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The rise of Hindutva.. only 20 muslims in Parliament of Modi..

0 Muslim from BJP in this parliament.....
BJP fielded 4 MP .. they all lost! including national leader like Sahnawaz Hussain from my home town !

These 20 will surely be killed by RSS goons in communal India led by Muslim hungry Modi.

don t worry pole vault champ! we will call you dig soil for their graves !

Its O K if lower number of Muslim MPs will result in lower number of Muslim killed in Gujrat or Maharashtera and fewer Mosques destroyed and fewer Muslims denied the rights to buy a flat in Mombay.

numbers whatever they may be will be miniscule when compared with muslims killed for not being muslim enough or droned for being muslim! take ur poison ! mosques/mazars bobbed for well being mosques and mazars in pakistan
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BJP fielded 4 MP .. they all lost! including national leader like Sahnawaz Hussain from my home town !

don t worry pole vault champ! we will call you dig soil for their graves !

numbers whatever they may be will be miniscule when compared with muslims killed for not being muslim enough or droned for being muslim! take ur poison ! mosques/mazars bobbed for well being mosques and mazars in pakistan
BJP fielded 4 MP .. they all lost! including national leader like Sahnawaz Hussain from my home town !

don t worry pole vault champ! we will call you dig soil for their graves !

numbers whatever they may be will be miniscule when compared with muslims killed for not being muslim enough or droned for being muslim! take ur poison ! mosques/mazars bobbed for well being mosques and mazars in pakistan

On the face of it I agree with you ,but there is a lot of difference between what has happened to Muslims in India(Gujrat.Kashmir)a secular country and Pakistan which is fighting a covert war waged by U S Intelligence Agencies along with Indian and other enemies of Pakistan,Exactly what happened to Cambodia after U S A lost war in Vietnam. I know it will be hard for you to agree with me,As i said it does not matter if not may Muslims become members of this or that Assembly as long as they get their constitutional rights.
On the face of it I agree with you ,but there is a lot of difference between what has happened to Muslims in India(Gujrat.Kashmir)a secular country and Pakistan which is fighting a covert war waged by U S Intelligence Agencies along with Indian and other enemies of Pakistan,Exactly what happened to Cambodia after U S A lost war in Vietnam. I know it will be hard for you to agree with me,As i said it does not matter if not may Muslims become members of this or that Assembly as long as they get their constitutional rights.

well we are also fighting war against terror longer than any other country !
Most of the states with sizable Muslim population has trusted NDA against whatever and worst in J&K all seats went in to NDA/ BJP bag. Now their Kashmir issue is about to disappear let alone muslim brotherhood cards.


Its' new beginning and we all collectively selected India, we've selected development, we've selected jobs, we've selected security, we've selected peace ..... against hindu, muslim, cast, minority etc. nonsense!
Now that's what i have been telling all along. We need to burn the term "Muslim Card"... An use the term "Indian Card".

But if my time at PDF has shown me, ppl tend to throw personal remarks when confronted by hard data conflicting their imaginary constructs. So be prepared.

Edit: Whys is none of the neighbouring posters minding to comment on the above data ??
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