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The Rise of the Desis: Pak-Origin Humza Yousaf to Lead Scotland | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Plenty in different flags. You need only read the content of their posts.
Yeah I noticed that. It’s that Indian mentality that all of SA belongs to them and they’re entitled to Pakistan. This makes me hates the GHQ duffers even more for not strategically taking charge of SA. We don’t need to have an economy of their size, but a Turkey of SA would place us above the Indians
I find being a muslim political leader in a non-muslim majority country a tricky balancing act, you have to support and implement law which is for the majority in this case non-muslim Scottish majority and in many cases laws and customs which could go against your own moral and religious teachings.
It’s the customs and/religious values of the “natives” and so it has to be respected even in religious shariat.
Can thrust our values and religious views into them
Pakistanis are doing so well outside Pakistan in terms of education especially STEM education. Wonder why our country is not developing at a faster rate?
Yeah I noticed that. It’s that Indian mentality that all of SA belongs to them and they’re entitled to Pakistan. This makes me hates the GHQ duffers even more for not strategically taking charge of SA. We don’t need to have an economy of their size, but a Turkey of SA would place us above the Indians


Pakistan can be very successful, we have a large, young population. Good geo strategic location, untapped resources and under developed

All we need is a free and fair elections and a government willing to implement change

The enemy of the people of South Asia was always a hindutva extremist India without limits and south Asia needs counters to keep India under control

It's essential for all of us that we resolve Pakistans issues and make it successful
Not sure why Pakistanis take pride in the moniker "Desis", it is culturally an Indian term and best reserved to describe their ilk.

If you ignore his ethnicity, the fact that a 37-year-old man with absolutely no experience in private sector or civil service is the best Scotsman to lead a nation does sound unusual. His main claim to fame is he successfully shepherded a bill that would allow biological men to use women's bathroom. It is the same feeling many may feel if told that 34-year Bhutto-Zardari (with no notable experience or achievement in private or public sector) is the finest Pakistani leader to run the country. Or even that the 70-year-old former cricketer with no experience in anything besides cricket (and politics) is the messiah to take Pakistan to promised land.
Don't know if you were following the news a year ago, but the 70 year former cricket did put Pakistan back on the road to economic recovery, with 6% growth rate, highest agri and industrial output as well as the highest exports.
Not sure why Pakistanis take pride in the moniker "Desis", it is culturally an Indian term and best reserved to describe their ilk.


For all the elaborate race theories you have made yourself a name for, why don't you answer your own question?

For all the elaborate race theories you have made yourself a name for, why don't you answer your own question?
Pakistanis are doing so well outside Pakistan in terms of education especially STEM education. Wonder why our country is not developing at a faster rate?

Because half the population is more interested in smelling between Nani's legs and eating that khota biryani.

The irony is that the only remaining good leader left in Pakistan is Imran Khan - everyone else emigrated ?!!!!

It highlights that there is political potential in Pakistan if the stranglehold of the Army/GHQ can be broken and real democracy adopted in Pakistan .....
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Can anyone translate this for me please. I think I get the gist of it. Just curious why Sunak is shown here. Why are we doing the Indian propaganda for them - showing Indians and Pakistan as one and the same? This is a first time I’ve come across a Pakistan source claiming as Pakistani descent. Please stop with this Indian inferiority complex mentality. They are product of their western environments, not of Pakistan. Pakistan had a rotten culture that infects even good pious men.

Because half the population is more interested in smelling between Nani's legs and eating that khota biryani.
America wants it that way. No one knows here that they started the wars in the Middle East to permanently bring Eurasians under their control. They have enough pawns and puppets to play the long game. Destabilize the country with many moving pieces.
If Pakistan ever got it’s act together (by killing every worthless POS and their families), this country literally can become the Chile of SA.
Yall cringe af...

The term 'desi' seems to have risen from 3rd generation Indian immigrants who used it to determine the non conforming factors of their elders in integrating into the society.
The new head of the government of Scotland, Hamza Yusuf, leads his family members in prayer at the headquarters of the government on the first night of his assumption of the presidency..
The new head of the government of Scotland, Hamza Yusuf, leads his family members in prayer at the headquarters of the government on the first night of his assumption of the presidency..

And - he made a mistake by not including female members of his family there aswell ...
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