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The Secrets of Arab Success

Okay.....The next war after 1948 was when britian,france and israel attacked egypt in 1956 Suez/Sinai War or another arab israeli war.
The "arabs" totalled 70,000 against 175,000 Israelis,45,000 British and 34,000 French

What prevented the Arabs from mobilising or be millitarliy prepared. The very notion that Arab states could not muster enough number of troops indicates clear failure.

What about the six day war and yom kippur war, suddenly the numbers appear equal if not more on the Arab side , with huge depth and latest Soviet millitary gear.
what rubbish. the article was rub bish and ofcourse the new honorer whiotes, indians jump at it.
if you read the history of the arabs you would know they ruled the whole of spain and portugal for hundreds and hundreds of years, half of france for tens of decades, scicily and southern italy etc etc. over these hundreds of years most of the jewish nation lived under their wing and if Islam had instructed their destruction then there would be no israel today. if the mo.slims as salim the liar says wanted to wipe out christians from where they ruled than spain, portugal scicily would be muslim today, as muslims cannot do that, we witness today. the same can be said about hindoostan.

And Genghiz Khan ruled half the world!!

What is it today is the real issue!

I have nowhere said that people of the Islamic faith wanted to wipe out the Christians.

Also remember if Aunty had something that men have and women don't, then she would be Uncle.

You chaps daydream and live in the past. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee and regain the lost glory instead of wallowing in self pity and lost grandeur!

Be pragmatic.

And what about Hindoostan?
what rubbish. the article was rub bish and ofcourse the new honorer whiotes, indians jump at it.
if you read the history of the arabs you would know they ruled the whole of spain and portugal for hundreds and hundreds of years, half of france for tens of decades, scicily and southern italy etc etc. over these hundreds of years most of the jewish nation lived under their wing and if Islam had instructed their destruction then there would be no israel today. if the mo.slims as salim the liar says wanted to wipe out christians from where they ruled than spain, portugal scicily would be muslim today, as muslims cannot do that, we witness today. the same can be said about hindoostan.

Why live on past glories which you and me can never see or feel. Heck we ruled the world once ourselves but that doesnot mean we hang up our boots and live in the past. Islam functions in UK happily as does the Jewish religion but that still does not take away from the military achievements of Israel who by the way are one of the few countries which does not have a state religion.
im talking not at the glories of the past but the reality of today, when 16th century european renaisance was caused by arabic learning.
the reality is that like all things even societies and civilizations have a cyclical path of growth, dominance followed by decay.
european glory and with its extension american power has been preeminent for only two to three hundred years and is now on the decline. in 100 years from now new centres of gravity are formed. what is remarkable about arab and by extension muslim power was its ability to renew it self over aboutg 1300 yrs, with the ottomans collapsing less than 100yrs ago. in the 1700s the king of sweden was under ottoman protection, even though the ottoman had no power in the noth west of europe.
the reason why i mentioned hindoostan was the fact that during another thread it was claimed by an indian contributor that many countless massacres of hindus had occured. there is no historical evidence for any such mass, govt sponsered killing in 1000yrs of indian history under the muslims, in fact delhi has always had a hindu majority. (obiously). the notion of muslim barbarism is the basis of the sikh faith.
what may not be so well known was after the loss of muslim spain the jews not killed by their christian friends were allowed to settle in muslim istambul, and at that time that city had a jewish majority briefly.
it is important for muslims to know their history or they will be fed revisionist rubbish by lesser peoples.
these same zionist jews now dont recall their past but maybe their christian friends will drop them again.

now lets joke about arabs ha ha.

one israeli soldier captured the whole of eygpt and china and one indian captured japan.
ha ha
it is important for muslims to know their history or they will be fed revisionist rubbish by lesser peoples.

How droll!

That is why you are the leading luminary of the world!

Arrogance must have some basis!

Why don't you do something worthy to your claim that you are a superior lot?

What exactly have to done to make this claim?
has india lifted the ban on arabic channels salim.

Arrogance must have some basis!

ive given you a taste of some background saliboy.
is that all you can say.
the muslims civilised the world. this is not a claim it is a reality.
they ste up the basis of learning in every human field. when some were worshiping monkeys or men cordoba in the 8th century had street lights for ten miles in every direction. now go to hell oops your already there with sweltering heat and no electricity.
has india lifted the ban on arabic channels salim.

Arrogance must have some basis!

ive given you a taste of some background saliboy.
is that all you can say.

India had a ban on Arabic channels?

Any links, apart from your fevered imagination soaked in falsehood and hallucinatory ecstasy?

If PTV and CCTV are not banned, then why should any channel be banned.

Are you my echo? Why are you repeating my sentences? Have you no brains of your own?

Ah that background and you find it fascinating?
the muslims civilised the world. this is not a claim it is a reality.
they ste up the basis of learning in every human field. when some were worshiping monkeys or men cordoba in the 8th century had street lights for ten miles in every direction. now go to hell oops your already there with sweltering heat and no electricity.

If you have no clue of the Indian civilisation and its achievement, then what can one teach a pygmy mind?
hi salim
sorry for th delay, very interesting reply particularly about the satelite channels, but i remember reading of a ban.

Saturday, August 05, 2006
India bans Arab satelite news channels .. critics blame Israeli lobby there

India Bans Arab TV Channels Under Pressure From Israel
By Shahid Raza Burney, Arab News
August 5, 2006

BOMBAY, 6 August 2006 — In a country widely referred to as the world’s largest democracy, the Indian government has succumbed to mounting Israeli pressure and ordered a nationwide ban on the broadcast of Arab television channels.

The Indian government’s ban on Arab television stations is in complete contrast to the friendship that Arab countries imagine exists with their neighbor across the Arabian Sea. It seems the ban is a move to ensure that Indians do not get to see the atrocities that are presently being committed by Israel in Lebanon and the occupied territories.

Nabila Al-Bassam, a Saudi businesswoman on a trip to Bombay, told Arab News how she became exasperated at not being able to watch Arab channels at Bombay’s leading five-star Oberoi Hotel. When she took up the issue with the hotel manager, she was told that Arab television channels had been banned across India.

A perplexed Al-Bassam then sent an SMS to Arab News Editor in Chief Khaled Almaeena to verify whether this was indeed the case. “Oberoi Hotel tells me that the government of India has banned all Arab TV channels. Why? I hate watching CNN and BBC,” she wrote to Almaeena.

Talking to Arab News, Oberoi Hotel Manager Mohit Nirula did allude to the fact that a ban was in place. “The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has laid down certain rules. It is our duty to abide by and follow the rules of the country,” he told this correspondent.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi was busy in Parliament and was unavailable for comment on the issue. However, a ministry official explained why the Indian government decided to enforce the ban. The official highlighted that India enjoys close and cordial relations with Israel and the US more than any of the Arab governments.

According to another source within the government, the ban is a clear sign to all governments in the Middle East that the Israeli, American and British governments carry far more influence in India than any of the Arab governments.

Several senior Indian journalists explained that the ban was an indication that India had succumbed to Israeli pressure rather than American.

“The whole exercise is to browbeat Arabs and show them as terrorists. The government is subscribing to the absurd argument that channels like Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya promote hatred and encourage terrorism,” they said.

Political analysts in India described the move as a game of double standard that India is playing. On the one hand India establishes friendship with the Arab world while simultaneously it joins with Israel and the US in defaming them. It seems that the pro-Israeli lobby wishes to drive a wedge between India and its time-tested Arab allies. The Indian government’s present stance is in stark contrast to the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s staunch support of the Palestinian cause.

The banning of Arabic channels is a federal government decision, done under what senior Indian journalists claim to be intense pressure from the Israeli, American and British governments.
The Indian government has been vocal in its condemnation of Israeli barbarity and has offered millions of rupees in aid to refugees in Lebanon. Arabs sympathetic to India have therefore met the news with surprise.

Many Arabs draw inspiration from India’s heroic struggle against British imperialism and the Indian independence struggle is seen by Palestinians as a brilliant example of throwing out the yoke of imperialism. It is sad that 50 years after independence the world’s largest democracy unfairly suppresses alternative opinion and allows itself to be dictated to by foreign powers.

The analysts believe the Indian government may have used a clause within the Cable TV Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995, that certain channels or programs that can potentially cause damage to India’s friendly relations with foreign countries can be banned, a clear violation of democratic ideals such as freedom of expression and freedom of speech.

The response to the ban by hotel administrations across Bombay has been dismal. Chad Alberico, JW Marriott’s customer care official in Washington, said: “We have reviewed your recent inquiries regarding the television offerings at our JW Marriott Bombay. We have phoned our colleagues at the hotel to discuss the matter at hand, but as it is the weekend, we will need additional time to form a complete response.”

“I’m on my way home, it’s the weekend and I will respond on Monday,” said Shehnaz Ankelsaria from the Taj President Hotel. Annan Udeshi from The Hilton was unavailable and asked for a message to be left on her recorder. Khushnooma Kapadia of Marriott Hotel said she would get back later. Rafat Kazi from the Grand Central Sheraton said that she would answer after consulting her general manager. Puja Guleria of Sheraton Maratta said she needed time to deal with the questions. Firuza Mistry of Grand Hyatt said that she was not aware of the facts and would check and respond, and Priya Mathias of Hyatt Regency said that she would also need to check with her senior officials to comment.

either your not informed or just a little liar. any how you are tiring.

please teach us about indian non muslim civilzation, and the benefits of urine drinking cant be one of them
Thank you for the link.

I shall raise it with my friends as to what is the good reason to ban Arab TV, not that I knew they were available since none of them are available as it is on the satellite TVs, Maybe on cable TV in select cities.

Good point to raise in the Parliament.
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