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The self-victimization of Pakistanis shock's me


I have always had a great regards for Sparten's post since he gives factual details.

I have always bonded well with him as also Lahoripajee and lest I miss, Neo himself!

Even little Jana was a cute distraction! ;)

Mr Ali Ahmed,

Just because I subscribe to Pakistan Forces forum, does it mean I endorse every view on it? That I visit it and post here is a reflection that I find it worth my while to spend sometime here for debate, discussion and learning. Forums, that in my opinion, are mere raves and rants and merely a marketplace to empty bile, I prefer not to visit. I will concede that the sauce for the goose need not be sauce for the gander.

There are many harsh forums on the worldwide web. I own none. Therefore, I can control none. And even if I did, I would not be able to stop people giving their two penny bit.

Using harsh language is a sign of frustration and defeat. Therefore, those who use such language are shallow in content and are best ignored or answered with facts and logic.
Salim said:

I have always had a great regards for Sparten's post since he gives factual details.
Yes he does, I've learnt a lot from his posts...specially about the hodood law.
He's a great kid and we're proud to have him here.

I have always bonded well with him as also Lahoripajee and lest I miss, Neo himself!
Lahori is posting here aswell, mostly about politics and Mushy coz he likes him sooo much. ;)
You mean you mis me at WAB?
Thats most kind of you Sir but I've stopped posting at SA section, too much rants and continued bashing is hardy fun for anyone.

Even little Jana was a cute distraction! ;)
Ah yes...our sweet Jana Jee...well she's running after a few members here with a 'belan' :bat: ...that includes me sometimes aswell. :disappointed:
Watch out!
Is Mr. Concerned not concerned any more? I thought Rehman's reply was fitting, had my own stuff to add but since he's absconding, sounds like a waste of time.

Old BS, there are now like standard replies to stuff like this which has been rehearsed so many times. Anyone who cares to make an entry level post like that is lacking a trick or two in fitting in.
Asim Aquil said:
Is Mr. Concerned not concerned any more? I thought Rehman's reply was fitting, had my own stuff to add but since he's absconding, sounds like a waste of time.

Old BS, there are now like standard replies to stuff like this which has been rehearsed so many times. Anyone who cares to make an entry level post like that is lacking a trick or two in fitting in.

The reason I am not replying is because the moderator's reply was so bad it's humiliating and I don't want to bash pakistanis.

Before any of you deem to reply to my posts, please match at least my qualitifications

1. MBA from Ivy League School
2. Chartered Financial Accountant
3. Chartered Financial Analyst
4. Masters in Economics.

Thank you. Please don't let me sniff at Pakistanis even more.
MrConcerned said:
The reason I am not replying is because the moderator's reply was so bad it's humiliating and I don't want to bash pakistanis.

Before any of you deem to reply to my posts, please match at least my qualitifications

1. MBA from Ivy League School
2. Chartered Financial Accountant
3. Chartered Financial Analyst
4. Masters in Economics.

Thank you. Please don't let me sniff at Pakistanis even more.

Here is my qualification:

Completed High school with honours.
Currently in University of Toronto, doing Mechanical Engineering, 2nd year
(50% completed).

What does qualification has to do with this topic?

How was my post "humiliating"? please elaborate a little bit.
Okay, here goes.

Sanctions have failed, It didnt stopped us, we made the nukes

Sanctions were imposed AFTER you declared you had nukes. Not before. So your point is irrelevant. Sanctions weren't meant to stop you. They were meant to pressure you to be a responsible nuclear power and disencourage others from acquiring military nuke status.

Dr.Abdul holds patent to centrifuge designs, its his work, he can sell it to anyone he wants.

This is utter nonsense. Then if an Indian businessman funds a crude small nuke and gets someone to explode in Islamabad, it is none of the Indian government's business at all.

You don't seem to appreciate how sensitive nukes are, and have no idea of being a responsible nuke power and proliferation. Why did Musharaff get so furious about Abdul sending planeloads of equipment to Iran if it's all Abdul's own stuff anyway?

Moreover, funding for Abdul was by the Pakistani government. Does it mean that each F-16 technician owns his own F-16?

Military nukes, especially the work Abdul did for Pakistan, are the property of a country. If not, why did the Pakistani nation celebrate wildly (which is understandable)?

And we havent signed NTP, so no one can do anything.. go & take your anger out on Iran.

If you wish to quibble on the fact you didn't sign NTP as being allowed to do anything you want, then why are you surprised that the world may be suspicious of rogue nuke powers? The reason nukes were invented, besides deterrance, were to propel Pakistan to the forefront of status in the ummah and the region. Yet you think like a kid who was just given his first car. Until you accept the responsibility of being a nuke power, NTP or not, why blame others for being slow to go into nuclear agreements and claim bias?

You laugh at Australia not selling uranium to India, but Pakistan's chances are even more unlikely.

The country that couldn't feed its own people and the greatest source of instability in Asia today, besides the Pakistan-India conflict.

Greatest source of Instability?:lol:
Can Russia feed its people?can India? Pakistan's economy is increasing & poverty levels are decreasing

Russian's per capita income is higher than China's.
India has 300m people below the poverty line but they are getting there.
True, Pakistan's economy is improving, which is a very good thing, but you have to understand that stability and coherence with the world economy and politics is a very big big part of that. Yet with the first sign of more money, all you want to do is shake your big stick, talk big and renege on principles of fellowship between countries. Do you know how many decades it will take for Pakistan to become rich? There are 175 million Pakistanis but your economy is not even 1 trillion. There are 300 million Americans and their economy may hit 13 trillion this year.

and how Isreal got nukes? now UK got it? US can give or "help" certain countries to acquire nukes, why isnt that proliferation? what about Indian nuke deal?

America's and NTP's interventions in this area is the reason that nukes have not been procured by small militant organizations up to now. If not for Pakistan, countries like North Korea and Iran would not be near nukes. Like it or not, interventions have allowed many countries in the asian region to develop faster in a climate of stability. For example, South Korea and Japan. With North Korea acquiring nukes, you can see stock markets in the regions being jittery whenever they test one of their crude missiles. You have to understand the wider context of nukes and stability.

Israel's supposed nukes were given by the UK. Go blame them, and learn to do research.

Good job to Pakistan for acquiring your own nukes. However, once you've crossed the threshold you must behave responsibly or you will crash the car and be treated like a pariah. Are you saying that Pakistan cannot be a responsible power? If so why complain abuot the world's press skeptical about your bids to increase nuclear cooperation?

Let me tell you frankly, the Americans have been too gentle with Pakistan. You sold nukes to North Korea! Is there any lower you can go with the power you have?

lets pull back, those 80,000 troops sure do want to go back home, lets all pack up & go home & wait for another 9/11 to happen on US soil.

You have not answered my question. Also, if 9/11 can happen again, Islamabad will be worse. And you can forget about any foreign direct investment. You think the Chinese are not wary about their people getting killed here? Do you think that expatriates will come to live in Pakistan where they fear being blown up or beheaded? Stop being a child.

so we should move Islamabad because its close to NWFP?

Again, your comment is irrelevant. I am just showing you how close to the bone the poison is.

You think that all of the Paksitan has tribal laws?:lol: are you delusional or what?
People are investing in Pakistan, (no one smashes tv or cuts off heads; I think you are confusing Afghanistan with Pakistan)

And stop moaning.

Who's moaning?:what1:

No, only those areas. But I am just pointing out how close those areas are. I am also pointing out the periodical suicide bombings in your country which you insist is the work of foreign agencies although you point out in another thread that the Indians have no evidence of Pakistani involvement in Mumbai. It's THE SAME- no evidence.

Extermism will destroy Pakistan if action is not taken. Most of the gang here are well off Pakistanis or living a good life in foreign countries. If it's not your job to turn back extremism, whose job it is? By 2050, there will be 300 million Pakistanis with income problems, religious problems, water problems, energy problems etc. Start the hard work now or be doomed.
MrConcerned said:
By 2050, there will be 300 million Pakistanis with income problems, religious problems, water problems, energy problems etc. Start the hard work now or be doomed.

There are already 300 million indian's without sanitation, clean water or access to good quality health care, start yesterday or be doomed. idiot.
sigatoka said:
There are already 300 million indian's without sanitation, clean water or access to good quality health care, start yesterday or be doomed. idiot.
The man said something about Pakistan, if you have something to refute him, do it, why would you want to bring India in to this?? Talk about insecurity and curses to go along with it which means yu are running out of arguements :disappointed:

[Mod Edit: Clearly you are oblivious to Mr. Concerned using India and US to compare Pakistan to? Sigatoka has every right to talk about India since it was NOT him who dragged India in to this in the first place]
sigatoka said:
There are already 300 million indian's without sanitation, clean water or access to good quality health care, start yesterday or be doomed. idiot.

People who have nothing to add or contribute or contradict will only know to look at the neighbours house and complain.

India's problem wont solve Pakistan's problem!!!

And why personal attacks?

He has used decent language and has comprehended very well his ideas in his reply to rahmans post.So if u dont have anything to say,just push on.
Bull said:
People who have nothing to add or contribute or contradict will only know to look at the neighbours house and complain.

India's problem wont solve Pakistan's problem!!!

And why personal attacks?

He has used decent language and has comprehended very well his ideas in his reply to rahmans post.So if u dont have anything to say,just push on.

Because the figures he is using he seems to be pulling out of his rear. Where exactly does he get his 300 million figure?

Secondly even if his figures are right, how can he conclude Pak. is doomed when India ALREADY has 300 million eating out of the rubbish dumps and no one is saying India is doomed.
sigatoka said:
Because the figures he is using he seems to be pulling out of his rear. Where exactly does he get his 300 million figure?

Secondly even if his figures are right, how can he conclude Pak. is doomed when India ALREADY has 300 million eating out of the rubbish dumps and no one is saying India is doomed.

Sixe do matter 300 mn is a relatively smaller figure to India than pakistan
I do not pull numbers out of my ***

Pakistan may emerge as fourth most populous country by 2050: United Nations Population Division

Islamabad: Pakistan is likely to become the world's fourth most populous country by 2050 with an estimated population of 305 million people, according to the World Population Chart issued by a UN agency.

With its current population figures pegged around 158 million, Pakistan is already ranked sixth in the world. Its growth rate of 2.1 per cent could make it the fourth most populous country behind China, India and Indonesia by 2050, the chart by the United Nations Population Division (UNPD) said.

Even as it marked the World Population Day today with the international community, the high annual population growth remained a cause of concern for Pakistan's government and planners.

The country's policy aims at achieving population stabilisation by 2020 through completion of the demographic transition, including reductions in fertility and mortality rates, UNPD said.

Government officials have identified population as the single most pressing issue and Pakistan still has an unacceptably high rate of growth compared to other developing countries, it said.

Latest official figures say while mortality has been decreasing and fertility has shown a significant decline over the recent years, the crude death rate (CDR) of Pakistan is estimated at 8.2 (per thousand) in 2005-06, details of the chart published in Dawn newspapers today said.
MrConcerned said:
Islamabad: Pakistan is likely to become the world's fourth most populous country by 2050 with an estimated population of 305 million people,

With its current population figures pegged around 158 million, Pakistan is already ranked sixth in the world. Its growth rate of 2.1 per cent

Pak. economy is growing @ 7% so per capita income is growing (7-2.1) so income levels are rising and we would assume poverty will go down in the future. Instead you proclaim that in the future only 5 million people will be prosperous which is pretty much untrue.

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