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The self-victimization of Pakistanis shock's me


Jul 26, 2006
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I will be terse, because I am a terse man. I am not Indian.

1. Pakistanis are still complaining about the sanctions imposed by the USA due to development of their nuclear weapon. However, the reason sanctions was imposed was to prevent and discourage proliferation in Pakistan and globally.


The country that couldn't feed its own people and the greatest source of instability in Asia today, besides the Pakistan-India conflict.

The only reason Pakistan is morally justified in complaining about sanctions is if they didn't proliferate. But you did, so why whine?

2. Pakistanis are still complaining that the USA is unusually harsh about terror fighting in Pakistan, since they have "80,000 in the frontier". And they are proud of their military. So either the military is duplicitious, or the military is incompetent. Which is which?

3. Pakistanis are complaining that the world continues to malign it unfairly and are not investing in the country, while wanting to leave the Taliban alone in their country ("our own countrymen"). However, note how near Islamabad is to the NWFP, a few hundred kilometres. Which company would invest in a place that is only a few hours drive from people who smash TVs, cut off heads and do other assorted nonsense?

You cannot stick to tribal ways and become rich. Choose.

And stop moaning.
I will be terse, because I am a terse man. I am not Indian.

It really dosnt matters to me

1. Pakistanis are still complaining about the sanctions imposed by the USA due to development of their nuclear weapon. However, the reason sanctions was imposed was to prevent and discourage proliferation in Pakistan and globally.

Sanctions have failed, It didnt stopped us, we made the nukes


Dr.Abdul holds patent to centrifuge designs, its his work, he can sell it to anyone he wants.

And we havent signed NTP, so no one can do anything.. go & take your anger out on Iran.

The country that couldn't feed its own people and the greatest source of instability in Asia today, besides the Pakistan-India conflict.

Greatest source of Instability?:lol:
Can Russia feed its people?can India? Pakistan's economy is increasing & poverty levels are decreasing

The only reason Pakistan is morally justified in complaining about sanctions is if they didn't proliferate. But you did, so why whine?

and how Isreal got nukes? now UK got it? US can give or "help" certain countries to acquire nukes, why isnt that proliferation? what about Indian nuke deal?

2. Pakistanis are still complaining that the USA is unusually harsh about terror fighting in Pakistan, since they have "80,000 in the frontier". And they are proud of their military. So either the military is duplicitious, or the military is incompetent. Which is which?

lets pull back, those 80,000 troops sure do want to go back home, lets all pack up & go home & wait for another 9/11 to happen on US soil.

3. Pakistanis are complaining that the world continues to malign it unfairly and are not investing in the country, while wanting to leave the Taliban alone in their country ("our own countrymen"). However, note how near Islamabad is to the NWFP, a few hundred kilometres. Which company would invest in a place that is only a few hours drive from people who smash TVs, cut off heads and do other assorted nonsense?

You cannot stick to tribal ways and become rich. Choose.

so we should move Islamabad because its close to NWFP?
You think that all of the Paksitan has tribal laws?:lol: are you delusional or what?
People are investing in Pakistan, (no one smashes tv or cuts off heads; I think you are confusing Afghanistan with Pakistan)

And stop moaning.

Who's moaning?:what1:
A.Rahman, that was an excellent reply to the "NEW" member with his first post which is anti Pakistan. Then he claims to not be an indian..:laugh:

I say if it walks like a duck...and talks like a duck...then Its a DUCK (indian)

I think you remark that Indians are DUCKs is a test case to what Mr Rehman has stated that it does not matter whether Mr Concerned is an Indian or not.

Don't you think you should be banned as Indians have been banned on lesser causes?

I participate in this forum since there are educated people around who do give views that are illuminating, but then there should be a level playing field.

What says you,old bean?

After all, as the saying goes - Put your money where your mouth is!
Salim said:

I think you remark that Indians are DUCKs is a test case to what Mr Rehman has stated that it does not matter whether Mr Concerned is an Indian or not.

Don't you think you should be banned as Indians have been banned on lesser causes?

I participate in this forum since there are educated people around who do give views that are illuminating, but then there should be a level playing field.

What says you,old bean?

After all, as the saying goes - Put your money where your mouth is!

We havent banned anyone because he/she is Indian. I agree that we have "some" people runing loose on the forum, lets see what Neo does about them.
Thank you, Mr Rehman.

But as you have said elsewhere that there are those who serve who stand and provide comic relief!

God Bless our Laurel and Hardy show!

But back to the serious stuff.

There has been great progress in Pakistan in all fields and yet the issues raised by Mr Concerned requires a serious thought for rectification (if one can use the word) so that the situation becomes even better.
Being an Indian is sufficient cause to be banned. Okay maybe harsh, but this is a Pakistani forum.

Oh by the way, welcome Ray. Who's Salim?
And Ray has a Pakistani flag as his avatar, even though its a default setting I say its progress from the "muslim lovers" post.;) :D
MrConcerned said:
I will be terse, because I am a terse man. I am not Indian.

Let me be the first to give you a sincere warm welcome aboard the PFF eventhough you have made quite an entry!

I have just one question for you my Pakistani brother:

You claim to be of Pakistani origin, beautiful Pakistani flag in your profile indicates that you are, yet you speak of our country as 'second person'!
Now tell me, are you a genuine Pakistani or just full of BS? :angel:
sparten said:
Being an Indian is sufficient cause to be banned. Okay maybe harsh, but this is a Pakistani forum.

A rather unfortunate type of logic which is most pitiful. Fortunately, Mr Rehman has stated that he does not subscribe to it. We may thank God for small mercies, if you permit.

It does not matter whether this is a Pakistani forum or not. What matters is the content; and, if I maybe bold to state that even though this forum is a "Pakistani forum", it may be of interest for you to note that there is a vast difference in what are your ideas what a "Pakistani Forum" should be in attitude and intellect, and this forum; well, at least so far!

If you just care to evaluate this forum with another one ( I won't mention the name, but it is so evident ;) ). The latter possibly would warm the cockles of your heart being the 'true' "Pakistani Forum". I find this "Pakistani Forum" intellectually appealing compared to your favourite "Pakistani Forum". I do hope it remains the same. BTW, I think this is the type of forum which should be the true Pakistani Forum and not the one which is your favourite. :wink:

Oh by the way, welcome Ray. Who's Salim?

If it does not upset you sensibilities, my pet name is "Salim". I presume it is too late in the day to take note of your being upset with my name and so you must forgive me for the same.

Quite a few (including Moderators) are aware of it and so there is no subterfuge, if that is what you are implying. This is also my moniker in non Pakistani fora. Nuruddin Jehangir was also Salim! ;) :army:

Thanks for the welcome.
Its your pet name. Got it. Did not think it was subterfuge, was curious since ray is your real name.

I am aware that you meant no harm.

I just clarified so that those who did not know, now know.

It is good to be upfront.

All the same, I do wish to read your posts since you do post (even if I don't agree with some views) views which are thought provoking and worth consideration.
You two are finally 'bonding'...thats very endearing I'll agree. ;)

This board was very 'Pakistani' when I registered but once I realised that it had the potential to grow beyond other forums I started to invite other nationalities to give it more international crachter and its good to see that today we've many nationalities getting along well.

Salim sahib and Sparten, you both are known to be great debators and I envy you for your capabilities and insight.

I do hope to see a lot of positive contribution from you...take on eachother but please also take in consideration that we're a moderate board and we'll do anything to keep it that way!


Neo :angel:
Salim said:
If you just care to evaluate this forum with another one ( I won't mention the name, but it is so evident ;) ). The latter possibly would warm the cockles of your heart being the 'true' "Pakistani Forum". I find this "Pakistani Forum" intellectually appealing compared to your favourite "Pakistani Forum". I do hope it remains the same. BTW, I think this is the type of forum which should be the true Pakistani Forum and not the one which is your favourite. :wink:

dear salim,
u mentioned the harsh pakistani forums...but what do you think about indian forums...i just wants a comparison from you.....what talks and what type of language using these forums for muslims and for pakistanis(although their president is muslim)

you have not mentioned the name but i wil mention for you kind information.....indiandefenceforum.......

what do you say mr. salim??
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