharraf's tenure----where pakistan would start a strike against the talbs and al qaeda on this side and the u s will move the troops away from the afg border----the us will start their own strike towards kandhahar----.

Now what the air force general has done----that is totally disgusting----.
Oh yeah?

So why did we waste our money in buying them, if we are just gonna keep them shut?
Did we not have the dare to meet any challeneges in 6 minutes?

Just trying to save his job. And the AWACS were somewhere over Lahore, it could have come in them. I believe, like they say, they were stealth helos.
PAF radars were operative on May 2

KARACHI: Pakistan Air Force radars were very much active and operative as usual on May 2, said PAF spokesman refuting news in a section of media stating to the contrary.

PAF radars were operative on May 2
PAF radars were operative on May 2

KARACHI: Pakistan Air Force radars were very much active and operative as usual on May 2, said PAF spokesman refuting news in a section of media stating to the contrary.

PAF radars were operative on May 2

then ADA guys and f-16s were sleeping at sargodha ???????? some one should ask him were was combat ready air crafts and pilots ? what they show in tv serials that was story



lol at pakistani nation .and fools who believe in these stories :P

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I love the line about RADARS pointing EAST to INDIA i presume.
My question do PAF radars not provide 360 degree cover or do they stay pointing EAST only. ???????

2nd QUESTION does this mean NEXT time a PAF enemy should fly from EAST to NORTH then circle back to ATTACK from WEST ?????????

3RD if a helicopter can JAM PAF radars so can Israeli supplied Jammers on board su30mki or future Rafael /typhoons. ????????

PAFS radars are probably in the main fairly modest and 1980s technology i would imagine (dont kill me i,m guessing) Which means modern 4th generation fighters will be able to jam PAF systems ...

IN SOME WAYS this ebaressment will work in PAF favour with future upgrades to make up the deficiency.

You people want to know how pathetic and disgusting the millitary establishment is----the next day after the raid---the cnn media tv is showing young pakistani kids running away with the pieces of the super stealth helicopter-----and there was no security detail that had encircled the area of the crime scene-----hours and hours after the action taken-----civilians kids had access to the top secret stealth aircraft of the wolrd-----and were running away to sell the pieces of metal.

Now someone tell me----how pathetic my nations millitary / security heirarchy is----.

Let me give you a first hand experience of pak millitary----I was in college in pindi in 1975 and was leading the NCC parade for the prime minsiter day parade---on the final rehersal day---during fly past---one the F 6 or 7 came down---the parade was in race course ground in pindi---the plane fell right where the turn to islamabad is going from rawalpindi-----10---15 miles away-----.

We heard about it----just out of curiosity---I went to that place----it was after 3 to 4 hours after the accident----the wreckage of the plane was strewed around in the field-----and the civilians were picking up what ever pices of aluminium etc they could find and hauling it away and there was no police or millitary contingent to have secured the place-----.

My millitary management is pathetically disgusting-----I have been talking about that on this board for years and years----only thing these generals can do is steal from the country----thieves----petty thieves that they are-----.

Now you people know ---why they can't stand upto the americans----because they are on their payroll.
then ADA guys and f-16s were sleeping at sargodha ???????? some one should ask him were was combat ready air crafts and pilots ? what they show in tv serials that was story

lol at pakistani nation .and fools who believe in these stories :P


My young friend----don't you understand by now----the F 16 would not have been able to en-force a lock on those planes-----do I need to explain----american equipment---american radar---american missiles-----american jammers---they could not have taken a shot at the plane----the americans already had the anti venom for that----.

The only thing the paf could have used were the chinese radars and chinese missiles-----. It is all a friggin lie----and the more they talk----the more they ensnare themselves----.

Don't we know that the americans would have the source codes for their own missiles to make them inactive-----.

Are you people so out of it----have you people so totally lost it-------. Think----think with your brains-----not with your feet.
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Master KHAN

Maybe the Armed forces ARE NOT THE WORLD CLASS performers we all try to portray in here some times.

Maybe JUST MAYBE they are a typical Developing country Armed forces we often see in the ARAB WORLD.

I ALWAYS FEEL if a nations economy and Govt are not well run THEN ITS MILITARY cannot be any better.

THIS IS WHY I ALWAYS try to convince everyone WE in SOUTH ASIA can not compare to likes of Japan Germany Israel & UK in military and security matters.

Even likes of South Korea Taiwan and Brazil i would guess are superior in every format.

But of course i will get shot down for my thoughts and opinions
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