New Israel-Second Edition
A Human enough to have a bit of mind, When looking at a map of the Muslim world, To realize that the so-called Israel, Is an artificial entity, Was created to achieve certain goals:
written by: M. A. Nishan
July 26, 2010
A well written piece, M A Nishan.
However, i find some flaws in it that i'd like you to comment on.
First off, you blame Israel and the west for the problems of Muslims.
I think that's the biggest flaw in your thinking. Aside from taking a historic approach to a solution instead of a future-oriented one.
Ordinary muslims have endured the rule of corrupt and arrogant rulers for a long time. Dissent is not tolerated, freedom of speech against the rulers is not tolerated. And the rulers and their troops enrich themselves.
If muslim rulers were actually capable of cooperating with eachother, there should be no blocks on the road to 'good' borders in the muslim lands.
Instead, muslim rulers are so territorial that
a) they uphold what you call bad borders.
b) they won't tolerate a small strip of land being given to a displaced and tortured, nearly exterminated, people (the jews, israeli's).
in this climate of aggression coming from muslim leaderships, "the west" can do nothing else than support the jews that they installed on that beachhead in muslim land. We'll use your own territoriality against you, to keep your minds distracted from finding real paths to your wishes (which could hurt the west in the wallet).
despite the Israeli's being on the defensive on the court of international opinion, all they have to do is show a decade of patience with their enemies, and keep talks going. It can go on like that for centuries or more, until the muslims simply accept the fact that the israeli's really wanna stay on exactly that strip of land. And they'll defend themselves, with dirty tricks if they have to. They've made that clear, haven't they?
the west also sees chances for economic supremacy in the (covertly) violent attitude of muslim countries. and while i don't support economic supremacy of any region on earth over others, it's a fact of life that it's an extra tool by which to keep muslims even more distracted and on the defensive.
put in simple terms, muslims: you're wasting your (violent) energy against an enemy that doesn't even have to do military drafting or put it's economy in a total-war mode. In other words, all your violent attacks bounce off us like bullets bounce off good quality armor.
The solution is simple : peaceful resistance. Ghandi style, but adjusted for the digital age. Cameras and internet connections instead of guns and rockets. Petitions instead of threats. Patience instead of pain.