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The Rise of Adolf Modi

Mujib, This is among the few instance when I concur with you.

The paradox is that till these elections India did not have a Govt, now India does not have an opposition.

1.Thank you. I agree with you. But Congress is an old and massive institution. It will reorg. India has some smart and experienced politicians. I guess an opposition will come up when the heat is gone.

2. Delhi is not Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad. Dynamics here are different. Modi will take time to adjust to the culture of this historic city. Within BJP Modi has competition. Advani is not irrelevant totally. Sushma, Rajnath, Arun Jetly and some others would be jealous of Modi and all his love for Amit Shah.

3. The international bankers and MNCs are overjoyed.But giving land to Tata in Gujarat was easy.Remember how we in both Bengals had thrown Tata out. What I am trying to say is Modi's declared development policies may cause social unrest and produce more Maoists.
1.Thank you. I agree with you. But Congress is an old and massive institution. It will reorg. India has some smart and experienced politicians. I guess an opposition will come up when the heat is gone.

2. Delhi is not Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad. Dynamics here are different. Modi will take time to adjust to the culture of this historic city. Within BJP Modi has competition. Advani is not irrelevant totally. Sushma, Rajnath, Arun Jetly and some others would be jealous of Modi and all his love for Amit Shah.

3. The international bankers and MNCs are overjoyed.But giving land to Tata in Gujarat was easy.Remember how we in both Bengals had thrown Tata out. What I am trying to say is Modi's declared development policies may cause social unrest and produce more Maoists.

The point I made about no opposition is that by the constitution the party who gets to be the leader of opposition should have at least 10 % of the seats in the lower house which is 52 - & no party has reached that figure.

Modi has a good team, after they sort out their allocation of portfolios taking into account coalition partners , they will go about it systematically.

For a start they will focus on the next state elections which shall help them consolidate their hold . The next elections are due in Haryana & Maharastra - places where BJP has done well.

No, there will be no social unrest. Each state has its own dynamics and I am sure shall be factored in. Now , all states are keen to develop.They themselves will find a way.

Even before the results were announced Amul , a Gujarat based company announced setting up a 200 Cr dairy plant in Varanasi. This in itself will give jobs & assured buying source for the copious amount of milk produced. The demand shall be met by drawing milk from the neighboring districts as well.
1.Thank you. I agree with you. But Congress is an old and massive institution. It will reorg. India has some smart and experienced politicians. I guess an opposition will come up when the heat is gone.

2. Delhi is not Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad. Dynamics here are different. Modi will take time to adjust to the culture of this historic city. Within BJP Modi has competition. Advani is not irrelevant totally. Sushma, Rajnath, Arun Jetly and some others would be jealous of Modi and all his love for Amit Shah.

3. The international bankers and MNCs are overjoyed.But giving land to Tata in Gujarat was easy.Remember how we in both Bengals had thrown Tata out. What I am trying to say is Modi's declared development policies may cause social unrest and produce more Maoists.

Delhi and Gujrat are two different beasts. On top of that there are Congress CMs who will cause him trouble as because what is good for India may not be good for Congress. I was reading news that he hasn't called back Obama or Kerry for that matter. Additinally this man is responsible for segregating Gujrat along the religious lines. His manifesto only has less than a full paragraph describing minority issues.

A third of the new BJP MPs have serious criminal backgrounds.

I do think he is the best India has, but he certainly can't walk on water.
Yes,that's correct. At Partition it was expected that India would be called Hindustan - land of the Hindus. This election has again proved the Two Nation Theory correct.

So be happy mate. We don't mind. Funny how you keep highlighting religion while its extreme is the main thing that is hurting your country today.
Delhi and Gujrat are two different beasts. On top of that there are Congress CMs who will cause him trouble as because what is good for India may not be good for Congress. I was reading news that he hasn't called back Obama or Kerry for that matter. Additinally this man is responsible for segregating Gujrat along the religious lines. His manifesto only has less than a full paragraph describing minority issues.

A third of the new BJP MPs have serious criminal backgrounds.

I do think he is the best India has, but he certainly can't walk on water.

1.Modi's first hurdle is making the cabinet. Those left out would be unhappy and conspire. BJP has powerful constituents. There are big business interest groups in BJP or who have been supporting the party.
2. Re- your point about Gujarat and India, let's also note that Gujaratis are a disciplined, organized and enterprising given to obedience to authority. India/Indians taken as a whole are none of these. A dictatorial Modi will find it difficult to operate in Delhi in his trade-mark style. I am saying this even with the knowledge of RSS having a large die-hard cadre.
3. The coming state elections will show how he will fare further.
1.Thank you. I agree with you. But Congress is an old and massive institution. It will reorg. India has some smart and experienced politicians. I guess an opposition will come up when the heat is gone.

Over the years, Congress has degenerated from a strong political party that had immense potential into a family fiefdom that has lost its track to govern, administer and manage the country. It has some of the most so-called educated politicians in economics, finance and other areas but could not do anything about the terrible inflation that made it a pain for the common man to live life peacefully here.

Secondly, this is a party that is no longer governed by a responsible authoritarian figure. While I dislike almost all Congressis, There were some very class leaders that the country was served with: Sardar Patel the Iron Man of India, PM Lal Bahadur Shastri, one of the most loved PMs ever, Indira, not loved but at least decisive; PV Narasimha Rao, the Dabanng PM from Andhra under whom MMS was able to transform Indian economy.

But that is past; voting is done in terms of credibility and performance. Congress biggest bane was that it took cultural, community, caste based politics more than work, development and progressive politics. While parties in Europe compete with each other on creating jobs, increasing national defence and security and providing social benefits to their nations, Congress started using violent and cheap communal tactics against the people of all societies and communities in India to create tensions and vote banks.

However this election simply showed that even Muslims and Christians are fed up of Congress' corrupt and cheap politics.

Why? Because in the end, whatever is people's faith or culture, all humans need food to eat, house to live and clothes to wear.

Something that the Congress has miserably failed to provide and has been arrogantly going about refuting public's anger.

2. Delhi is not Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad. Dynamics here are different. Modi will take time to adjust to the culture of this historic city. Within BJP Modi has competition. Advani is not irrelevant totally. Sushma, Rajnath, Arun Jetly and some others would be jealous of Modi and all his love for Amit Shah.

Today, NaMo is the most powerful man in the country.

Neither Rajnath who is the party president (only one above Modi in ranks in BJP) nor the parent organization the RSS, have any qualms about whom Modi appoints because he has given the party and the country a hope no one was able to give in last 10 years.

Modi is the second only PM to hold the post of party Chairman and leader of the party now after Vajpayee ji.

The cabinet he has appointed is not known but it will be the leanest ever had after Indira's era as per what analysts are predicting.

The Modi Model of governance is a bit like US presidential style where the government structure is more linear and decisive. That is how Gujarat developed because decisions could be taken faster than any other state's bureaucracy and corruption.

3. The international bankers and MNCs are overjoyed.But giving land to Tata in Gujarat was easy.Remember how we in both Bengals had thrown Tata out. What I am trying to say is Modi's declared development policies may cause social unrest and produce more Maoists.

Gujarat's land development policy is the best today in the country as is recognized by multiple third party agencies and government bodies in the country.

Contrary to the rumours that are spread about giving land at below market prices, Modi simply made the acquisition process easier compared to the hundreds of bribes that industrialists have do give to get land.

That's the idea; remove bureaucracy so that jobs are created and economy is back on track.

West Bengal's case was different because Momta could not make Ratan Tata subservient to her political 'considerations'. The land acquisition would have created hundreds of jobs and WB would have had a good chance. Bangladesh as a different country is a matter of your leaders' decision making ability.

As for creating Maoists, I think you are veering way out of the tangent to understand why Maoists came by in the first place. It was nothing to do with industrialization or job creation but the opposite of it where administration and babus took away land along with conniving bigwigs.
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Yes,that's correct. At Partition it was expected that India would be called Hindustan - land of the Hindus. This election has again proved the Two Nation Theory correct.

At partition you never thought East Pakistanis were going to massacred in the same country they created. Infact, the East Bengalis were more desperate for Pakistan even more than Punjabi-Sindhi never knowing their fate about 1971.
Here is the situation in our neighborhood. .


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