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The split in Pakistan Military: Newscasters opinion

Very credible, pick any reputed journal and you will find it stating the same points, manners may be different, but the conclusion is same.

And the most saddening part is from 4:11 to 5:32 - You gotta get out of that somehow - Media can do that.

One more thing: It is widely and rightly believed that it was indeed Gen. Mahmud who facilitated the transfer of $100K to Mohammed Atta with the help of Sheikh Omar Saeed, the blue eyed baby of Osama bin Laden. Only a documented proof is lacking, rest everything analytical and circumstantial is out there!

Widely believed by whom? Transfer of funds are not handled by Director Generals of ISI who wear multiple hats being responsible for internal/external/counter intelligence operations. There is a staff of hundreds who provide financing for various operations etc. (I do not even want to bother denying that DGISI had a hand in sending money to the perps of 9/11 attackers.) What sort of silly documented proof are you referring to? The same argument could be made by many (I am not one of the many) who believe that 9/11 was an own goal. What if an argument is made that CIA provided the money to the perps of 9/11 attacks through some middle men? What if I said the only thing missing is the documented proof of CIA Director transferring money to Atta that has not been disclosed to the public? Well your point sounds just as silly as this.

The point above is that one can speculate (which is what you are doing) so please refrain from using terms such as "widely", "rightly", "circumstantial" etc. etc.
Not to speak ill of the dead, but Saleem Shahzad gives no backing to his statements only repeats the mantra "You have to appreciate this fact". Its not fact, its just speculation.

Also his statement, Musharraf cracked down on the AQ and AQ then retaliated is so naive.

I have never believed ISI's hand in his killing. These type of silly theories are churned out by more famous people with a big following (also without evidence or fact, just to increase ratings) and there was no need to kill Saleem Shahzad for this reason at least.
"They (Taliban) are very courteous people": Saleem Shahzad. Bandh karo yaar. Rest in peace, I totally disagree with your views.
Now everyone can join the dots and can decipher who had killed the brave journalist. Rest in peace Sir.
Now everyone can join the dots and can decipher who had killed the brave journalist. Rest in peace Sir.

What is brave about him? He seems to be borderline suggesting the desire for the military to be partially sympathetic to the Taliban. I repeat emphatically there is nothing special or unique that he said and people are just zombified into repeating this brave journo business. The independent SC judge has been appointed the task of investigating his death.
What is brave about him? He seems to be borderline suggesting the desire for the military to be partially sympathetic to the Taliban. I repeat emphatically there is nothing special or unique that he said and people are just zombified into repeating this brave journo business. The independent SC judge has been appointed the task of investigating his death.

Taking the most powerful agency head-on was is bravery. He had the guts to speak out truth after so many threats from ISI. Ok...tell me who has the most interest in his life ? Who are you fooling dude... look at the last reports of his on ISI . Everything is crystal clear, even Americans have admitted that on record.
So OBL came to Pakistan after agreement with a general. No wonder he was living in cant.
Every person who exposes this should be killed.

Is possible that general was infact wrking for CIA then..........cuz CIA wanted OBL to be alive and safe.........:what:
So what he if he is pakistani, is that evidence. We even have leaders who have been bribed so what that doesnt mean he is telling the truth or are you suggesting every pakistani tells the truth about pakistan? Wheres the logic?

Your demand for clarity and proof is valid, but that will have some weight when truth starts coming out of Pakistan. If you look now, there are always contrdicting stories coming out of Pakistan, right from the nuclear proliferation to Kargil war to drone strikes. Different versions!

I hope you see why Pakistani POV's credibility is very low and people look for alternatives. Lets hope Salim Shahzad's murder mystery is solved, that will be first step in the right direction.
Widely believed by whom? Transfer of funds are not handled by Director Generals of ISI who wear multiple hats being responsible for internal/external/counter intelligence operations. There is a staff of hundreds who provide financing for various operations etc. (I do not even want to bother denying that DGISI had a hand in sending money to the perps of 9/11 attackers.) What sort of silly documented proof are you referring to? The same argument could be made by many (I am not one of the many) who believe that 9/11 was an own goal. What if an argument is made that CIA provided the money to the perps of 9/11 attacks through some middle men? What if I said the only thing missing is the documented proof of CIA Director transferring money to Atta that has not been disclosed to the public? Well your point sounds just as silly as this.

The point above is that one can speculate (which is what you are doing) so please refrain from using terms such as "widely", "rightly", "circumstantial" etc. etc.

Facilitation does not necessarily mean a hand to hand transfer, which you are presuming when pointing out the number of employees in the ISI.

Mahmud Ahmad may not have done it for the ISI, and I am not even saying that he asked Mohammad Atta to go ram that jetliner in that building. However, I very much say that Mahmud Ahmad was well aware that something very sinister was going on, and transfer of funds was becoming more and more difficult.

Widely believed by people reputed in their fields related to international affairs. Few people talk such stuff on record with certainty, but a few do as well. Michael Meacher, MP Parliament of the UK, is one, and Chairman of the committee to investigate illegal transfer of funds (US) is another. I forgot his name, but if you want, you can find it. The document of the entire hearing is out there on the internet, and it is long, so I would suggest you to make a search for 100,000 or for Mahmud Ahmad.

And then, when I read the same (aforementioned) material in every other article related to the transfer of funds, I am left with no choice but to take it as 'widely believed'.

Silly document - No document that can be taken as proof is silly. I talked about 'lack of document', and not some imaginary document itself.

About the usage of my words, I do chose them carefully. I cannot upload all the documents I have read to provide you with the circumstantial evidences that show why it is so widely and rightly believed.

You are free to take my post as a useless piece of speculation, and also, you are free to do some quality research on your own with a neutral point of view. If you are really serious, I would suggest you to spend some money, and not rely on the free articles written by unknown pseudo journalists.
Taking the most powerful agency head-on was is bravery. He had the guts to speak out truth after so many threats from ISI. Ok...tell me who has the most interest in his life ? Who are you fooling dude... look at the last reports of his on ISI . Everything is crystal clear, even Americans have admitted that on record.

What exactly did he say that every other person in Pakistan does not say? In his last report he talks about the Pakistan Navy having Taliban sympathizers. He is one of those doomsday conspiracy theorist type of people and from his tone it appears he is happy that there are Taliban supporters in the military.
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