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The Second Indo-Chinese War (2013-2015)

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If you look at the history of a city like Shanghai, it has ALWAYS fallen when attacked in modern times. China has not been able to defend it. Japanese took it over. Then the Communists took it over. If India were to attack, it would fall again.
LOL........ you dream about USA giving you trillions of dollars..... that shows how stupid Indians are. And you dream about other countries helping you? Delusions and cowardice from Indians again.

Everybody will watch as cruise missiles destroy New Delhi in a massive inferno. But nobody will help you because China has enough military power and nuclear missiles to defend itself even while shooting cruise missiles at your capital city.

Indian Navy is insignificant because PLAAF will be attacking over the Himalayas. By the time IN start harassing random ships in the Indian Ocean hoping to find a "Chinese ship," New Delhi is already ashes.

You are so retarded.

Personal attack - post reported
LOL........ you dream about USA giving you trillions of dollars..... that shows how stupid Indians are. And you dream about other countries helping you? Delusions and cowardice from Indians again.

Everybody will watch as cruise missiles destroy New Delhi in a massive inferno. But nobody will help you because China has enough military power and nuclear missiles to defend itself even while shooting cruise missiles at your capital city.

Indian Navy is insignificant because PLAAF will be attacking over the Himalayas. By the time IN start harassing random ships in the Indian Ocean hoping to find a "Chinese ship," New Delhi is already ashes.

You are so retarded.

LOL i hope message will go into Ur head considering Ur IQ. The Chinese piss their pants at the sight of American's Hu Jintao's worst nightmare is a US navy Aircraft Carrier near Beijing.:tongue:
LOL........ you dream about USA giving you trillions of dollars..... that shows how stupid Indians are. And you dream about other countries helping you? Delusions and cowardice from Indians again.

Everybody will watch as cruise missiles destroy New Delhi in a massive inferno. But nobody will help you because China has enough military power and nuclear missiles to defend itself even while shooting cruise missiles at your capital city.

Indian Navy is insignificant because PLAAF will be attacking over the Himalayas. By the time IN start harassing random ships in the Indian Ocean hoping to find a "Chinese ship," New Delhi is already ashes.

You are so retarded.

you have lost it honey.

ever heard of nuclear weapons ???? we just need to nuke the china and pak . and may very well loose the war.

but you will be one tandoori arm chair warrior. :thinktank:
LOL i hope message will go into Ur head considering Ur IQ. The Chinese piss their pants at the sight of American's Hu Jintao's worst nightmare is a US navy Aircraft Carrier near Beijing.:tongue:

Look at China's history - for all their talk about being a power what have they been able to do to Japan which committed the Rape of Nanking? Ban mineral exports for a few days?? They are really not capable of doing much at all.
Everybody will watch as cruise missiles destroy New Delhi in a massive inferno. But nobody will help you because China has enough military power and nuclear missiles to defend itself even while shooting cruise missiles at your capital city.

If New Delhi is under Nuclear winter.. Same will happen to Beijing.. Dont forget we too hold the same..
LOL, you do know that the USA's closest partner in the region has always been Pakistan, right?

In the 1970's war, America even sent a carrier group to intimidate India, and to show support to Pakistan.

And today, due to the WoT, the USA-Pakistan alliance has become even more important for America.

Regarding the USA and China, this is what Obama said:

BBC NEWS | Business | US-China ties 'to shape century'

The USA and China have the two largest economies on Earth (India is not even in the top ten largest economies) and share the largest bilateral economic relationship in the world. China+Pakistan combined are strategically/economically vital for America, unlike India. India has always aligned itself with Russia.

LOL. This is 2011 and not 1970-71. Since then a lot of things have changed. True that pakistan had and continues to have a close relationship with the US but so does India. Now the US regards India as a strategic partner.
Agree that the US had sent a battlegroup in the 1970's war to intimidate India but you are not considering the situation that prevailed during those times. Those were the days of cold war between US and Soviet Union. India was in the soviet camp while pakistan was in the US camp. so it was natural for the US to help pakistan. US had done the same thing to china. During the 1962 Indo-china war the US had sent an aircraft carrier to help India fight against china. But by then china had declared unilateral ceasefire and chinese soldiers had retreated to pre-war conditions and war was over. so the US carrier turned back. check on wikipedia.
Regarding WOT, pakistan has no alternative but to co-operate with the US otherwise you know what can happen considering the warnings that were emanating from washington. Note that i am not disputing the close relationship that pakistan has with the US but merely stating the facts. Also consider the US drone attacks on pakistani soil which are continuing despite pakistan's strong protests. Don't you think that it is a violation of pakistan's sovereignty?
Regarding US-CHINA relations, agreed that they are very important especially from the economic perspective but do you know that the US regards china as a potential adversary and is wary of china and likewise china regards the US because of US military support to Taiwan. considering US actions in countries around china , would you take obama's words very seriously? i would not.
In contrast US regards India as a strategic partner and a natural ally.
US wants to contain china and regards India as a counterweight to china. To this end it is arming India with sophisticated weapons and is providing India with high technology. India's importance to the US can be gauged from the fact that US made changes in American laws to facilitate the Indo-US nuclear deal and went out of its way to support India at the NSG despite the fact that India is not a signatory of the NPT or the CTBT. Also take a look at the benefits India received from obama's visit. Take note of the mega deals signed by US and India. Also see [url=http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/vietnam/101029/hillary-clinton-vietnam#]Hillary Clinton | Vietnam | Human Rights[/url] read that article carefully.This will show you America's real intentions concerning china.
The fact is that INDIA has become a very important Global player. so do not underestimate India and undermine US-INDIA relations.
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If New Delhi is under Nuclear winter.. Same will happen to Beijing.. Dont forget we too hold the same..

Not necessarily true. If its Pakistan that attacked New Delhi, than its a regional issue that both US, Russia and China will try to resolve peacefully.

If its China that attcked New Delhi with nukes. Than Russia or the US will decimate Beijing. We are talking about full scale WWIII here. India's weapons are not reliable enough to hit Beijing as of now. Maybe in 3-5 years but its not ready yet.
Not necessarily true. If its Pakistan that attacked New Delhi, than its a regional issue that both US, Russia and China will try to resolve peacefully.

If its China that attcked New Delhi with nukes. Than Russia or the US will decimate Beijing. We are talking about full scale WWIII here. India's weapons are not reliable enough to hit Beijing as of now. Maybe in 3-5 years but its not ready yet.

India's Weapons not reliable?? What is the source of this knowledge???

If you meant to say they are unproven? then let me tell you its the same case with Chinese weapons as well.

Also, India's weapons programs is most transparent. You can see all the failures and successes transparently. However its not the same with Chinese weapon development. They never convey their failures but only successes. Reading more of Chinese weapon successful testing doesn't make Indian weapon inferior.

By the way, India has access to weapons of all the modern weapon developing countries in this world beat US/Russian/EU apart from its indigenous effort. India incorporate best of all technologies into its products but that is not the case with China.

Anyhow the point of considering Chinese (no battle tested) weapons superior where as India's inferior does hold any valid ground.

India has sufficient deterrent to hold China for not doing any mischief.
India's Weapons not reliable?? What is the source of this knowledge???

If you meant to say they are unproven? then let me tell you its the same case with Chinese weapons as well.

Also, India's weapons programs is most transparent. You can see all the failures and successes transparently. However its not the same with Chinese weapon development. They never convey their failures but only successes. Reading more of Chinese weapon successful testing doesn't make Indian weapon inferior.

By the way, India has access to weapons of all the modern weapon developing countries in this world beat US/Russian/EU apart from its indigenous effort. India incorporate best of all technologies into its products but that is not the case with China.

Anyhow the point of considering Chinese (no battle tested) weapons superior where as India's inferior does hold any valid ground.

India has sufficient deterrent to hold China for not doing any mischief.

What I said is that its not ready. Not unproven or inferior. Read my post again.
India dont need to hit Beijing just the 3 gorges dam will do
Look at China's history - for all their talk about being a power what have they been able to do to Japan which committed the Rape of Nanking? Ban mineral exports for a few days?? They are really not capable of doing much at all.

1. Japan was the only industrialize, modernized country in Asia at the time, meaning they had advanced tanks, airplanes, machine guns. but China did have some modern equip given by allies, but nothing significant.

Same as how the Europeans invaded the Americas and Africa and all of India so easily.

2. China was in the middle of a civil war = Huge advantage for Japan

Thinking Japan can repeat what it did in WW2 is complete and utter nonsense.
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What I said is that its not ready. Not unproven or inferior. Read my post again.

When you say "Not ready" you should have spoken about a particular weapon/system. But your words reflected as if all the weapons in India's inventory are "not ready" and thus trying to prove that India is not combat ready yet with Beijing.

India (just like any other country) depends on its combat requirements only on weapons which are "ready" and not the one which underdevelopment or testing.

And by the way if India's weapons are "Not ready" yet then Chinese are fool if they are waiting "India's weapons" to be ready before they decide attacking India. Well Chinese are intelligent enough as they are aware of India's potential in case of any war.
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